Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1329 Five real people

Chapter 1329 Nine Real Men (Third Change)
The city of sin is in complete turmoil at this moment!

The succubus is in his deep mansion, and in the largest palace, there is only one person, quietly lying sideways on the couch, like an emperor aloof.

With a sweep of his consciousness, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Dream Demon, who is here?"

A man drilled out of the palace, he was handsome, with a meticulous smile on his mouth.

"Mirror Mirror, it's him, Pluto is here."

"I am familiar with his aura, so I can't be wrong. Follow my order and seal him with the three deadly sins."

"Together with the Hall of Mental Cultivation, let him sleep, this era does not allow him to appear, this old monster, if he does not die, we will never have a bright future!"

The Dream Demon yawned deeply, his lazy attitude did not affect his demeanor at all, and his eyes shone with a stern cold light.

Hearing this, Mr. Mirror gave a wry smile. It was basically the same as what he had guessed. It really was the strongest man who killed him!
"No one in the Twelve Ancient Realms he killed back then dared to speak out, forcing us to hide around. This account should be settled properly."

"What's yours? Pluto killed the whole family, I can't wait to drink his blood!"

Another person came outside the palace. This person was carrying a big knife, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

Dream Demon said: "Crazy Saber, who doesn't know about your affairs, if it wasn't for your family being devoid of conscience, Hades would have slaughtered your people? Hahaha... Save yourself, you alone can't do anything to him."

The mad knife said angrily: "Dream Demon, you are my boss, but if you stab my wound again, believe it or not, I will split your palace."

Dream Demon: "..."

The mirror king said: "Stop joking, the business is coming, the dream demon, tell me, are you sure to use the three crimes?"

"It must be used. Only in this way can he be sealed. You and I must know that he is too powerful. How many immortal emperors died in the battle of the God Realm, and three of them died just as the domain master!"

"Hahaha, the army of the Alliance of Gods is gone, it's horrible!"

Kuang Dao said: "Seal it, where is he?"

"Hall of Mental Cultivation!"

"What is he doing in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

"We're ready to go and have a look at the three deadly crimes, and we'll know, Mr. Mirror, you lead the way." The dream demon stretched his muscles and bones, crackling!
"Just the three of us?"

"No... let them consume the fighting power of Hades first. The so-called mantis catches cicadas, and the oriole is behind!"

As the city lord of Sin City, Dream Demon has no shortage of capable men and strange men, and the Immortal Emperor has a lot of claws!

Apart from Crazy Dao, the brother who is proficient in swordsmanship, he has three others!
And Mirror Lord is not a human being, but a spirit incarnated by a mirror. He can be regarded as a type of elf. He has a magical power. As long as it is a mirror within a certain range, he can lead people to travel freely.

The three sins they mentioned are the three ancient sealing artifacts. It is rumored that after being poured with Yin blood, they can seal powerful people. They are stronger than the ancient seals, but not weaker!
You know, the ancient seals are all demon gods, and they have no way to break free of the seal at this moment.

Ling Yun and the little guy walked slowly on the avenue. The latter seemed to be quite curious about this place, just like an underground cave, as if it had no end!

"Friend Daoist, stop your footsteps, dead people are not qualified to enter inside."

A middle-aged man with blue-green hair blocked Ling Yun's way!

"Yo yo, the ancient Nine Masters!"

Ling Yun recognized the identity of this person from the jade slips of Yu Zongzhu, but he did not expect that this person actually worked for the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"I didn't expect that there are still people in the twelve domains who know me. It's a great honor." Nine real people smiled slightly, a bit like a smiling tiger, and there was a coldness in their eyes.

"Yes, are you warning me?" Ling Yun asked!
"Yes or no, as I said, you can go in if you want, but you are a dead person, and you are considered a dead person by me." Nine Masters smiled half-smile, staring at Ling Yun!

"So sure, don't ask me why I went in!"

"Hahaha, why? I always guess when I make a move. I never need to ask why. There are so many reasons. The dead don't need to know too much."

"This sounds familiar." Ling Yun blinked, and he and the little guy looked at each other and smiled, the latter looked dumbfounded.

"Pluto often said." Nine real people replied.

"Oh...the dead don't need to know too much." Ling Yun smiled evilly, his eyes filled with a sense of coldness.

Looking at Ling Yun's eyes, Master Jiu became a little timid and afraid, but he didn't think Ling Yun could do anything to him!
"Your cultivation is not a true immortal, you must have released that huge sword energy just now. I have to say, it's very strong!"

"Let you feel it."

"bring it on!"

Nine real people immediately tightened their horses!
After Ling Yun finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, kicked down, and the terrifying force immediately kicked Jiuren in the stomach!
Jiuren was slightly startled, fortunately he was prepared, otherwise he would have flown with this kick.

But he was fortunate that it was only three seconds, he felt a little strenuous, and gradually he couldn't bear it anymore.

what's the situation?
His strength is weaker than this young man?He doesn't believe it!
"Get out of here!"

A force soared into the sky, and the force raged in his body, reaching an unprecedented height. This time he was sure!
It's a pity, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth!

Ling Yun's strength increased a bit, and the Nine Masters flew out like a cannonball, smashing heavily on the stone wall of the cave, and spat out a mouthful of blood!

"No...impossible, how could my strength lose? I don't believe it."

Jiuren didn't even wipe the blood from his mouth, and ran up again, attacking Ling Yun, who shook his head and waved his hand lightly.

A terrifying saber aura formed a fierce tiger, which directly devoured the Nine Masters!

"Pfft... become a god of are the King of Pluto!!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the Nine Masters of my generation to die in your hands."

"I just want you to admit it yourself, are you him?"

After the Nine Masters fell down, their eyes widened. After saying the last words, they kicked their feet straight and died. Ling Yun didn't answer him. It was exactly what he said, the dead don't need to know too much!
He had thought of many ways to die, but he never thought that he would die in the hands of Hades. He kept reminding himself in his heart not to mess with Hades, but he ended up dying!
It made him even more unexpected that in this battle, he only made two moves, and then fell, it was too bullying!

"Papa, I seem to have seen a tiger just now, it's so fierce." The little guy's eyes rolled in despair!

"You are not mistaken, that is the realm that can only be achieved by doing whatever you want with the sword technique, you... practice hard."

"Isn't it the art of the five elements?"



Ling Yun continued to lead the little guy forward, and the latter had a lot of problems.

(End of this chapter)

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