Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1303 The Strongest Dragon Might

Chapter 1303 The Strongest Dragon Might

Concubine Yan Xue's body was almost on the verge of falling, but Ling Yun lowered her arms to support her and gave her a holy light, and the latter regained consciousness.

This poisonous forest!

One towering tree after another stood tall, majestic and majestic, and various roars came from the primitive mountains, one after another, astonishing souls.

The three little guys hugged together in fright!

Ling Yun frowned!
From the deep poisonous forest, rays of light floated out, and the place where the rays of light went was full of life, and all the poisonous gas was purified!
"is her!"

Ling Yun wondered in his heart that the Goddess of Life is actually here, and it seems that she has just arrived, so I don't know if it has the same purpose as him.

"The poisonous gas is gone." Yan Xuefei blinked her beautiful eyes, her body also felt a little bit, and the breath of the goddess of life was in the depths.

"Papa... There are so many flowers here." The little guy seemed to enjoy the glow, ran over, and began to be curious about the flowers that suddenly grew on the ground.

"Let's pick it."

Just do what you say, Beibei has a bunch of them in his hands, and Yan Xuefei is waiting for them next to them!
And Ling Yun looked at the little guy's innocent smile, and he also smirked!

A huge centipede drilled out from the ground, it seemed to be affected by the rays of the sun, it was getting angry, glaring at Ling Yun!

It was the first time for the three little guys to see a huge centipede!

The thousand-legged centipede was covered in poison, and it must have rejected the purifying rays of the goddess of life. With a low growl, its body swooped down.

Ling Yun frowned, and took three steps back!

"Are you courting death!!"

The centipede ignored Ling Yun's warning and spit out a large amount of venom!
Do mere human beings dare to be mad in front of it?Poison him! !

"Yo ho, I'm still angry." Ling Yun smiled and patted the palm of his hand gently!

The huge centipede was immediately severely injured by a huge force, and it lost all vitality. Maybe it didn't know what kind of existence it had messed with.

Ling Yun walked over slowly, under the imprint of a huge palm, the blood of the whole centipede was all over the surroundings.

"good stuff."

He took out the monster inner alchemy of the centipede and the venom, and burned everything else.

The little guy didn't care what happened here, he just focused on picking flowers, and with the help of Yan Xuefei, he picked a whole basket!

When Ling Yun walked over, the little guy said softly, "Papa, isn't it pretty?"

Her little finger pointed to her fruit, the flowers in the flower basket!

"Pretty, what does Qianqian want them for!" Ling Yun was very curious!
"For you."

The little guy smiled happily, and then gave all the flowers to Ling Yun. When Xin Fu smiled, the little guy would sometimes make him happy.


"Say thank you!"

"Thank you." Ling Yun laughed!
Concubine Yan Xue looked at their father and daughter and smiled sweetly in her heart!
"Godmother, don't be envious, Beibei will send you flowers."

"!!" Little Irene was in charge of taking pictures!
Beibei looked back, then directly stuffed the flower into Yan Xuefei's hand, and went to look at the photo taken by little Irene.

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing, Beibei sent flowers just to take pictures, and no one else, luckily Yan Xuefei didn't know, otherwise her face would turn black.

The little guy pointed to the sky and shouted: "Papa...Look, there are so many bumblebees."

Ling Yun frowned, this is interesting, the poisonous monsters in the poisonous forest are all coming here, they are really a group of reckless ants with low IQ!

"Surrender or die!"

A huge dragon's power emanated from Ling Yun's body, directly affecting the entire Shan Yuxing!

The most low-level poisonous forest monsters immediately died, such as the poisonous hornets flying from the sky, falling down one by one.

In an instant, all the monsters in the poisonous forest surrendered, trembling one by one, like frightened little rabbits, unable to resist.

The terrifying Longwei swept across the Shanyu Continent, and everyone's faces turned pale instantly. The invisible oppression made it difficult for them to breathe.

Concubine Yan Xue's eyes widened, and her mouth opened slightly. Although Longwei didn't affect her, she could see that all the monsters were afraid of Ling Yun!
When Long Wei disappeared, all the monsters bowed down to Ling Yun, and then fled away!

And little Irene rushed up, hugged Ling Yun's legs, and said in a childish voice: "The king... brother is the king!"

Only she knows what that dragon power means, even if it is her, the eighteenth peak of the Immortal Emperor, the dragon power emitted can only affect one tenth of the poisonous forest.

And Ling Yun's ability to frighten the entire single fish star can be said to be very terrifying, and no one in the Dragon Clan can do it.

"Little Irene, you can do it when you grow up." Ling Yun patted her little head with a smile.

These words are just to encourage her, she will never be stronger than his Longwei, including the little guy's Blood Dragon Yuan, never will be able to.

This answer can only be found in the memory of the ancient times. When he woke up from the ancient times, he was full of doubts.

Little Irene is very smart, and she knew it was impossible, so she shook her head lightly, cute!
The little guy muttered, she didn't understand anything, all she knew was that her father had scared away the monsters and there was nothing left to play.

Maybe I fell in love with a little pet again, now it's all right, there's nothing left!
"That's not power, but breath?"

Concubine Yan Xue frowned tightly, she is not from the dragon clan, and the power of Longwei did not affect her, so she didn't know what it was, but felt a trace of inexplicable things emanating from Ling Yun's body.

"Probably." Ling Yun turned around, explaining the doubts in Concubine Yan Xue's mind, but why did these words sound so perfunctory.


"Handsome Shushu, are we looking for an artifact?" Beibei asked suddenly, otherwise how could he come to this terrible place, full of poisons!
"Probably." Ling Yun nodded, Taixu Shenjia is a divine weapon, an ancient divine weapon!

There was a gleam of light in the little guy's eyes, and the eyes of Xiao Caifan came again.


What artifact?
Concubine Yan Xue asked Ling Yun curiously, but the latter smiled mysteriously.

She thought of the Goddess of Life inside, and immediately thought that it was one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, and she also had an excited look on her face.

"Concubine Xue, you can take them in, she has already taken that item."

Ling Yun frowned, he had to avoid the Goddess of Life, and there were a few people approaching here without knowing their life or death.

"What... what should we do, we still have to go in?"

Since they were all taken away by the Goddess of Life, why go in!

"Come in, why don't you come in, Sissy... When you see her, ask her for a magic weapon, remember to act like a baby, or don't come back." Ling Yun touched the little guy's head with a smile, and the latter nodded , the childish voice said that there must be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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