Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1325 She Can Black Hole

Chapter 1325 She Can Black Hole
"Senior, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Ants still steal their lives, hahaha, tell me, let me let you go, or what's the use of you."

Ling Yun stared at them!

There are two people left, the enshrinement of the Soul Cultivation Hall in the Wuhun Continent, the boss is Luo Han Guo, and the other is Licorice, both of which are sent by the Cultivation Heart Palace to guard the Wuhun Continent!
Luo Han Guo said: "I am useful, I know Yang Xin Tang's activities!"

"I...I also know that they sell fake medicines, re-dosing them, and cheating those drug slaves with low strength, imprisoning them for life and letting them cultivate elixir."

"I need you to talk about this?" Ling Yun frowned. He knew these things in ancient times, and he didn't care about them at that time.

Luo Han Guo said: "Then do what you need me to do, I am willing to do anything!"

Licorice said: "Me too, I am willing to do anything!"

The watchdog gave him a look of contempt... This is too embarrassing!

However, it shook the dog's head, who made them die, it's easy to provoke, but it happened to provoke this killing god! !

Ling Yun said: "Yangxin Hall is too small, can't accommodate me anymore, hahaha, what a Yangxin Hall."

"Hall of Mental Cultivation?" Luo Han Guo trembled, he never thought that Ling Yun would know this!
"Where are they all?" The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile, this smile fell into the eyes of the watchdog, and it shuddered violently!

Licorice knelt down and begged for mercy: "Yangxintang is its minion, Yangxindian"


Luo Han Guo took away the life of licorice with a single knife, and the former's eyes were red, as if he had entered the magic way!

Ling Yun smiled and said: "Play tricks in front of me, show off!"

The watchdog was also a little surprised by Luo Han Guo's behavior, but it knew Ling Yun's details well. If he shook his head again, his memory would be pulled out, and killing him would be useless!
"Can't say, can't say, sorry, let me go!"

Looking at his good brother, the licorice fell down, and the mangosteen covered his head in pain!

Ling Yun shook him to death with a palm, then sneered and extracted his memory!

The three corpses lay quietly on the cold ground, how desolate it was at this night, and Ling Yun knew what he wanted, the hole on the edge of the universe needed something from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Ling Yun didn't expect someone to give him a pillow when he was sleepy !
"Yangxin Palace, where are you hiding this time!"

With the slightest killing intent, Ling Yun burned three corpses, then traveled through the black hole and came to the God Realm ruled by Di Ya!

Watching Ling Yun disappear, the watchdog shook his head, and Tsundere was lying at the door, all of this had nothing to do with him, the Hall of Mental Cultivation was coming to an end!

As for the Hall of Mental Cultivation, as the former elder of Tianmen, it knows more or less, and Tianmen has cooperated with it a lot.

This organization is very powerful and mysterious, and ordinary cultivators would not know that the Hall of Mental Cultivation is behind the Hall of Mental Cultivation for business!
The Hall of Mental Cultivation is so evil, they cultivated those children from an early age, instilled all evil thoughts, and worked for them when they grew up!
The key is that those children were abducted, and what's more, they killed his whole family secretly, and then rescued them in the name of the Hall of Mental Cultivation!

A certain continent and a certain city in God's Domain is called City of Chaos!
This place is a place of crime. There are some desperadoes who have done bad things all the year round. There are also some organizations, killers, who stay there all year round.

When Ling Yun came here, it was not the middle of the night but the night when thousands of houses were lit up. He was standing at the highest place of the city wall, looking down at the whole city!
Immediately, he grinned. He didn't expect that today's Seven Great Domains would still be as fun as the City of Sin. His purpose was to destroy the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Why destroy it?
The little guy destroyed the edge of the universe and the seal layer of the foreign land. If he wants to restore it again, he must find a material. According to his knowledge before he died, the treasure of the Palace of Mental Cultivation, Jinluansha, is the key.

It just so happened that the people from the Yangxintang came to die, what a surprise!

When he was about to go down and have a good time in this city of sin, a pair of small hands beside him pulled him, and he shivered all over.


He lowered his head uncertainly, only to see the little guy looking at him with a smile on his face. His face was extremely shocked at that time!

" did you come here!"

The thought flashed through Ling Yun's mind, could it be a black hole, his eyes were wide open, across such a long distance, there is no power fluctuation, it can only be called a black hole.


"Although I am very happy, I will be very unhappy if you follow me like this."

He is really a full-time dad, does he have no personal space at all, and the little guy has learned black holes without a teacher!

This is a supernatural power that Ling Yun could not teach them! !
The little guy looked at Ling Yun eagerly, but he didn't smile now, instead Ling Yun laughed and pinched her cheek.

"Tell me, do you know about black holes?"

"Yeah, yum, draw a circle in the air, and then you'll be fine." That's how the little guy explained, Ling Yun's mouth twitched, is it really that simple?
"I don't believe it, draw another one!"

Ling Yun blinked and asked!

The little guy muttered, and then drew a small circle in the air, and the circle gradually grew bigger!
Ling Yun patted his forehead with a headache, he didn't need to keep looking to know, she really learned it!
"Isn't it, I'm the smartest..." The little guy laughed from ear to ear!

Ling Yun hugged her and smiled helplessly, but told her to use it carefully in the future, and did not seal it away!
"Go back and teach Beibei. I will leave this arduous task to you. After you finish it, you will have three cans of Wangzai. Be good."

"Huh, that's three cans?"

The little guy's eyes lit up suddenly, and there were actually three cans in the secret channel, and he made a profit this time.

Since the little guy followed, he was too lazy to send her back, even if he would not, so Ling Yun simply took her with him!
As soon as they got off the city wall, a few lifeless ants stared at Ling Yun and his daughter!

"Ahem... robbery... now take out all your valuables!"

"A mere true immortal dares to come here blatantly?"


Together, five desperadoes stared at Ling Yun. The latter was dressed in extraordinary clothes, and one could tell he was a rich man. Besides, his strength was so poor, if he didn't rob him, he would rob someone!

Ling Yun smiled, touched the little guy in his arms, and asked, "Qi Qian, tell me, what should they do?"

The little guy rolled his eyes and said to them: "Stand up, it's robbery time, men keep to the right, women keep to the left!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Here are five men!

Hearing this, the five desperadoes laughed out loud, feeling that the world has gone crazy!

The next moment, their bodies trembled like humble ants!

Ling Yun's terrifying power forcibly restricted their actions, and black shackles imprisoned them!
"Senior, spare your life, spare your life!"

Only now did they realize how funny they were just now, they were no different from clowns.

Ling Yun hooked his fingers, and all their belongings went into the little guy's pockets, and the latter laughed from ear to ear!
Originally Ling Yun wanted to end their lives, but the little guy shook his head. She wanted to exile the five of them into the Moon Town Demon Tower for 300 years as punishment!

As soon as the Moon Town Demon Tower came out, all five of them were sucked in without any resistance.

In this way, a total of seven prisoners were imprisoned in the Demon Tower of Yuexia Town! !

(End of this chapter)

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