Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1313

Chapter 1313
The little guy blinked and blinked, and then asked: "Isn't there a prince of the Wuhun Empire?"

The encyclopedia was silent for a while, and then said: "Yes... 1 years ago, he did photograph the poisonous weed, but he handed it over to the Juechen Poison Palace, and I don't recommend you go to the Juechen Poison Palace, the same! It's too dangerous, If you let him know what I said, you must kill me!"

Speaking of it, it has a look of fear on its face. He is not something that a book spirit can mess with. It records in the book the moment when the ancient Hades woke up. It is simply indescribable!
"Oh..." The little guy rolled his eyes again and again, not knowing what to do for a while, his little head hung down.

Beibei said: "Don't be afraid, let's go with the godmother, she must have a way."

After making a plan, the little guy quickly took back the encyclopedia and went out with the porridge in his hands!
Only Lingyun and the others were left in the yard, and Duoshuiliu's family went back.

"Mama, shall we go find Yan Mama?" The little guy said coquettishly, hugging An Qing's arms!

"It's itchy... Okay, okay, I'll take you there later." An Qing reluctantly agreed to them!
But Ling Yun said that he would not go, he wanted to find the elder of the Yan family, who was fishing outside Suiyue City every day, and he wanted to find out the whereabouts of Wang Ding, the medicine king!

After An Qing and the others left, Ling Yun also left!
Years outside the city!

The grand elder of the Yan family was wearing a bamboo hat and baiting, and there was a big fish in the barrel beside him, which he just caught.

Ling Yun, dressed normally and wearing a pair of sunglasses, walked over, quietly looking at this small fish pond!
The grand elder of the Yan family frowned, cast a glance at Ling Yun, and said nothing, he just concentrated on fishing, as long as Ling Yun bothered him, he couldn't say anything.

I was just curious about Ling Yun who was dressed strangely, so I took a few more glances.

In a moment!
Ling Yun is going to come to a Jiang Taigong to fish, and those who wish will take the bait!
He prepared the seat and took out the fishing rod that hadn't been used for a long time. The fishing rod looked like a high-end product. The elder of the Yan family cast a glance and thought in his heart that it was so delicate!

Then Ling Yun mixed some bait and started fishing!
The grand elder of the Yan family shook his head, thinking to himself that it was strange for Ling Yun to be able to catch fish like this. Fishing is tricky, and people like Ling Yun can only be busy.

He had just finished shaking his head when Ling Yun's fishing rod started to move!

Then a fat fish took the bait, and Ling Yun hummed happily!
The elder of the Yan family twitched the corner of his mouth, secretly thinking that it was just a fluke for the first time, maybe the fish was blind!
"My grass!"

The grand elder of the Yan family jumped up this time, because within a minute of Ling Yun's fishing, he caught another fish. This fish was a little different, and it was more difficult to catch!

He fished here for more than a year before catching one, and it was not as big as Ling Yun's.

This time the grand elder of the Yan family said: "Boy, you are lucky!"

"Hehe, better than you!" Ling Yun replied with a smile!

Hearing this, the grand elder of the Yan family was a little displeased, he was saying that he was unlucky, but anyone with some strength would look down on a real immortal like Ling Yun.


The grand elder of the Yan family snorted coldly!
Ling Yun opened his mouth and said: "Your fishing skills are poor, and your luck is not good either!"

The grand elder of the Yan family was already a little angry, thinking to himself that a real fairy boy actually said that he is not good at skills?
"Where are you from!"

He intends to ask Ling Yun about his family background, and if it is not good, he will teach him a lesson!
"I just settled here for a day." Ling Yun replied calmly!
"Do you know the Yan Mansion in the City of Time?"


"Now Yan Mansion is a big family that can be counted in Time City and even Wuhun Empire, so you know who I am."

"You? A bad old man, you are that onion!!"

Ling Yun shook his head and said, at this moment, he didn't care about the ghostly expression of the elder of the Yan family, he hurriedly collected the rod, and caught another one, thinking in his heart that he would have a whole fish feast tonight!
The elder of the Yan Family Taishang had an evil smile on his lips. It was a fluke once, it was lucky the second time, and there was something wrong the third time! !
"Hmph, I'm the grand elder of the Yan family, and my strength is as high as the sky. You kid offended me today, so hurry up and give the old man the secret technique of fishing in your hand, and the fishing rod. I want it, otherwise..."

The grand elder of the Yan family stared at Ling Yun, with a hint of greed flashing in his eyes!

"Otherwise what?" Ling Yun laughed, was this trying to threaten him?

"Cough cough..." Seeing that Ling Yun was confident and did not report his identity without causing a trace of panic on the other party's face, the elder of the Yan family said, "I will give you five hundred spirit stones."

"Lingshi? I don't need it." Ling Yun shook his head, amused in his heart, he turned from threats to lures, he is not a greedy person.

"That's enough, don't push yourself too hard, 1000 yuan, no more!"

Ling Yun shook his head again, he caught another fish, and the face of the elder of the Yan family was extremely ugly, since Ling Yun came here, he had never seen a fish hair.


The Grand Elder of the Yan Family suddenly let go of his aura, but Ling Yun suddenly turned his head and glared at the Grand Elder of the Yan Family, who fell off the stool in fright!
"You... who are you?" The grand elder of the Yan family was sweating profusely, and looked at Ling Yun with some fear. The aura he used just now would make people under the immortals vomit blood!
But at this moment Ling Yun was not only fine, but he was startled when he stared at him, he was really shocked, and Ling Yun was very calm, that's why he behaved like this.

"Hehe, want to know? Answer me a few questions, and I'll let you go, otherwise, even if you are from the Yan family, I can't let you go easily!" Ling Yun suddenly became serious.

"Old man... I..."

The grand elder of the Yan family was frightened, what kind of eyes did Ling Yun have?As if to be bloodthirsty, after all, he has traveled to the Twelve Realms for so long, and this is the first time he has seen it! !

"Did you know about the news about Yao Wang Ding?" Ling Yun asked, continuing to fish, and becoming a fool again, like the sunny boy next door!

"Old man..." The grand elder of the Yan family was shocked, he had seen the medicine king cauldron before, but how could the boy on the other side know!

A figure flew over quickly in the distance, it was a guard of the Yan Mansion!
"Subordinates see the Supreme Elder!"

"what's up."

The grand elder of the Yan family was taken aback, feeling that Ling Yun had undergone a slight change, he couldn't tell what he felt.

"I just received the news that the Pisces Monarch is aggressively attacking Guidao, I don't know if I should tell Miss Concubine!" The guard half knelt down and said!

The grand elders of the Yan family looked at Ling Yun, while the guards were curious as to why their grand elders looked at the cloud of air!
"Don't tell her. Immediately block the news in the Yan Mansion. You should do it immediately and notify the ancestor."


As soon as the guards left, the grand elder of the Yan family suddenly slapped Ling Yun, and the terrifying force shook the fish pond to pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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