Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1314 Disappointment!

Chapter 1314 Disappointed! (third change)

Ling Yun waved his backhand, and returned that terrifying palm untouched to the elder of the Yan family. The latter stared wide-eyed, and then quickly dodged!

The place where he was standing was horrible, but the elder of the Yan family swallowed hard!

"You still have another chance. If you have another chance, you will live to be 13 years old in this life!" Ling Yun said with a half-smile, and Po Wangzhi basically knew everything!

The trembling body of the grand elder of the Yan family looked at Ling Yun with fear on his face, and the latter continued to fish without being disturbed by the muddy water in the fish pond.

"Medicine...Yao Wang Ding...I have indeed seen it, Wangyou Valley. Ten years ago, I accidentally saw it in Wangyou Valley!"

At that time, Wuyou Valley was full of worry-free flowers, the sky suddenly brightened like the sun, and the grand elder of the Yan family looked up and saw a huge medicine cauldron!

He had seen the appearance of Wang Ding in ancient books, so he recognized it immediately.

Countless worry-free flowers were sucked into the cauldron by it, and then spun wildly. When he approached step by step, it suddenly dodged spiritually, and then became more and more blurred.

The grand elder of the Yan family searched the entire Wuyou Valley but did not see any trace of the Yaowang Ding again!

Ling Yun said: "That's it?"

The grand elder of the Yan family trembled and said: "That's it, I really only saw it once, I don't know where it is now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yun slapped him. This time, the Grand Elder of the Yan family felt a huge force, and he was immediately stunned!
"Cough cough..."

Although it was very painful, after he got up, he kept coughing, and was extremely shocked in his heart. The kid in front of him had a higher level of cultivation than him, and he just deliberately let outsiders see his true immortal strength!

"Do you know why I hit you!" Ling Yun asked!
"The old man doesn't know."

The grand elder of the Yan family did not dare to move, his scalp was numb.

Another slap, this time the grand elder of the Yan family spit out a mouthful of blood as soon as he was slapped, and after flying tens of meters crookedly to the ground, he spat out another mouthful of blood!

He just wants to say at this moment, I am too difficult...


He got up suddenly and ran back!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled up into a smile, and said: "You can run, if I go to the Yan Mansion, it will not be so simple."

Hearing this, the grand elder of the Yan family immediately stopped, and then ran back to Ling Yun!
"The old man was wrong, I didn't run away, I did it subconsciously..."

Another slap!

After Ling Yun finished beating, he smiled wryly and said, "It's not that I want to beat you, it's subconscious."

The grand elder of the Yan family spat out a mouthful of blood, secretly thinking that he was too bullying.

"The old man said... As I said, I also saw a young man in the Valley of No Cares. The old man speculates that the young man has something to do with it."

"Oh? Why did you say that?" Ling Yun asked back.

"First, when the old man went to Wuyou Valley, there was obviously no one in the valley."

"Secondly, the old man asked him if he saw anything unusual. The young man was very calm, and he said no!"

"Third, there was a dazzling light at that time, which could be seen by the entire Wuyou Valley, that young man was lying!"

After the grand elder of the Yan family finished speaking, he began to swallow the elixir, and his pale face gradually returned to blood!
Ling Yun frowned, and said calmly: "Think carefully, have you missed anything important?"

The grand elder of the Yan family was lost in memory, and after a while, he was pleasantly surprised: "Is he near the Valley of No Cares? The old man found out that he is quite familiar with it!"

Ling Yun raised his palm, the grand elder of the Yan family trembled all over, and the former just straightened his sunglasses.

He was really afraid of hitting too much!
"What kind of clothes is he wearing, what are his fingernails like!" Ling Yun asked!
The grand elder of the Yan family recalled again, and after a while, his clothes were very ordinary, his cultivation had reached the late stage of Xianjun, and his nails were very slender, as beautiful as a woman.

"Did you see his nails clearly?" Ling Yun frowned, and immediately wanted to know, this is the key!
The grand elder of the Yan family said: "I've seen it before. When he was picking the worry-free flowers, the old man paid attention. He took off the flower heads directly, and looked at his nails clearly!"

Hearing this, Ling Yun kept silent, immediately put away the fishing rod, took out the fish in the bucket and left!
The elder of the Yan family was left alone in a mess in the wind.

Ling Yun was really disappointed to hear such news. His nails were slender and beautiful, which meant that the man was not an alchemist, and the nails of an alchemist would turn black or dark.

Without an alchemist, it is impossible for the Medicine King Cauldron to be on him.

If he was an alchemist, he would not have made a mistake. Picking worry-free flowers, he would not only need the flower head, but the effect of the flower head would be halved. This is a low-level mistake, and Yao Wangding would not choose such a stupid inheritor.

Back in Long Beibei Paradise, Ling Yun was speechless to Concubine Yan Xuefei's grandfather. Such logic dared to say that the medicine king cauldron was in the hands of that young man, and there was a big event about Pisces fighting Ghost Island.

The little guy had a great time playing in the Yan Mansion. Concubine Yan Xue was temporarily placed under house arrest in the Yan Mansion. She still doesn't know what happened to her ancestor's death order.

There was still no news about the poisonous weed she asked the guards to inquire about last night. She was very anxious and wanted to know the result in just one night.

The little guy asked little Irene to play with An Qing, and she and Beibei took Yan Xuefei to the side mysteriously!
"Yan Mama, I know where the poisonous weed is." The little guy said in a milky voice!
"Qi Qian, don't make trouble." Yan Xuefei laughed a lot. She is only a child, what can she understand!
"Really, we all know." Beibei's expression was very serious!

"Oh... where?"

Yan Xuefei just asked it as a joke.


"" The little guy seems to have forgotten, which is embarrassing!

Beibei said: "The northernmost part, what kind of swamp, is so dangerous!"

"Okay, okay, I will remember it." Yan Xuefei smiled slightly, and Qianqianyu fingered their pink faces, this sentence reminded her!

The growth environment of the poisonous grass is dark and humid, and the northernmost swamp is very suitable for this place.

No matter what, she plans to send a few people to take a look, maybe there really is one!
When An Qing left with the three little guys, Yan Xuefei was about to go out to do some errands, but she found that she was already trapped in the formation!
"What's the matter with you? Why do you trap me? I want to see the Patriarch!" Yan Xuefei said angrily to the maid waiting outside.

"Miss Concubine, this is not something the Patriarch can decide, it is the order of the Supreme Elder and Patriarch."

The guard who heard the sound explained.

Concubine Yan Xue was dumbfounded, what are those two strange old men doing?
As soon as the grand elder of the Yan family came back, he was in a particularly bad mood, because he was beaten up by Ling Yun, and he remembered that the little guy's eyebrows looked like Ling Yun, so he became even more angry.

This is not!

In order for Concubine Yan Xue not to receive news from Ghost Island, after discussing with the ancestor, he directly used the formation to temporarily trap her for a period of time, so that she would not have to go back to fight Pisces when she heard that Ghost Island was in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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