Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301 Red Lotus Kills (Second Change)

Yan Xuefei said: "Why don't we go back to the City Lord's Mansion and hide for a while.

She wanted to go back to the mansion, and wanted to use Beibei's Thunder Gate to get out of here again, to avoid a fight, and the other party had a lot of people.

Ling Yun shook his head, he didn't need to run away, even if it was really a tiger in Pingyang, he would not run away, there was an arrogance in his bones, as if he was born with the demeanor of a king.

"What are you running away from? Don't worry, I still have some means to save my life." Ling Yun smiled slightly, signaling to Concubine Yan Xue not to be so nervous, and the latter breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon." Liu Fu stared at Ling Yun, if eyes could kill, Ling Yun would die thousands of times!

"It's pretty fast. You don't even want to live a little longer, but you have to die." Ling Yun shook his head!

The head of the Zhang family, one of the eight great families, said: "Who is this kid? Old Liu seems to have a grudge against him for killing his mother."

He didn't go to the city lord's tribulation banquet today, his son went!

"That Lengtouqing seems to be the patriarch of Yu Zong's suzerain, killed Liu Zelong!"

"Sect Master Yu Zong? No wonder he looks so familiar." Patriarch Zhang shook his head and laughed, and then thought, this is none of his business, he is here to snatch the position of city lord.

The other Patriarch Wang said with a sneer: "Old Liu should not be able to win the position of city lord, and there is one less opponent."

"Everyone, help me kill them together. How about I promise not to fight for the position of city lord?" Liu Fu said to the heads of other aristocratic families.

Patriarch Wang, who was the first to speak, shook his head and said, "Old Liu, this is a matter between you and Suzerain Yuzong, we will not interfere, you can do whatever you want."

It is obvious that he will not help Liu Fu. As for whether others will, it is hard to say.

Master Zhang also shook his head and refused: "Old Wang is right."

Hearing this, the other Patriarchs shook their heads one after another, why should they do such a thankless thing, all of them are very shrewd.

Liu Fu clenched his fists angrily, and then forced out a smile: "If you don't help me, the old man will announce that secret."

Hearing this, the faces of the Patriarchs of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families suddenly changed!
"Old Liu, you've gone too far. This is obviously a matter between you and Sect Master Yu. Why did you drag us into the water?" Patriarch Wang suddenly became angry, and stared at Liu Fu with chills!

Ling Yun frowned, what kind of secret could it be that made them panic like this?

The head of the Zhang family cursed inwardly, the ninth person should not know that secret, otherwise the treasure would not belong to them, and they would be able to carve up all the things inside, including the treasure, in one year.

"Old Liu, we have sworn to the Heavenly Tribulation, whoever speaks out will be struck with thunder!" said a certain patriarch, his face even more ugly.

"It doesn't matter if you die, but you can't drag us down. You know, how long have we waited for that moment? How much have we paid?"

The face of the Patriarch Ma at the far side was quite gloomy. No one knew that the eight of them were disciples of the famous Qingshan Sect in Shanyu Continent back then, and they were all senior brothers who had lived together for many years!

One day, they went out to practice in the mountains, went to a secret place, and got a piece of news, which recorded the whereabouts of the ancient magic weapon, Taixu Shenjia, and it was at the place where Emperor Qingtian fell!

Emperor Qingtian was the most powerful person in Shanyu Star, but unfortunately he was killed by the successor of the Devil's Forbidden Code. In this battle in Shanyu Continent, [-]% of them died.

In the deepest part of the forbidden area of ​​Shanyu Continent, there are dense monsters, poisonous insects infested, and poisonous gas coming out all the year round. No one can survive there.

But the news records that after 2000, the poisonous gas will disappear for a month, which is a good opportunity for them.

Next year will be the year when the poisonous gas will disappear, so what they are waiting for is this opportunity. In order to keep this secret, they swear to the sky.

Liu Fu's face was grim, and he shouted: "I don't care, I want him to die! I want him to die! Otherwise, I won't be reconciled, why is Qingtian big..."


When he was about to speak, Master Zhang kicked him over, and the latter spat blood on his back!

"Old Zhang, are you serious?"

"You forced me!" Master Zhang's face twisted, and the two families immediately fought hand to hand.

Yan Xuefei said: "Is this ready to fight?"

The head of Yuzong laughed loudly: "It's good to rebel in the nest!"

The little guy blinked and blinked!

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, is there something they are hiding from us?"

Ling Yun nodded and replied with a smile: "It must be some magic weapon, otherwise they wouldn't have let them fight like this."

magic weapon?

The eyes of the little guy and Beibei are round and round, but little Irene's eyes are shining brightly, which can make Ling Yun say that it is a magic weapon, it may be incredible.

A certain Patriarch said: "Everyone calm down, there are only a few of them at the moment, with their children, we might as well help Lao Liu."

To be honest, they were all worried that Liu Fu would jump over the wall and tell the secret. In their eyes, Liu Fu could do anything.

"Okay, but just this time, there will be absolutely no next time!" Patriarch Wang said angrily.

"Thank you, old man, for being here, hahaha." Liu Fu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, not caring about being kicked just now.

Ling Yun smiled charmingly and said, "Let's go."

"Old Ancestor, you go first, I'll stay and hold them back." Yu Zong's Sect Master said, with an attitude of death.

The little guy shook his head, she refused to leave: "Baby, baby!"

Little Irene excitedly said: "Where is it, then?" Her eyes looked everywhere!

Concubine Yan Xue: "..."

"Here, look!" A red lotus floated out of Ling Yun's hand, and the three little guys stared wide-eyed.

The little guy started to have doubts again, is this the magic weapon?
When she is ignorant?

And why is this lotus platform red, not black?It is similar to the shape of her eyebrows.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? Is it powerful!" Beibei asked curiously!
"Listen, everyone, let's go together and blow them to death." Liu Fu said fiercely, staring fiercely at Ling Yun!

It's very common for everyone to pay attention to the lotus in Ling Yun's hand.

Immediately, the eight younger disciples made their moves together, and the martial arts alone dazzled people.

Concubine Yan Xue closed her eyes, she couldn't imagine what it would be like when she picked it up!

Sect Master Yu took a step forward, raised a layer of shield, Ling Yun said: "Stand back, Beibei uses magic fist!"

Concubine Yan Xue: "..."

Beibei punched out, and everyone couldn't see clearly because of the light, they just knew that their joint martial arts were shattered!

And the shield of Sect Master Yu himself was shattered from the inside to the outside.

The next moment, a red lotus floated over!
With a loud noise, the outside of the city lord's mansion was instantly razed to the ground, and the huge heat seemed to burn through the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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