Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1337 Mirror Lord Suicide

Chapter 1337 Mirror Lord Suicide
Mirror Lord didn't dare to look directly at Ling Yun, the latter's eyes became extremely bloodthirsty, and the murderous eyes stayed on him.

"It's none of my business, it's obviously you who can't deal with the stele, what excuse are you looking for?"

"Hahaha... I really admire your courage. You dare to speak hard and talk to me like this." Ling Yun suddenly felt amused.

Mr. Mirror shouted: "You guys are here? Let's go together and catch him for me."

After saying this, he fled back to the mirror world, and the people he mentioned didn't exist at all, just to distract Ling Yun.


Ling Yun has been staring at him, let Mr. Mirror escape, anyway, he can't escape from his palm.

When the newcomers to Sin City saw the reappearance of Hades, they immediately ran away in fright. They didn't believe that Hades was sealed, but they really couldn't believe it.

Seeing Mirror Lord running away, the Frost Archer King immediately yelled, "Dijun, he ran away, ran away..."

At this moment, he was very excited, and immediately flew to the ground, staring at the bronze mirror!

Ling Yun replied: "The world of mirrors, don't think that I can't do anything about you!"

He closed his eyes unhurriedly, then shook the mountain, and after a while, the seal shone brightly, and he took down the three crimes!
Looking at the three deadly sins in his hands, Ling Yun grinned and muttered to himself: "Good stuff!"

The three deadly sins are three pieces of extremely precious materials, very similar to the ancient Chinese jade, which is the size of a palm, and the whole body is rosy, like a blood jade!
Mirror Lord in the mirror world was startled again, he really escaped, and the three sins were taken away, which shocked his world view, and he will die as an enemy of Pluto!
Now he is at the end of the road, but he is very confident in his mirror world, as long as he stays in it, Pluto can't do anything to him.

The three crimes were taken away, and those who witnessed all this with their own eyes fled immediately, fearing for their own lives.

And Pluto's diehards laughed out loud, everything they saw today was worthwhile, and they will be satisfied for the rest of their lives.

When Ling Yun Meizi put away the three crimes, her eyes were fixed on the bronze mirror!

"Can't you get out?"

"Don't come won't come out even if you're killed!"

"Hehe... You want to die, it's very simple, I will help you."

Ling Yun smiled strangely, and his figure appeared next to the Ice Archer King, stepping on the bronze mirror, his eyes were full of coldness.

The bronze mirror couldn't bear Ling Yun's kick and broke into countless pieces!

Mirror King laughed loudly, and said with all his mouth: "Come on, come and hit me, this is my world, and I am the ruler, come in if you have the ability, and hit me."

"as you wish."

Ling Yun's figure floated into the bronze mirror like a puff of smoke, and the Ice Shooter King smiled. He had never seen such a lowly person like Mirror King, and made such a lowly request.


Seeing Ling Yun coming in, Mr. Mirror couldn't stay calm anymore!

After Ling Yun went in, he punched Jing Jun and knocked out one of his front teeth!

"It hurts..."

"It's right to know the pain. Didn't you let me hit you? I hope you can hold on for a few more punches. My anger hasn't burnt out yet."

As Ling Yun said, he punched Mirror Jun again, who screamed again and again, without any resistance at all!
This is when he panicked and forgot to fight back. It can be said that he was extremely scared in his heart!

It was Ling Yun's third punch that Jun Jing began to dodge and suddenly swallowed the elixir!

"Yo yo yo... still dare to swallow pills? Do you want to recover from your injuries and continue to abuse me? Well, well, I like it!"


Ling Yun changed his foot this time, and this foot directly stepped out a huge hole in the mirror world. The mirror gentleman calmed down a lot and started to fight back!
In his world, his strength gradually increased to the highest level, and his body also became swollen. He was handsome for less than three seconds, and an energy ball appeared in Ling Yun's palm, which directly blew him away.

And he was directly blown out of the mirror world, and there was a big hole in the outside world! !

"555~...don't play anymore, it's fucking bullying me, I finally transformed, easy me..." Mr. Mirror lay on the ground, wiping the blood from his nose, like a child being bullied by an adult!
The corner of Ice Archer King's mouth twitched!
This is the fate of a bitch... It is not worthy of sympathy. This kind of person lives to die, and he will not cry when he sees the coffin!
Ling Yun's figure floated over from a broken bronze mirror, looked at the mirror on the ground and said, "Play, you must play, because I haven't played enough!"

It was said that everyone in the distance ran away!

Ling Yun: "..."

The Frost Archer King swallowed his saliva, he didn't dare to look at Ling Yun, couldn't Pluto enjoy himself in tonight's battle?

Mr. Mirror kicked his feet: "Go ahead and play, I'm quitting, no no...I'm already dead, so I need to burn the paper."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, thinking he is a fool?Secretly wondered if this bastard's brain was broken by him?

"stand up!"

The Ice Archer King couldn't stand it anymore, walked over and stepped on Mirror Lord's stomach, and forced him to stand up, this idiot doesn't want to play, maybe Pluto will regard him as an opponent!
"It's too inhuman, the dead will not be spared, you will die badly, 555~ father... mother... save the child."

"It's over."

Ling Yun smiled strangely, and with one finger, he hit the Mirror Lord!

The Ice Archer King trembled, he was the one who almost died, because Mirror Lord hid a knife behind his back, if Pluto didn't kill Mirror Lord, then he was the one who died!

not end yet…

Even Ling Yun was slightly surprised that Mr. Mirror could still stand up. He pressed the spot where Ling Yun had poked him, and turned his back to them, not knowing what he was doing.

The Frost Archer King widened his eyes in shock, and said tremblingly, "What kind of monster is he, and his heart is not dead?"

"It's fine if you don't die, you can play for a while!"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Mr. Mirror committed suicide, his body fell slowly, his eyes closed silently, wishing he could die sooner!

It's quiet all around...

Both the Ice Shooter King and Ling Yun twitched the corners of their mouths, secretly saying that Mirror Lord is so fragile in his heart, he can't even think about it, the world is still so beautiful!

After a while, Ice Shooter told Ling Yun about his experience, and the latter expressed sympathy and gave him a jade slip with a few words in it, let him go to the Temple of War God to try.

Frost Archer Wang said: "Thank you Dijun, your great kindness, I will never forget it!"

"Don't say provocative words, I wish you good luck."

"I will, I will definitely get back what I lost." Ice Shooter Wang firmly said!
Ling Yun shook his head: "Actually, I want to say, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why bother to fall in love with a single flower, there is no need to give up the whole forest for her? Right!"

"It's easier said than done if you want to give up, and why haven't I tried!"

The Ice Archer King smiled wryly!
Ling Yun sighed, he knew that he couldn't persuade the Ice Shooter King, maybe only the one he loves deeply hurts the Frost Shooter King, so that the latter can see the reality clearly.

(I'm not feeling well these days, I owe an update, and I'll make it up later.)
(End of this chapter)

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