Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1338 The mission is here

Chapter 1338 The mission is here
Ling Yun doesn't have much time to look around right now, after bidding farewell to the Frost Archer King, he will immediately return to the Wuhun Continent!
Even the important matter of sealing the edge of the universe is put aside!

It's already eleven o'clock in Wuhun Continent at this moment, the little ones are about to leave school, and Ling Yun has to pick them up to go home.

At the gate of Mingcheng Primary School, Ling Yun wore sunglasses, and began to wait for the little figures at the gate. There were not many parents here, because Wuhun Continent was not like Huaxia.

The children here will not be pampered since they were young, and they are waste materials from the City of Time, so it would be nice to have someone to pick them up.

" papa!"

As soon as the little guy came out, he saw Ling Yun, running and running with short legs!

And Beibei muttered, and said in a childish voice: "I'm not responsible, I don't make breakfast today, and I don't love us anymore!"

"Brother... the baby is so hungry, it won't grow up!!"

Little Irene immediately acted like a baby, hugged Ling Yun's feet, raised her eyes, and stared straight at Ling Yun, just to make the latter unbearable.

Ling Yun laughed loudly, and replied in embarrassment: "Oh, I forgot, make it up right away!"

"Yes... yes..."

Hearing this, the three little guys immediately became excited!

An Qing from behind rolled her eyes at Ling Yun, and complained: "Why did you go to work without saying a word, and took her there!"


Ling Yun was speechless, the little guy learned about black holes, and followed his tracks to shuttle past, and he didn't even know about it.

"They leave it to you. I have a class in the afternoon, so I'll go to work first." An Qing said!

"Don't worry, you've worked hard!" Ling Yun smiled slightly!
The little guy rolled his eyes, and said in a milky voice, "Thank you!"

Beibei: "Thank you!"

Little Eileen: "Thank you!"

An Qing: "..."

Ling Yun shrugged helplessly, and led the three of them home!
"What did you learn today?"

"There are so many!"

The little guy is the first to answer!
"Well, there are a lot."

Beibei and little Irene also started to answer!
"Tell me quickly, what have you all learned?"

The little guy said: "It turns out that sister Wanqing taught us!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, did he learn this?
Beibei said: "Instructor Mu is actually Blue Star's kindergarten teacher."

Little Eileen said: "You can still eat in class."

"Meet a lot of kids."

"They all have names."

Ling Yun: "..."

The three little fellows said they have learned this kind of question, Ling Yun has black lines all over his head.

Back in the yard, Ling Yun asked them to sit for a while, and he began to make lunch for them. After a meal, the little guy sneaked in.

Her eyes were gloomy, and she looked at the door. After making sure that Beibei hadn't come in, she asked, "Papa, that earth dragon is still there."

"Where is it?"

Ling Yun was quite funny, it was a black shadow, it must still be there.

"If you don't believe me, it got into my stomach, papa, it wants to be a bug and steal all my ideas."


Hearing this, Ling Yun couldn't help laughing: "Qi Qian, I'll help you catch it right away."

I saw with my own eyes that the finger-sized earth dragon was summoned by Ling Yun, and the little guy jumped up excitedly. When the earth dragon saw Ling Yun, it turned into mud, and a black shadow swam out of it, and returned to the place at Ling Yun's feet without a trace. in the shadows.

At noon, after putting the three naughty little guys to sleep, Ling Yun took the lunch box full of vegetables to deliver to An Qing!

In a small college!

An Qing was enjoying her lunch while Ling Yun was chatting with her.

"Oh, Mr. An's husband, he is so caring. Sissy looks like you." Mr. Mu said enviously!
An Qing's face was flushed, and she replied with a smile: "It's okay."

Teacher Yu on the other side is also envious of An Qing. She has a very handsome husband and a very cute daughter, although the family is all ordinary people.

She said, "This is Xin Fu, it's very romantic, as long as one's life is lived happily, that's all."

Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing: "We're both old couples, what's so romantic about that? Your last sentence is right, just be happy."

Ling Yun said: "Miss An dislikes me for not being romantic enough?"

"What do you say?"

Hearing this, An Qing rolled her eyes, and Tutor Mu on the side yelled, "Father Qianqian, you are really too, and occasionally you want to give our Tutor An a romantic surprise."

Ling Yun smiled, and a flower appeared in his hand: "For you, this blue enchantress!"

"Wow... what kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful."

Instructor Yu was stunned!
"Blue Enchantress, there won't be such flowers in Wuhun Continent." Ling Yun replied.

Teacher Mu and Teacher Yu on the side were both stunned. Where did this flower come from?Isn't Sissi's father just an ordinary person?
Dean Han who finally came out gave them an answer, Ling Yun is really powerful, and Teacher Yu slapped her in the face instantly...

"Thank you!"

An Qing was very happy!

After staying with her for about an hour, Ling Yun is about to go back, lest the little one will cry if he wakes up halfway and fails to see them.


The medicinal materials purchased by Ling Yun arrived, and the three little ones were learning alchemy in the yard. They made some progress, and their skills became more and more proficient, especially Bei Bei, who was praised by Ling Yun.

And the reward is a can of Wang Zai, Sissy and little Irene can only watch helplessly, Beibei said in a childlike voice: "You work hard, you will be rewarded if you study well."

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "That's right...Beibei is right. If you are lazy in the future, Wang Zai won't drink so much."

The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched, and then his eyes turned gray. She ran into Ling Yun's arms, and whispered in his ear: "Papa, shouldn't I be rewarded for learning the dark pit?"

Ling Yun: "..."

What dark pit?That's a black hole!
"Ahem... That doesn't count, I didn't teach it."

"Not counting?" The little guy frowned slightly: "I told Ma Ma that Papa bullied me."

"Wait a moment!"


Hearing this, the guy suddenly laughed happily.

Ling Yun whispered in the little guy's ear: "I'll make a test, you cheat, and then I'll give you Wang Zai, it's considered a reward, understand?"

Give the little guy a can of Wangzai in a fair and honest manner. Beibei and little Irene will definitely want it, and that is three cans. Maybe the little guy is not fooling around. It is obviously her reward. Why does her sister and little Irene also have a share?
So in order to avoid this situation, Ling Yun had no choice but to make a bad move!

After the little guy agreed, Ling Yun called Beibei and little Irene over!
"Listen up, I suddenly want to test you."

"Handsome Shushu, tell me, no matter whether you go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, as long as there is Wang Zai, Beibei will accept it."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Brother... Baby, I am the same."

After speaking, little Irene began to lick her mouth.

These two snacks!

Be mad at him!
(End of this chapter)

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