Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1291 Farewell

Chapter 1291 Farewell
Hearing this, Concubine Yan Xue's eyes widened, her hands kept shaking, would she die?

"What did you say... I... I'm really going to die?"

"It's true, you should know my background, right? To be honest, I'm really surprised why Pluto knows everything about me." The goddess of life frowned!
"Don't change the subject yet, why would I die because of him?"

"Hehehe... You can't say it. In short, you are right if you listen to me. Although I am a daughter of the sky, if I talk too much, I will get backlash."

"Don't say it, whether it is or not, let it be, if I am destined, I can't hide." Yan Xuefei's face was determined!

The little guy in her arms immediately rubbed and rubbed, and found a comfortable seat to use as a pillow, Yan Xuefei blushed again.

"Whether you listen or not is up to you, just pretend I haven't said it. Since he's not here, I won't wait any longer. When I see him, tell him, I won't give up!" Disappeared, as weird as Ling Yun's movement!
The little guy immediately frowned slightly, as if he had been woken up, Yan Xuefei quickly patted her on the back, coaxed her back, woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't see Ling Yun, so she must be crying.

Silent all night!
At dawn, the Ghost Emperor and the others woke up full of energy. To Concubine Yan Xue's surprise, Ling Yun came back.

"Sissy got up, let's see what Dad brought you?"

"Well... is it Wang Zai?"


"Is it a toy car?"


"Is it delicious?"

"It's nothing, just lie to me to get up." The little guy rubbed his eyes, and his little mouth was pouted.

"It's an artifact skirt!"

"Wow... Papa loves me the most. Without it, it would be inconvenient." The little guy immediately pouted Ling Yun's cheeks, happily!
When Ling Yun helped them put back the artifact skirts, little Irene said aggrievedly: "Brother...I want to have one too, otherwise it's not safe."

After this incident, she became much more cowardly!
Hearing this, Ling Yun was very upset, so he promised little Irene to make one for her too, but the material of the artifact skirt is very special, so it will take some days, little Irene said that there is no problem.

After leaving the tent, the Ghost Emperor and his group were already waiting for Ling Yun, Yan Xuefei also told Ling Yun what happened last night, and the latter shrugged.

"Old boy, I don't know what you plan to do?" Ling Yun asked the ghost emperor and the others in front of him!
The ghost said sadly: "Master Pluto, I don't know that there are rumors outside that the Temple of War God is your power, and I don't know if it's true or not?"

"The Temple of War God is indeed my power, that's right."

Ling Yun nodded!
"Great, Lord Ghost Emperor, my subordinates want to join the Temple of War God, but I will always be a part of Ghost Island. When Ghost Island develops again and needs me, I will be obliged to do so." Gui Jianchou said righteously!
"Hahaha, okay, okay, this old man doesn't intend to force you to stay, go, maybe it's your piece of world there." The ghost emperor laughed out loud, without the slightest bit of displeasure!

"Thank you!"

The ghost said sadly!

"I don't want to leave Oni Island!" Oni Yasha shook his head!
"What are you talking about? Now that Ghost Island is over, you should find a way out for yourself." Ghost Emperor rolled his eyes!

"No... I want to rebuild Onijima and go outside to recruit members!" Oni Yasha replied!

Ghost Shisan said: "Brother Yasha, let's be together, Ghost Island will always be in my heart!"

"It's up to you to decide." The Ghost Emperor sighed helplessly!

Everyone else chose to make a decision with Oni Yasha, so Ling Yun told them the taboos of entering this island, so as to prevent them from being attacked by formations when they enter.

The Ghost Emperor said: "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just practicing here for a few days. The old man already knows that Demon Lord Hong Tian is in the Demon God Sea. I want to seek revenge from him. The pain of sealing me back then is still vivid in my memory."

Ling Yun said: "Go, come back if you can't fight, this island will never sink, it will always be your safe haven!"

He is telling the truth!
The ghost emperor nodded with a smile!
Everyone parted temporarily, Yan Xuefei was in a bad mood, her companion who had been with her for so long was about to be separated, and she felt uncomfortable.

The three little guys acted as adults, while comforting Yan Xuefei, the latter smiled through tears, all because of their cuteness.

The little guy suddenly discovered that there was something moving in the gourd, and then his little eyes looked at the mouth of the gourd!

"Aha, it's Grandpa Six."

"Really?" Beibei couldn't believe it, and insisted on pouring it out. The six protectors inside laughed awkwardly!

"Let me just say... how could Grandpa Liu die, Shuai Shushu must have touched his head." Beibei's tone was very excited, she didn't need to pour out the words to see the busy Six Guardians.

"It's great, the baby thought he couldn't see him anymore." Little Irene rubbed her eyes, as if she wanted to cry.

"Yeah, my papa is the best." The little guy looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, with a very arrogant expression, really cute and cute.

"Okay, don't be so excited, sweating profusely." Ling Yun became speechless, what about these children, their heads are sweating!

Fortunately, Ghost Thirteen had already left, otherwise they would have been scared to death, and the dead spirits would be resurrected, which was unheard of before.

Ling Yun pretends to be sick, so he has to pretend that his strength is so that outsiders can see through it. If his strength is a real fairy, outsiders must see him as a fledgling cultivator.

A group of them followed Yan Xuefei. The latter could not take them to the Wuhun Continent. They had to go to the center of the mainland and pass through the teleportation array there to arrive safely!

After getting out of Ghost Island, under Ling Yun's hard work, they managed to get a fairy artifact that traveled across the ocean, and they were barely able to reach the mainland!

Seeing Ling Yun's pale face again, Beibei and the others were very distressed, but the little guy also said that after she had a meal, she would leave it to Ling Yun to mend her body!

Replenish your body?
When Ling Yun thought about how it sounded so awkward when these words came from his daughter, Yan Xuefei smiled and said nothing, this little guy can laugh them to death sometimes.

Sitting on the celestial device, the little guy and Beibei talked the most, they were just chattering, and only Yan Xuefei could listen carefully to what they had to say.

Ling Yun closed his eyes and took a nap secretly, but the weather was not good, the sky suddenly became gloomy, thunder and lightning flashed!

"Someone has crossed the catastrophe, it seems to be the Immortal Emperor!" Yan Xuefei muttered to herself!

"Ma Ma... what is Transcendence Tribulation!"

The little guy started to gossip, asking endless questions!

At this time, it was rare for Ling Yun to speak: "A cultivator goes against the sky, trying to cultivate a real immortal with a mortal body, and the heaven will bring a catastrophe."

"Is that so, but why don't we use Heavenly Tribulation?" Beibei scratched her head, wondering all over her head.

"The baby was almost hacked to death in the God Realm."

Recalling that when she was in the God Realm, little Irene's cultivation had reached the stage of transcending the catastrophe, which attracted the catastrophe, and she was still terrified at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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