Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1295 Almost Riot

Chapter 1295 Almost Riot (Second Change)


Yan Xuefei doesn't have a single spirit stone on her body, let alone the best!

"Let's...can you accommodate me a bit, I'm from Ghost Island!"

"What?" A certain guard stared wide-eyed, Ghost Island?

"Are you really from Ghost Island?" The guard on the side looked serious!

"No...we're not, she was joking."

Ling Yun hurriedly grabbed Concubine Yan Xue. Now everyone in the Shanyu Continent probably knows about the Pisces Monarch's invasion of Ghost Island. The current Ghost Island doesn't have the slightest influence.

"Are you kidding? Don't talk nonsense in the future. For the sake of your beauty, I will pretend that I didn't hear it. Now the ghost island no longer exists. Facing the Pisces army, the ghost island has no chance of winning. If there are people from the ghost island here , someone will catch it immediately to claim the reward." A guard explained!
"Is there no money?"

"I... I have a few holy artifacts, can I change them?" Yan Xuefei lowered her head and said!

"Find someone else, we don't need it." The guard shook his head!

"If not, please go aside to prevent the people behind from coming in."

"Let's take a rest here, don't worry." Ling Yun smiled slightly!
Yan Xuefei nodded, and complained as she walked: "That old man just passed the tribulation today, really!"

"You know him?"

"Of course, he was a distinguished guest of our Ghost Island before."

"I don't know if it is now or not?" Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, everyone knows the reason why they fly separately in the face of disaster!

"Probably not, her daughter once worshiped me as a teacher, but I didn't accept it, his son..."

In fact, she wanted to say that his son pursued her shamelessly back then, but she didn't accept it. Of course, she would not tell Ling Yun about this!
"People's hearts are unpredictable, I hope it won't be what I thought." Ling Yun said.

The group of them came to the side to rest, Ling Yun frowned, because he was not happy when he heard that he wanted top-grade spirit stones, what kind of place, you need money to enter a city!

This method of accumulating money is really justified! !
I heard that even if adults need it, children need it too, this time Yan Xuefei is not happy, she is making a big fuss at the gate of the city right now!
Yan Xuefei, who was wearing a black silk veil, said: "Come here and listen, what is the reason? We just went to the city to use the teleportation array, but we didn't stay in the city. We received the same, and it was fine. Why is it so small? My child wants it too, but I don't accept it!"

Many people gathered to watch the fun, and someone said: "I am also going to other continents, so I just use the teleportation array. They actually opened their mouths like a lion, asking for as much as a top-grade spirit stone, and I am not convinced."

Hearing this, many people booed, and some even punched the city gate a few times!

"Are you guys out of order?" The guard raised his head and frowned immediately!
"Boss, they want to force their way in." The guard pointed to the group of people in front of him and said!

At this moment, thousands of people gathered outside the gate of the city.

"You are looking for death, whoever wants to break in, come on!!" The guard's head let go, and the power of Immortal Emperor Twelve was released, many people sneered!

Somebody snorted coldly, the guard vomited blood and knelt down, the other two half-orc guards panicked and yelled!

Suddenly, a group of guards came out from the city, there were dozens of them!

The head of the guard wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "Notify the general to come out, someone here is attacking Shanyu City!!"

Ling Yun heard the corners of his mouth twitching, this time the incident was getting worse, he said to Beibei: "Beibei, take a look inside to find a place that is less crowded, let's go in through the Thunder Gate later, there needs to be a group of Soldiers can't get through."

In his opinion, the one guarding the city must be greedy for money, a top-quality spirit stone, thanks to what he said, it would be strange if there were no riots, even if Concubine Yan Xuefei didn't show up, sooner or later the others would make a big fuss.

Bei Bei nodded, then closed her eyes, Ling Yun nodded secretly, and left it to her!
A middle-aged man riding a white horse came out from Concubine Yan Xue's side. He is the goalkeeper!
"give up!"

As soon as he came out, he shocked and injured several people under the strength of the Immortal Emperor, killing chickens to make an example to monkeys!
"You poor ghosts, you want to come in without money. Whoever wants to come in, the corpse can come in." The gatekeeper stared at everyone coldly!

"You fart, who made the rule to accept a top-quality spirit stone?" Someone was not convinced, and arrogantly yelled at the goalkeeper.

Yan Xuefei said: "Do you know who I am?"

When the gatekeeper saw this outfit, he immediately recognized it, but he knew about the Pisces army's invasion of Ghost Island, so he didn't pay attention to her now!
the first!

If the higher-ups knew that he charged such a high fee to enter the city, it would be over!

As long as he resolutely does not let Concubine Yan Xue from Ghost Island enter the city at this moment, the lady of the City Lord's Mansion will not know, besides, the City Lord should not welcome people from Ghost Island right now!

"Hmph, don't associate with me, I don't know you." The gatekeeper snorted coldly!

"You..." Yan Xuefei gritted her teeth, hesitated to speak!
At this time, a big bridal sedan chair came outside, and a male voice came out from inside: "If you don't enter the city, get out, chirping!"

After the words fell, many people gave way one after another! !

Looking at this ostentation, one can tell that this person has a lot of background. It just so happens that Concubine Yan Xue knows her, but the other party does not necessarily know her!

The son of the most powerful force in Shanyu Continent, Wang Tingkun!

"Oh, isn't this the prince, please come inside quickly."

The guards quickly got off their horses to greet him, that attitude was the same as treating his biological parents, no, no, no, more respectful than his biological parents, and the flattery jingled.


He muttered a few words in Wang Tingkun's sedan chair, and the latter smiled heartily.

"Remember your words, let's go." Wang Tingkun said!
When he got to Yan Xuefei's side, Wang Tingkun inside said again: "She is my friend, do you know how to do it?"

"I know, I know, don't worry about my work." The goalkeeper smiled!
When Wang Tingkun disappeared, the gatekeeper said: "You can go in!"

Concubine Yan Xue froze for a moment, was she the friend Wang Tingkun was talking about?
"Why? She can go in for free. I don't accept it. You are unfair. Let me in." Someone yelled!


Just as the goalkeeper was about to make a move, a gust of sword wind from the city killed the dissatisfied person in one go, and the target was locked quickly and ruthlessly!
Only Ling Yun knew who made the move, Wang Tingkun who was sitting in the sedan chair! !

Concubine Yan Xue shook her head, pointed to Ling Yun and said, "They are my family, the man is my husband, and the three are my children, are you together too?"

"Are you married? You even gave birth to a child." The gatekeeper widened his eyes, his face was filled with disbelief, and he scolded his mother fiercely in his heart!

Yan Xuefei nodded, her pink face was full of rosiness, she was also a stopgap measure, just joking.

(End of this chapter)

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