Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296 Setting Up a Bureau (Third Change)

The goalkeeper frowned, then sneered!
"Sorry, I misread it just now, it's you... yes, yes, it's you, you can go in."

He pointed to the closest female monk, who was pretty!

The female monk asked uncertainly!

"Yes, go in quickly, don't block the people who come in behind." The gatekeeper was displeased, his eyes flashed with a cold light.

The female monk was overwhelmed with surprise. After thanking the gatekeeper, she went in regardless of the objections of those behind her.

Because Wang Tingkun did a good job of killing chickens and monkeys, so many people dared not speak out in anger!

Ling Yun blinked, he found that Beibei had closed his eyes for a long time in his arms, what's going on?Shanyu City is only that small, how could she use her divine sense for so long!



"En..." Beibei trembled, and after opening her eyes, she yawned deeply!

She just fell asleep, Ling Yun almost fell to the ground!

"I didn't sleep, I found it." Beibei replied with her head down.

Ling Yun waved to Concubine Yan Xue at the gate of the city, but the latter couldn't see her. The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he shouted in a milky voice, "Mama...Mama!!"

This time Concubine Yan Xue heard it, she turned her head and smiled, but was called back by Ling Yun's gesture!

"Don't worry, I'll incite them again, and they should be able to go in."

"No need, you Ghost Island really failed, even a single fish city goalkeeper is not afraid of you." Ling Yun rolled his eyes and said!
Concubine Yan Xue: "..."

"Babe lead the way."

"Well, come with me." Beibei looked around, as if she had formed a habit.

The group of them walked more than ten meters before entering through the Thunder Gate. Yan Xuefei was always worried that if they used the Thunder Gate openly, their identities would not be discovered!

Good thing!

There was a sound of birds singing on the opposite side, Yan Xuefei patted her heart, as long as there is no one here, but why is this place so familiar to her?
"This...isn't this the City Lord's Mansion?" Yan Xuefei was stunned for a moment!

Ling Yun's face turned black, and asked Beibei to find a place where no one was around, that's it?
Right now, the City Lord's Mansion is the one with the most people!
Beibei curled her lips, and said in a childish voice, "Look, is there anyone?"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he couldn't refute, this garden really didn't have anyone, but it was the center of the City Lord's Mansion.

"No." The little guy responded in a childish voice, and started running around!
"Follow me, it's the City Lord's Mansion now, I'm going to meet Sun Liluo, she is the eldest lady of the City Lord's Mansion."

Immediately, Yan Xuefei took Ling Yun and the others out on a familiar road. According to what she said, she had originally planned to ask her for money through the teleportation array, but now that she came all at once, it would save a lot of trouble.

"Stop, you are not supposed to come inside, go out."

A maid bumped into Ling Yun and his party. There are many people in the city lord's mansion today, so I don't suspect that Ling Yun came in illegally, but no guests can come any further.

"Take me to see your eldest lady, it's my concubine." Yan Xuefei said!
"'s you...please come with me." The maid recognized Yan Xuefei, but she didn't know anything about Guidao, so she still treated her with the most enthusiasm.

After a while, led by the maid, the group of them came to the spacious garden. There were more than 100 people here, all of whom were famous and respected people in the mainland.

after all!

There is an Immortal Emperor 18 character in the Shanyu Continent. That general is comparable in strength to the Pisces Monarch. If not, he can find a deputy general.

Who wouldn't want to curry favor with such a promising person?
"Miss is right in front, and the servants are leaving." The maid pointed to Sun Liluo in the center. The latter was dignified and serious, and was talking enthusiastically with several talented people!
Yan Xuefei said: "Wait for me here, I will say a few words to her, and then I will congratulate my old acquaintance, City Lord Sun, and leave."

Ling Yun nodded, and stood here watching Concubine Yan Xue pass by!

I saw Concubine Yan Xue and Sun Liluo talking and laughing as soon as they met, and all eyes were on her.

Not far away, Wang Tingkun was looking at her, and said to City Lord Sun beside him: "The beauty of Ghost Island is here, your old friend!"

"Fart, the old man and Guidao have been cut off for many years, nephew Wang, don't talk nonsense, it's not good to hear the ears of the Pisces Monarch." City Lord Sun laughed wickedly, quite threateningly.

Wang Tingkun was also very sensible, so he did not continue this topic.

"I don't know if they will? I don't know."

"What... what should I do?" City Lord Sun frowned!
Wang Tingkun smiled, and immediately said: "She is stunning, are you always tempted?"

"Ahem...what can my nephew do?"

"Of course, but you always have to promise Li Luo to marry me."

"Hahaha, it's easy to say, after the matter is done, the old man will naturally promise you!" City Lord Sun laughed loudly, with a trace of desire flickering in his eyes! !
"Then thank you in advance."

"Don't be so anxious, tell me how to get it, that's the most important thing right now." City Lord Sun whispered in Wang Tingkun's ear.

"She will definitely come to congratulate you, and then you tricked her into the study, we ambush her together, she is alone, then you can play as you want, isn't it wonderful?"

Wang Tingkun showed a mean smile, and there was a glint of light in his eyes, but City Lord Sun didn't notice it.

"Wonderful, my nephew is my lucky star." City Lord Sun said.

The two chatted in low voices until Yan Xuefei and Sun Liluo came over to congratulate him.

"Grandpa, my registered master is here, she..."

Sun Liluo didn't mention the matter of borrowing spirit stones, so there's no need to talk about such trivial matters. She herself knew about Guidao. Now that her master has arrived, there is no doubt that Guidao has lost, and the latter will flee!

"Congratulations to City Lord Sun for breaking through to the eighteenth Immortal Emperor!!" Yan Xuefei saluted, that gesture was as attractive as it could be, and many people saw it straight.

"Li Luo, the old man knows, what kind of master is still registered, and she doesn't even recognize you, so there is no need for you to lick your hot face and paste other people's cold ass."

City Lord Sun frowned and said, while Sun Liluo stuck out her tongue, what she decided was useless to anyone, it was this temper!

"City Master Sun said..."

Concubine Yan Xuefei smiled slightly, she didn't expect City Lord Sun to have such an attitude, it really chilled her heart as Ling Yun said, but she really didn't want to be a master herself, teaching apprentices was too tiring.

"Li Luo, just listen to your grandfather, you are right, the world is changing too fast now." Wang Tingkun shook his head and said!

Sun Liluo pursed her lips and snorted coldly: "You don't have to worry about my affairs."

"My dear guest, let's go into the study and talk, there are some things that must be made clear." City Lord Sun said very directly!

(End of this chapter)

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