Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1336 Jinluan Sand

Chapter 1336 Jinluan Sand

Pluto, who would have to be sealed even if the dream monster lost his life, came out in a blink of an eye. He might vomit blood and die if he was alive.

As a god, Ling Yun has a hundred ways to get out of the sealed land, and it would shock people to death if it is spread out, but he chose to come out of the ground, of course to find Wantai, the purpose of this trip is to get Jinluansha.

In the deep pit of the Hall of Mental Cultivation not far from the sealing place, Wantai laughed out loud, his body has recovered a lot, and just now he heard outside voices, knowing that Pluto was sealed, he was very happy.

"Pluto who is overconfident, you will not be the winner in every battle, and you still dream of my Golden Luansha, which is something you will never get!"

"It sounds like you are very happy, tsk tsk..." Ling Yun looked at him behind him with a half-smile!
Wantai didn't look back immediately, his face was covered with sweat, and his body trembled in fear!


"You can continue to laugh. To be honest, it's very rude to interrupt someone else's laughter. I allow you to continue."

"I was wrong...I was wrong!" Wantai first knelt down, his eyes flickering!
He was terrified in his heart, why is Pluto here, isn't he sealed, secretly thinking that Pluto is an old monster, so powerful.

"I'll let you see now how I got what you said I would never get!"

"No no no..."

Wantai suddenly turned his head, picked up a sword and was about to kill Ling Yun, who sent him flying with a slap!

"You still don't understand the gap between you and me, in my eyes, you are just a rabbit under my feet, how humble."

Ling Yun approached Wan Tai step by step, and then the latter's body floated in front of him. Wan Tai's mouth was covered with blood, and he was terrified. This was the feeling of death.

"How did you find out?"

"No one can escape the eyes of God." Ling Yun smiled, his delusion-breaking eyes had already seen through that Jinluansha is Wantai!

"Even if you find out, I can destroy it. I advise you to let me go. Serve me with delicious food and drink right away, and take good care of my uncle."

Wantai uses Jinluansha as a threat in an attempt to pinch Lingyun's weakness.

However, Ling Yun shook his head, and a fingertip wave pierced through Wantai's body, and the latter screamed again!
"Did you take the initiative to hand over Jinluansha or I did it myself."

"If you want Jinluansha, there is no way. I won't give it to you. I will blow myself up."

Wantai couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to die... he didn't want to be tortured by Pluto like this, it was too painful, the so-called long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, one death is a hundred!
If he blew himself up, Pluto would not get the golden sand. His self-destruction would be enough to destroy the world and turn the city of sin into ashes. It is because he has golden sand in his body, so this is the best ending!
Depend on!
He found out cruelly that he couldn't blew himself up, and he already regretted that he didn't blew himself up at the first time when he met Pluto again. Now that he is fine, he can't do anything.

"You let me go..."

"If you have the ability to fight openly and aboveboard, you villain."

"Despicable and shameless, what kind of skill is it to sneak up on me, what kind of man are you!"

"You don't deserve to be strong, you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it, you're afraid of losing, you're afraid of losing to me, you trash."

Ling Yun: "..."


Wan Tai, who was constantly being insulted, was once again incited by Ling Yun's slap, this time Wan Tai's body did not move, the fluctuation of power passed him directly, his internal organs were all shattered, and this time he was speechless!
There are few teeth left, just coughing and coughing... His blood is flowing on the ground, and the air smells a bit fishy!

He has a kind of pain and can't cry out!

Wantai looked at Ling Yun with resentment in his eyes, he felt that the golden sand in his body was separating, and his flesh and blood were dissipating.

In a moment!
Wantai dissipated in smoke, and flowed down the golden sand flowing in the air!
"You should be grateful to me. Jinluansha is used to seal the sealing wall on the edge of the universe. What a glorious mission it is!"

Ling Yun put away the golden sand with a wave of his hand, he looked up at the black night, the ray of starlight shone under the deep pit, how small the world seemed!
There was a jolt in his mind, the formation of Sin City fluctuated for a while, and then he could no longer feel that the mysterious stone tablet was here. The ancient stone tablet was so powerful that he could escape from his formation.

Outside the sealed ground, the Ice Archer King and the Mirror Lord fought like equals, and neither of them could do anything to the other for a while.

Jun Jing said: "Your traces have been exposed, Diya's people will come soon, even a bald man wants to eat swan meat, and he doesn't take a pee to take care of himself."

"To shut up!"

It was said that the killing intent of the Ice Shooter King became stronger, and the moves he used became more ruthless.

Many people have fled here and put the news in the current seven domains. They heard that Hades was sealed and attracted more people!
Because of the battle between Ice Archer King and Mirror Lord, none of them dare to approach!

tread! !

The voice sounded like thunder, and the battle between the Ice Archer King and the Mirror King frowned, and then they stopped fighting immediately.

The two of them and all the people watching from a distance looked towards the place where the sound came out, all thinking in their minds who might be behind it.

As the figure gradually came up from the deep pit, they could see clearly, their eyes widened, everyone's scalps were numb, and their faces gradually became terrified!
"I rely on..."

"I don't have dizziness."

"Pluto... king!"

"I don't believe it, it's fake!!"


All the people present gasped, many people couldn't accept this cruel fact, they fainted from fright, their psychology is too bad!
Evil Tongtian laughed loudly: "I knew that Pluto would not be sealed...I actually doubted it just now."

The ice shooter king smiled, an unprecedented joy, as if he escaped from death himself.

Mr. Mirror rubbed his eyes, suspecting that it was his illusion, Pluto was obviously sealed in the three deadly sins by him, and it was impossible to escape.


Step by step, Lingyun came from the sky, just like the arrival of a god!

Every step he takes hurts the hearts of some people, especially Mr. Mirror, whose fear at this moment cannot be described!
"Illusion...that's's a hallucination, I'll destroy your illusion right now." Mr. Mirror yelled frantically, and the ground instantly turned into a big bronze mirror, and then countless blue rays of light shot out.

Ling Yun's palms were facing down, and a starburst ended Mirror Lord's moves. The bronze mirror shattered to the ground, and Mirror Lord trembled, secretly thinking that Pluto is a monster! !
"Your biggest crime is not sealing me just now, but letting go of what I wanted to destroy." Ling Yun was very angry and said to the mirror, his eyes flickered with a gloomy cold light.

Let the mysterious stele go away this time, and I don’t know when we will meet again in the future. This disaster must have a plan!
Its body can actually have the ability to replicate, so that the strength and martial arts of a dead person can temporarily reappear, which is too terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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