Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1328 She Knows Swordsmanship

Chapter 1328 She Knows Swordsmanship (Second Change)

Ling Yun shook his head, he dodged their attacks with his body skills!

The little guy said: "Papa, let me come, I will protect you."

Ling Yun's eyes lit up, now is a good time to teach her how to deal with the enemy, don't let it go to waste!
"Sissy, it's best to use a sword or other sharp weapons to deal with them. You must know that one sword is the strongest to break all spells."

"But... I don't know how to do it." The little guy blinked and blinked, looking dazed.

"To make you lazy, it would be nice if Bei Bei was half active." Ling Yun laughed.

Du Lingyun scolded, the little guy frowned slightly, her strength did not allow her to keep a low profile!
"Papa, look after me, I am the strongest swordsman."

"Yo yo yo... Bragging, you will return to the clan with ten thousand swords?"

"Yeah, Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

The little guy pulled out his demon sword from the void, the latter was taken aback, demon sword?How did she know where to put it?Ling Yun broke out in a cold sweat...

As soon as the demon sword comes out, there will be blood!
I saw the little guy was sweating on his forehead, and he was struggling to hold it!

It must be strenuous, Yaojian is not an ordinary sword, the blade is very heavy, Ling Yun can see that she used a lot of strength to hold it!

The little guy dropped the's too heavy...

She was sweating profusely, panting heavily, and said in a milky voice, "Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

The Eight Great Vajras were dumbfounded. Is this a joke invited by the monkey?They were talking and laughing on this kind of occasion, so don't take them seriously.

"Go... catch them, those who come are not good, those who provoke the Hall of Mental Cultivation will die!"

After the words fell, the Eight Great King Kong rushed towards Ling Yun and the little guy!

The terrifying power of the eight people almost shattered the square inch outside the gate, with ravines criss-crossing?

The little guy frowned slightly, closed his eyes quietly, and recalled Ling Yun's earth-shattering Wan Jian returning to the sect when he was on Ghost Island!
When she opened her eyes, a cold light flashed, the little guy burst into laughter, and Ling Yun laughed, even if she doesn't know how to return to the clan, just at that moment just now, she is invincible!
"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

The demon sword couldn't wait to kill people, the whole body of the sword violently turbulent, and then released countless sword auras, one after another the sword aura formed exactly the same demon sword, surrounding the real one in the center!

Ling Yun's dark and deep eyes widened, his face gradually became agitated, it really is the return of ten thousand swords, the little guy is using the lowest level, that's not bad!
Flying swords smashed into the bodies of the Eight Great Vajras, they screamed again and again, and even smashed the door behind them, their strength is terrifying!
The Eight Great Vajras were disabled and lying on the ground, but they still did not die. The body of the Immortal Emperor was very strong.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"


"I laughed, hahaha, the eight of them teamed up and were defeated by her with one move, it's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"I guess it's super god swordsmanship. It's so beautiful. I didn't expect to see such terrifying swordsmanship in my life. I have no regrets in this life."

"I'm not reconciled. She has only learned a little bit about this sword technique. Why is it so strong?"

"Ahem...brothers, I'm leaving first, there are countless sword qi in my body, and there is no way to return to heaven."

The Eight Great King Kong are useless...

Ling Yun didn't even come back to his senses, he didn't laugh until the little guy laughed childishly.

"Sissy, you're awesome, Beibei probably cried to death if she knew it."

Beibei has always liked swordsmanship, and now the little guy who has no foundation in swordsmanship has learned the ten thousand swords before her, and she will be hit.

"Of course, I'm the best, and I will protect Papa." The little guy looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, showing how lonely it is to be invincible.

"Hahaha." Ling Yun burst out laughing immediately, the little guy is so cute, he deserves to be his daughter.

"Papa, help me keep it!"

The little guy clumsily held the monster sword and handed it to him. The latter's face turned black. Is this the sword that cheated him?
"You are so small, you can't exert its power. I will give it to you when you grow up."

"Yeah, that's why I let you keep it." The little guy rolled his eyes and whispered that Ling Yun was too stupid.

Ling Yun: "..."

The little guy doesn't know how valuable the demon sword is, it's a priceless treasure, but the sword body alone uses no less than a thousand kinds of materials.

The little guy followed Ling Yun into the gate, and there was a strange laugh from inside, when she passed by the Eight King Kong, she pouted!
The milky voice said softly, "Does it hurt?"

Immediately, a King Kong who couldn't bear it vomited blood and died! !
Does it hurt?
what do you say!
"Sissy, leave them alone, let's go!"

"Wait for my dad, is it fun inside?"

"No, they are all bad people."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will return to the sect with ten thousand swords, and I will definitely defeat them and protect you."

"Well, thank you very much."


The conversation between the father and daughter was passed in without missing a word, which attracted bursts of mocking laughter.

"I don't know what to say, come on, let's see who is so courageous?"

"The old bald donkey from Putuo Temple?"

"Or the Vulcan Palace, which has become more popular recently?"

"One big and one small?"

"Loose cultivators? It can't be the Catmull Alliance, right? I heard that the Dragon Lock Tower has been destroyed, and the allies inside are monsters that can eat people."

"Hahaha, no matter who it is, anyone who breaks into our Hall of Mental Cultivation will be a dead person!"

The whispers inside kept coming out, this road is unfathomable, the flames on both sides are fluttering, it looks very strange!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a playful smile. He used the phantom of his soul to set up a huge formation outside, and he was going to kill again tonight!

The City of Sin will no longer exist. He sensed that the mysterious stele is here, and he can't forget the evil aura. He didn't believe it after two times, but this time he could still be run away by it! ! !
In Sin City!
From time to time, meteor-like rays of light fell in all directions from the sky, it was Ling Yun who was arranging formations, and the stele could not be allowed to escape.

"Look, what the hell is that shadow?" Someone asked, pointing at the phantom of the soul in the sky Lingyun, with an uneasy expression on his face.

"I don't know, what is he doing? Trapping us?"

"No, it's a formation, but it doesn't trap us, it's very weird, everyone, please inform the city lord of Sin City, the Nightmare!"

The Dream Demon is the lord of the city of sin. No one knows his strength, and no one can offend him if he offends here. His subordinates are all monsters that are ridiculously powerful!

It is rumored that he has horrible dreams and can kill people in dreams. Some people say that he has a pair of scarlet eyes, some say he is a monster, and he has everything.

The corner of Etongtian's mouth twitched, he was sure that the independent spirit phantom in mid-air was the powerful Pluto, and the city of sin had attracted the Terminator.

So he gave a wry smile and muttered to himself: "Pluto is here, and he wants to destroy everything."

And Pluto's loyalists could hear clearly, they had just met the little princess, and now there is no doubt that Pluto is in Sin City, they are extremely excited at this moment!
It is a lifetime honor for them to witness the battle posture of Pluto with their own eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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