Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1326

Chapter 1326
With their arrival, the Pisces monarch couldn't help setting off firecrackers to celebrate, and the lonely days are gone forever.

When the five people saw the Pisces Monarch, they fainted from fright, and the domain masters were all arrested. Who did they offend? Ghost Island?
Ling Yun smiled mysteriously: "Do you want to arrest all the people in Sin City? They are all bad people."

"No, there are too many people." The little guy shook his head slightly, probably she only likes to grab some pleasing ones.

The little guy took back the Moon Town Demon Tower, happily took out those storage rings, and began to see what her achievements were!
With Ling Yun's help, she got a lot of spirit stones, as well as some junk pills, some materials, some spells, and some fairy artifacts.

Walking on this crowded street, Ling Yun listened to the shouts from both sides, and the little guy was sitting on his neck, looking around curiously.

His arrival made everyone focus on him, because of his poor strength, he still brought a child with him.

Ling Yun looked around and found that this group of people were all queuing up, and they didn't know what was going on ahead!
The little guy could see clearly that there was a big table in the front, and there were a bunch of unknown things on it.

Ling Yun flashed directly to the front, and everyone was shocked. Such a strange movement, this person's background was unusual, this was the first thing that came to their minds.

The man on the table was wearing an ordinary Taoist robe. He looked quite handsome and looked very young. He called himself Immortal He!
He Xianren said: "Friend Daoist, don't think that you can jump in line just because you are good at it, it's very impolite."

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Polite?"

His inner smile, being polite in Sin City?It's so funny!
"Hmph, there's only one brat, don't worry about him!" A young man next to him snorted coldly!

In the long queue, there is a pair of eyes looking at Ling Yun, the most important thing is to look at the little guy, it feels so familiar!

Immediately, he stood up, and then stepped forward to stare at the little guy, who was eye-to-eye with him!

"Aha, it's you, I remember you, big bald head!"

"It's really you, little princess."

This person is Evil Tongtian, the bald head logo, the little guy especially remembers it, and the memory is still fresh.

If the little guy hadn't recognized him, he would never have dared to recognize the little guy. It has been more than ten years since the last time we parted in Wuhun Continent. She is still so old, I really can't believe it.

"Cough cough..."

Ling Yun reminded him aloud, don't reveal his identity, so as not to cause a sensation!

Eitongtian nodded, then stood behind Lingyun, and said to the crowd: "I have given up my position to this lord."

Someone laughed and said: "He is an adult? He is a mere real immortal, so what can he do!"

Evil Tongtian stared back and said: "I want you to take care of it!"

"No need, I'm just watching the excitement, and I don't have any intention to buy these rubbish!" Ling Yun's mouth curled into a smile!
He looked at the items on the table and was really not interested. However, he was a little familiar, as if he had used them before, but these were really not his!

Hearing this, a lot of people became dissatisfied, saying rubbish?

"Boy, are you trying to die? Watch your words!"

"That's right, that's right, what do you know, this is what Pluto used, and it's priceless now, it's very commemorative."

"Why tell him so much, he won't understand the mentality of our star fans."

Hearing this, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, is this selling something he used?But it's not his, two words fake!

Evil Tongtian was stunned this time too. It turned out that he wasted half a day in line. He is not a diehard Pluto loyalist. What about the used items?It sounds like goosebumps all over your body.

He Xianren motioned for everyone to calm down and continue to line up. If he didn't line up, he wouldn't sell a single item to others!
"Okay, let's introduce it now. This is an amazing item." Immortal He picked up a cup on the table.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, isn't that his favorite teacup, a fake!
"Wow... what is it? Is it the cup you usually use for drinking water?"

"No, I think it's a chamber pot!"

"As you go, there is such a small chamber pot, it is clearly a small chamber pot!"

Immortal He shook his head: "Wrong, wrong, all wrong, this is Pluto's favorite teacup!"

"I don't believe it. Is there any evidence to prove that the cup in your hand was used by Pluto!"

"I doubt it too, but I have no proof."

Many people opened their mouths one after another, but they didn't believe it at all. This teacup has no special features. Pluto would like it?

Immortal He laughed loudly, took out a recording crystal, and then looked around at the crowd and said, "When did I, Immortal He, ever brag?"

Someone whispered, "I never saw you tell the truth."

He Xianren: "Take a good look, the cup of the Great God!"

The one that recorded the crystal picture is the cup that Ling Yun used to drink tea when he was the emperor, it is exactly the same!
Everyone's eyes are shining!
"I want, I'll give you 100 yuan of top-quality spirit stones."

"I'll offer 150 yuan. This chamber pot... bah... it's a teacup. I'm bound to get it."

"two hundred!"

Ling Yun's face turned dark. The things he used are so valuable, but the key is imitation products, which are not real. Is this group of people out of their minds?

In the end, a casual cultivator bought the fake teacup, and he was so excited!
"Everyone knows that the God Realm has existed in name only, and the things used by the Great God Lord are everywhere in the God Realm, so Immortal He, I will risk my life and death to help you diehards find these things. It's really not easy."

"Okay, these are all used by Pluto, and the next item is incredible. It is a towel used by the Supreme God. Don't talk nonsense, the one with the highest price will get it."

"50 yuan top-quality spirit stone."



After a while, this towel sold for more than 200 top-quality spirit stones, and groups of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead. This towel was not even a fake.

Next, the chairs, stools, and shoes that Pluto sat on, in short, all the things on the table were sold.

What's even more weird is that Immortal He said that a certain fairy artifact was touched by Pluto, and it sold out!
Almost everyone bought one and held it in their hearts with excitement!
The little guy said in a milky voice, "Are my papa's things so valuable?"

Seeing so many spirit stones, the little guy's heart was moved, and a pair of dingy eyes rolled! !
Someone subconsciously replied: "Of course your father's things are valuable."

Hearing this, all the eyes around him looked over!

There was a sound of the vase falling, and it shattered to the ground. Its owner widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it. The child in front of him looked so much like the daughter of Hades!

(End of this chapter)

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