Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1324 Murder in the middle of the night

Chapter 1324 Murder in the middle of the night

The goddess of life can't laugh or cry!

"I won't give up. It's fine that there is a reason for this incident. I want to fight with you. If you lose, let me take the demon lotus!"

"Oh? Let's change the way!"

"How to change?"

Then Ling Yun quietly told the Goddess of Life what he was thinking, and the latter nodded in agreement after thinking for a while.

The content of this challenge is to rate the little guy's actions on the Wuhun Continent. The full score is [-], and if the Goddess of Life asks the little guy to reach [-] points, then she loses, and Yaolian will not take it.

The goddess of life will always pay attention to the actions of the little guy and Beibei. She temporarily stays in Wuhun Continent, and Lingyun and the others have also returned to Long Beibei Paradise!

Concubine Yan Xue was detoxified by Ling Yun and returned to her home. At this moment, the Yan Mansion and even the Wuhun Continent were shocked by the news that the Pisces army failed to invade Ghost Island, and the entire army was wiped out!

Everyone speculated that the Pisces Monarch had fallen, and they really underestimated the ghost islands, but they didn't know that Ling Yun took action to suppress them, otherwise all ten ghost islands would be destroyed!
The other three monarchs in the dead zone are different. They don't think Guidao has such strength. Wansanqian sent someone to Guidao immediately, but there are too many formations in Guidao, and he doesn't know what is in it. what's the situation.

A full-scale war broke out in the Shanyu Continent, and the Yuzong attacked the city and plundered the land. Most of the forces joined the Yuzong peacefully, and the rule of the Shanyu Star is just around the corner!

After Concubine Yan Xue returned to the Yan Mansion, the patriarch of the Yan family personally apologized to his descendant, Concubine Yan Xue!
Thinking of Guidao's destruction of Pisces Monarch, he broke out in a cold sweat!

The corner of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched, it turned out to be this matter, but she didn't care about it!
Everyone in the Yan Mansion was secretly startled, wondering how did Concubine Yan Xue leave the formation in the courtyard?The formation is gone!

She didn't say anything, but told the grand elder of the Yan family that she was practicing in seclusion during this period of time, and strived to break through to the eighteenth immortal emperor!

After going to the northernmost Swamp of Fear, she found that the power gap was too great. If it wasn't for her two goddaughters, she wouldn't be able to come back!
Therefore, she made up her mind to practice, not for anything else, just for the two little guys, so that she can help them in the future.

At the same time, she didn't forget to ask the grand elder of the Yan family to give tens of thousands of spirit stones to the family members of the guards. She promised at the beginning that if they don't come back, there will be [-] spirit stones!

The face of the grand elder of the Yan family turned black. There are still so many top-quality spirit stones in the house, and they can't make ends meet!

"Grandpa, if these spirit stones are not enough, sell all the holy artifacts and fairy artifacts in my storage ring, and raise enough for them. I don't want to owe them anything."

After Yan Xuefei finished speaking, she put down the storage ring, and walked out with a smile!
Hearing this, the grand elder of the Yan family sighed, the betrothal gift hadn't arrived, and now he was posting it upside down, thinking of this, he was furious.

late at night!

Yangxintang finally knew where Ling Yun lived, and they were three immortal emperors. To be honest, the three of them were very unwilling to kill Ling Yun. A mere real fairy boy, is it worth their shot?

"Boss, their family lives in this yard!"

"Hmph, wasting our time, I still want to go to Cuihua's house!"

"Boss, can you take me with you when you go!"

The three of them chatted and laughed all the way, while walking towards the gate of Lingyun's courtyard, they wanted to go in and kill Lingyun openly!
To deal with such a low-strength person, they wouldn't use some indiscriminate methods!
"Boss, just burn them to death."

"That's a good suggestion,'s not appropriate to draw the attention of the neighbors, maybe save them!!"

"We are immortal emperors, just smash the house with one palm, and they will definitely die!"

At this time, the three of them had already arrived at the gate of the courtyard!
I saw a pair of green eyes staring at them!

"Divine beast?"

"Bah, bah, bah... what kind of beast, not even a holy beast!"

"What the hell could that be? Boss... I'm afraid!"

"Hey... strangers are not bold!! You are too cowardly, look at me!"

This person patted his heart on his boss, then took a step forward, staring at those green eyes and said!
"What are you, tell me your name?"

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The watchdog came out from the darkness, staring at the three immortal emperors!

"Hahaha, a dog, look how scared you are!"

The boss among the three sneered!

The watchdog is angry, it has had enough of being bullied this day, and now even the usual cats and dogs laugh at him!
Can't stand it!
woof! !
It's embarrassing, it was tied to the door, and it couldn't even run out and bite them. It could only grin its teeth and stare straight at them with its eyes.

"Hahaha, hahaha, did you hear that, what a humble cry!"

"Go to hell, you are too loud."

The Immortal Emperor's move was extraordinary, a certain boss punched the watchdog with a punch!

The watchdog shook his head, opened his mouth wide, swallowed it in one gulp, and burped hard after he was done!

It's quiet all around...

This scene frightened the three of them with restless faces!
"Are we dazzled?"


The three immortal emperors swallowed their saliva and looked at the watchdog with vigilance. The latter's dog's mouth curled into a smile. Although he has no strength, his body is still that of an immortal emperor, and Xiu's physical body is also the top among immortal emperors. exist!
How could he be afraid of the tricks of the three immortal emperors!

The three of them started to move, chirping and yelling, and the little guy frowned slightly when he heard some noises!
Ling Yun opened his eyes, blinked a few times, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Who dares to disturb my sleep?"

Ling Yun's old voice came from the pavilion in the courtyard!
Just listening to the sound made the mouth of the immortal emperor with the lowest strength bleed!

"Not good, there are masters living in their yard, let's go back quickly!"

The face of the boss among the three suddenly changed, and he said in a fearful tone!
The other said: "I'm sorry senior, we passed by..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he realized that there was a knife in his heart. He trembled and looked back, only to see the hand of the good brother who was injured just now!

"You... you're crazy..."

Their boss was so terrified that he began to tremble!
"One more person? You... who are you?"

It turned out that there was one more among the three of them, and the one who did it was Ling Yun in disguise, and he immediately showed his real body!
"'s fun to come to my house in the middle of the night?"

The ghostly figure of Ling Yun shuttled between the three of them, but only one of them couldn't bear it and began to fall down, with blood flowing all over the ground!
"You... who are you?"

"Me? Isn't it the one you want to kill?" Ling Yun's figure appeared, and he slapped their boss directly!

The remaining two people looked at Ling Yun in fear, without any intention of resisting, Ling Yun in front of them was too terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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