Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1302 Poison Forest

Chapter 1302 Poison Forest

Concubine Yan Xue, Sun Liluo and the suzerain of Yuzong were all in a cold sweat!
I thought to myself, can this little thing explode with such a strong force?
The three little guys opened their mouths wide, what kind of magic weapon is this, so powerful?
Ling Yun walked over, squatted down, and held the dying Liu Fu's head!
Soul search!

Liu Fu's memory was extracted in an instant, and he was so painful that he couldn't scream. There were screams all around, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood and dust.

The gate of the City Lord's Mansion was closed tightly, and everyone was terrified and did not dare to come out to see what happened.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth sneered, he had already read Liu Fu's news about the secret, and he was very interested in going there!

Only yesterday I promised to give little Irene a magic weapon similar to an artifact skirt, and now there is information about the materials, what a timely help!
As far as he knows, the Taixu God Armor seems to be a piece of earth-shattering armor that he refined himself. His memory is a little fuzzy, it seems that it was refined and given away in ancient times, and he doesn't know if it is called this.

What Ling Yun didn't know was that Patriarch Wang wasn't dead, he was almost dead.

When Ling Yun led the little ones out of here, Patriarch Wang struggled to take out a communication talisman from his arms. He saw Ling Yun's actions. Although he didn't know it was a soul search, he guessed it!
"Glorious Age Auction... I have important information, ahem... the ancient Taixu God Armor, the magic weapon of Emperor Qingtian, in..."

He knew he couldn't survive, so he broke his oath and had to inform others, so that the Void Armor would not fall into Ling Yun's hands, and the Shengshi Auction might kill Ling Yun and avenge himself. Tie Suan had a very good plan shrewd!

He broke his oath, and he himself was struck to death by lightning!
He can't deal with the poisonous gas, the Shengshi Auction will have such a big force.

As soon as the Shengshi Auction heard the news, it immediately dispatched three Immortal Emperor eighteen to the Shanyu Continent, and contacted all the staff of the Shengshi Auction in the Shanyu Continent for full assistance!
These three Immortal Emperor Eighteen are all well-known figures in ancient times, and they are all the deacons of the Shengshi Auction.

If they get the Taixu Shenjia, it can be said that they will transfer a lot of money. Once it is sold to others for hundreds of thousands of top-quality spirit stones, it is the most conservative estimate. Once it is auctioned, the estimate will be even higher!
Ling Yun and his party found a small teahouse to sit down, and he had something to tell Suzerain Yuzong!
Yan Xuefei was also having a full meal with a few little ones, the teahouse was nothing good, just a few famous steamed buns from the Shanyu Continent with tea, even so they ate with relish.

Ling Yun said: "Little Yu'er, how are things going?"

"Old Ancestor, the Fish Sect is very strong now. It can be said that the Shanyu Continent has no opponents. Do you want to rule? I am afraid that the Pisces Monarch will not allow it."

The head of the Yu Sect has not forgotten what Ling Yun said when he founded the Yu Sect!
First, help Pluto collect where those ancient characters died, which caused him to be lonely and invincible and sleep for millions of years.

Except for some who were played to death by him, many of them disappeared, so he went to Demon God Sea, but lost the bet again.

Second, in the future, as long as Pluto gives an order, Yuzong must rule Shanyuxing, and fight all directions for it, going through fire and water.

"Rule it. Pisces is dead. Once the news spreads, his territory will undergo earth-shaking changes. Be careful, don't let them know that Yuzong belongs to me."

Ling Yun knew very well that Ye Lingyun had escaped, and he didn't know what plan the latter would have. He had to do something himself.

Besides, even if he helps the little guy!

Many continents have Ling Yun's forces, but at that time he was just playing around, and some of them were wiped out by other forces.

"What? The Emperor Pisces is dead?" The head of the Fish Sect was shocked, and then he realized that he must have offended the god of death, Hades.

"Let's rule the single fish star, but you must obey the crowd, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, wait for my notice after ruling." Ling Yun said.

"This old man will surely fulfill his mission." Yu Zong's suzerain vowed.

Then he said again: "The matter that the ancestor asked me to investigate at the beginning, now there are some clues."

"Where did they go, don't tell me they are all in the Demon God Sea!"

"Most of them went to the Demon God Sea, and they only went there when they were rumored to be dead. In fact, they didn't die at all."

This is someone who the Sect Master Yu met by chance once, who came out of the Demon God Sea to handle errands, and that person was believed to have died in the Twelve Realms.

"Oh... avoid me?"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and a thought immediately came to his mind.

"There are still some, they hide their identities and become villagers in the mountains." The head of Yuzong also explained with a speechless expression.

"Do you know where they are?"

"Old Ancestor, I have already found out some of them, and this is where they are." Sect Master Yu took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it to Ling Yun!

"Hmm... well done."

Ling Yun laughed!

The head of Yuzong shook his head, he should do things for Lingyun!
Concubine Yan Xue took Sun Liluo to Ling Yun's side, who was still looking sad.

"This senior fellow Taoist, I would like to ask you for a favor." Yan Xuefei saluted slightly, her tone very soft!
"Don't dare to do it, what's the matter, just tell me to do it." Sect Master Yu shook his head, his strength was a bit higher than that of Concubine Yan Xue, but he didn't dare to be his senior in front of Ling Yun.

"This is my apprentice, but she has her own thoughts at the moment, and she wants to go back to the academy. I don't feel at ease on the way, can I ask you to escort me?"

"It's easy to talk about, easy to talk about." Sect Master Yu looked at Ling Yun, waiting for the latter's answer.

"You go, it must be delivered safely." Ling Yun said calmly.

"My son, thank you."

Apart from the academy, Sun Liluo had no place to stay, and she didn't want to run away with Concubine Yan Xue, after all, she didn't know that the latter was not running away.

Just like that, the head of Yuzong left with Sun Liluo, and there were only a few of them sitting quietly in the teahouse!

Ling Yun and the three little guys are going to the forbidden area of ​​Shanyu Continent, the Poison Forest!

This time he stopped being lazy, and with a light step, he directly opened the Thunder Gate.

The three little guys didn't pay attention, didn't they say it couldn't be used!
Concubine Yan Xue was very worried about Ling Yun's state, and she always cared about the latter, asking for his warmth!
In the blink of an eye, they appeared in an open space in the deepest part of the poisonous forest.

"Where is this?" The little guy pouted, looking at the deep jungle!
"It's dark."

Beibei looked around curiously, the air was very strange, the child didn't know it was poisonous gas.

Yan Xuefei swept away her consciousness and was stunned!What are they doing in the forbidden area of ​​Shanyu Continent, and she feels light-headed and hard to breathe!

"Ling Yun, let's go out, we came to the wrong place, this is not Wuhun Continent." Yan Xuefei's face suddenly turned pale, she was already poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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