Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327 Hall of Mental Cultivation (first update)
The little guy was embarrassed to be looked at, and the villain on one side was sweating for her!
She took out a photo in her pocket, a photo of Taishenjun, and a photo of Ling Yun in Lan Xing's handsome suit.

Her eyes turned gloomy: "My papa!"

But she hasn't let everyone see the photos yet!

Someone rubbed his eyes, and then took out an old wanted warrant, on which was the little guy!
"Look at it, it's exactly the same, the picture of the arrest warrant, she is... the daughter of Pluto!"

"Little princess!"

"She came to Sin City."

"It's a bit wrong, is she really the daughter of Pluto?"

Where is Pluto?
Everyone started to look Ling Yun up and down, then shook their heads in disappointment, the latter had black lines all over his head, this is a fake fan, can't you even recognize it?It's too dark?
"After so many years, why is she still so big? It should be a slim girl."

"Hahaha, you guessed wrong, she must be the daughter of Pluto, but she is the second child, the younger sister of the little princess back then."

Looking at the little guy, all of them's eyes lit up, they were happier than having married wives!

"Sign it for me, write it on your forehead, I will never take a bath in my life." Someone moved!

This group of people is indeed loyal to Pluto!
Xi Tongtian stood up and stopped them who were about to swarm up, his brows frowned and said: "Don't come over, do you want to scare her?"

He Xianren shouted: "Pay attention to quality, you guys are rough, if this continues, the little princess will be angry."

"I'm not excited, not excited!"

"We knew it was wrong."

Everyone apologized!

I saw the little guy shook his head, took out the first photo to show them, and said softly, "This is my papa!"

Seeing the photo of Taishenjun, everyone had no doubts, and they didn't ask what the photo was.

"Little princess, give it to me, I will offer you 300 yuan of top-quality spirit stones."

"Let's go, just want to buy it for 300 yuan? Don't even look at what it is? The face of the Supreme God, what is it called?"

Someone pointed to the photo and asked the little guy, the latter said the word babyish, photo!
"I will offer 500 yuan!"

"Six hundred!"

After a while, the little guy bought more than 800 yuan for a photo of Taishenjun, and he was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear!

"Well, this is my daddy!"

This time the little guy has a handsome suit and leather shoes!

"This... this is Hades!!"

"It's so handsome, I'm jealous. It's useless to be jealous."

"I have to buy it, my daughter's birthday present is in place."

This photo sold three thousand top-quality spirit stones, and this time the little guy laughed even louder!

Many people also want it!
The little guy said in a baby voice, "It's the last one, it's gone."

Earn enough, the little guy was satisfied, his little head shook slightly.

Hearing this, everyone present sighed and immediately became disappointed.

Time is limited, Ling Yun whispered: "Sissi, we have to leave."

The little guy nods!

And Evil Tongtian said: "Everyone, do you want to do something for Pluto?"

"miss you!"

Everyone said in unison!
"The God Realm is the God Realm of the Taishen Lord, but at this moment, it has been repeatedly attacked by a group of people who don't know the so-called. Everyone in the Twelve Realms regards the Pluto as a sinner. May I ask, is there anything wrong in the world?"

He is evil!

"Those ancient characters came out of the Suolong Pagoda to vent their anger and destroy the old shrine. Should they die?"


"Then what should we do when we meet them?" Evil Tongtian fiercely instigated!


At this moment, as if they were being brainwashed, they began to search for those ancient characters who had been imprisoned in the Dragon Locking Tower in Sin City.

Ling Yun and the little guy are rushing to the place where the Hall of Mental Cultivation is located, and the little guy is counting spirit stones along the way.

The child earned almost 4000 yuan from the two photos tonight, and Ling Yun coughed twice: "Qi Qian, Dad's illness is not getting better, and he needs money to see a doctor."

The little guy's face turned black, and he beat Ling Yun's head with his little hand, and said in a childish voice: "Liar kid, hehe... I made money!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that this child is not as easy to fool as before.

But the little guy said that she can make alchemy, and Ling Yun's illness will be handed over to her in the future. When he thinks that the little guy is going to make pills for him, he trembles all over.

She is not as reliable as Beibei!

In a moment!
The Hall of Mental Cultivation is here, this is a bustling street!

Ling Yun looked at the words on it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"To help the world and save people, Yangxin Hall!"

The little guy read it out in a childish voice!

That's right, Yangxintang is its bright signboard, but secretly it is the unscrupulous Yangxintang!

Ling Yun Guangming walked in, and every time he took a step, terrifying fluctuations radiated out, and everyone around him began to fear!
In an instant, people on the street left one after another, and there were still people fighting nearby. It should be his loyalists who were killing those ancient prisoners.

"En? Who are you?" A certain clerk in Yangxintang looked at Ling Yun, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Ling Yun vigilantly.

He knew that Ling Yun had a force in his body, and it came from bad people!
Ling Yun was slightly surprised, the people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation were really strong, a little guy, his strength was so awesome.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, is this robbery?"

Her eyes are gloomy!

Ling Yun: "..."

This is not a good idea, if the performance in the Wuhun Continent is robbery, then the little guy must not reach seven points, and the goddess of life is eligible to win the Yaolian!
"No, Sissy, it can't be like this, robbery is always wrong."


Little guy, she wanted to say, just now his father was robbing, and then pouted!

Seeing what the little guy was thinking, Ling Yun said: "Just now we repay him with his way."

After explaining, the little guy finally understood, learned, the premise of wanting to rob others is to let others rob first, then there is a reason.

Ling Yun knew he was going to vomit blood!

The guy sneered and ignored him, fine, fine! !

"Go to hell, don't blame me, you scared our guests away."

Facing the buddy's volley kick, Ling Yun snapped his fingers, and the supreme suppression came!

In an instant, the buddy was pressed down, and a bottomless hole appeared!

"Hall of Mental Cultivation, here I come, prepare to be baptized."

Afterwards, Ling Yun hugged the little guy and jumped into the entrance of the cave. The Hall of Mental Cultivation is underground!

Below, waiting for Ling Yun are the Eight Great Vajras, each tall and mighty, they are the guards guarding the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation!

"Life? Kill..."

Seeing Ling Yun jumping down from the top suddenly, walking in a very strange way, the Eight Great Vajras would strike at the slightest disagreement, without even asking a single question, it was too rude.

(End of this chapter)

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