Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1315 Locking Dragon Tower Broken

Chapter 1315 Lock Dragon Pagoda Broken (Part [-])
Although Concubine Yan Xue was trapped in the courtyard, she was still determined and asked a few guards to do something for her privately, and the grand elder of the Yan family agreed!

Concubine Yan Xue looked at the five early subordinates of the Immortal Emperor, she was speechless, their strength was too low!
"Miss Concubine, what are your orders?" the leader asked.

"My concubine asked you to do a strict matter, and you must never let others know, do you understand?" Yan Xuefei's face became serious.

The leader frowned first, then nodded and said, "This subordinate will definitely try his best and keep it secret."

Concubine Yan Xue knew that they would definitely not keep it secret, once she told them, she would be asked by her grandfather for questioning when she turned around, but right now she had no choice but to tell them.

"The five of you go to the northernmost part of the Wuhun Continent, the Swamp of Fear, to look for the poisonous weeds. You must find them for me. After that, each of you will get [-] top-quality spirit stones."

The leader looked at the other four brothers, and then said: "Five of us brothers will go to the northernmost terrifying swamp, and we will escape death!"

"Whoever has an accident, the family can receive three thousand top-grade spirit stones."


To be honest, the price is too low, and this is a life-threatening place.

"I don't need you to be able to retrieve the poisonous yin weed, you just go look for it and make sure there is no poisonous yin weed in it."

Concubine Yan Xue only needs to be sure that there are poisonous weeds in that place, and she will naturally have a way to get them.

This is also very dangerous. The man in the lead is very smart. Although the risk factor of searching is lower than that of getting it back, it still needs to go deeper.

Concubine Yan Xue frowned, and said in a deep voice, "[-] top-grade spirit stones per person, and [-] per person if something happened, this is the bottom line of a concubine."

The leading man looked at his brothers and nodded one by one, and then he agreed. For Lingshi, he is not afraid of death.

"We agreed."

"Very good, the sooner you start, the better." Yan Xuefei nodded!
When the five of them left, they were immediately invited over by the grand elder of the Yan family.

The five of them promised that Concubine Yan Xue would not tell others. The elder of the Yan family was slightly surprised, and tested whether it was about Ghost Island, but they shook their heads. As long as it was not about Ghost Island, he had no opinion.

Ling Yun had nothing to do, and couldn't figure out the medicine king tripod in the yard, so he came out to relax.

On the main street, he randomly found a teahouse and sat down!

A man in Tsing Yi at the table next to him said: "It's really embarrassing that the God Realm that shocked the ancient times was destroyed in the hands of the Seven Great Gods."

"Who said no, I found a famous Taishenjun, and it turned out to be the notorious Pluto, ruining the reputation of the God Realm. Now that the Taishenjun is suppressed, enemies from all sides are attacking, and the God Realm will lose them. The shelter." The man in white on the opposite side said.

"If it wasn't for them, how could the God Realm have become like this, where everyone disappeared." The man in Tsing Yi shook his head and sighed.

"It's missing, but I think it's more or less ominous. The Dragon Lock Tower has been breached."

"Broken? When did it happen?"

"I heard that it was the day before yesterday, and it was that evil king asking for crimes. It's too crazy. Many ancient villains were imprisoned in it, and now they have all come out to do evil."

The day before yesterday, half of the God Realm was destroyed, and the Guapi Emperor was not the evil king's opponent, he was directly injured. Fortunately, Liuxian Palace helped with all their strength and saved half of the God Realm. The Suolong Pagoda couldn't stand it, and the Ten Great Heavenly Venerables died seven indivual!

Two of the four major generals died, it was simply horrible!
"Hey, the Twelve Domains are not peaceful anymore."

"It's not calm all the time, and it's even more so now, so don't go out at night."

"That's right, now the Wuhun Continent is ruled by heroes."

The words of the conversation between the two fell into Ling Yun's ears. The latter's eyes froze, murderous intent flashed past, and his fists clenched a little unconsciously.

The Seven Great Gods disappeared shortly after Ling Yun resigned as the God Master, which gave the evil king an opportunity to question him!

Ling Yun listened to their conversation for a long time and learned a lot of news!

Ye Fei not only inquired about the top ten ancient artifacts in the twelve domains, but also cooperated with Xin Zhao to suppress the turmoil in the Yunzhong domain!
The two of them are trying to subdue the Cartham Alliance and make the Templar a giant!
The most interesting thing was that Ye Fei hadn't taken revenge yet. Ling Yun knew that the two who killed Ye Fei were still active in the Twelve Domains, and he didn't know what the latter planned.

Of the seven domains divided now, only Ji Wushuang's Yunzhong domain is the most chaotic, and the others are okay, Chongtian has not heard anything.

Ling Yun listened quietly until the two of them left, and then he returned to Long Beibei Paradise, with a lot of thoughts along the way!

Back in the yard, An Qing had already brought them back. There was no TV set or mobile phone internet connection here, so they seemed a bit bored.

An Qing was showing them the power distribution map of Wuhun Continent. Since she decided to start here, she should take action now.

The three little guys are just talking on paper and don't understand anything!

An Qing shook her head and let them go, and then saw that Ling Yun was not very happy!
"what happened?"

"Reminiscing about some past events makes me a little irritable." Ling Yun rubbed her temples, and An Qing virtuously helped Ling Yun rub her!

"Does it still hurt?"

"Well, continue!"

When the little guy saw it, he immediately climbed up and said that she wanted to search Ling Yun's head and not let An Qing come!

"Papa, are you not feeling well? Don't worry, the poisonous weed will be found soon." The little guy said in a milky voice.

"Do you know where it is?" Ling Yun suddenly asked with a smile!


The little guy thought for a while, then shook his head, she wanted to keep it a secret, she couldn't say it, it wouldn't be a surprise if she said it, she planned to give Ling Yun a huge surprise.

Ling Yun laughed, and let her press her head randomly.

"Hold on to the left!"

"Well, is that enough?"

"Further to the left."

An Qing said: "Yo yo, I'm ready to be a teacher, when will you massage me?"

The little guy pursed his lips and said, "Press papa and it will be you. How old are you, and you still act like a baby?"

Ling Yun laughed out loud!

An Qing: "..."

Time flies!

Two days have passed, Ling Yun still chooses to stay here and ignore the affairs of the God Realm.

And this day, a group of unexpected guests came from their yard!
Listening to the noise, it should be troublesome for the water to stop!

The little guy ran over clumsily and said excitedly, "Papa... Papa... They are looking for you."

"Handsome Shushu, it's time for you to perform."

"My brother is injured and can't move!"

Ling Yun said: "'s none of our business, don't make a sound."

A loud shout came from the yard next door: "The water is cut off, I didn't expect you to live in seclusion here for so many years, it's easy for us brothers to find."

"This is a matter between us, please don't hurt my wife and daughter." Duan Shuiliu said in a cold tone with a serious expression on his face.

Ling Yun shook his head when he heard this, this time he was about to take action again due to the horror, it just so happened that the anger accumulated for a few days was about to explode, otherwise he would be in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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