Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1339 Cheating

Chapter 1339 Cheating

Compared with the excitement of the two children, the little one seemed much calmer. No matter what her father took the test, Wang Zai was hers!

Beibei asked again: "What is the test? Jane is not easy!"

Ling Yun said: "Simple..."

Then Ling Yun took out a stone from the ground and drew a symbol on it, which they all remembered.

"See, you guys have to get it back later, the first one to get it back will be rewarded! A can of Wang Zai!"

After finishing talking about Ling Yun, throw it in a certain direction, the range is about Time City and its surroundings, it is very difficult!

Ling Yun also sealed their spiritual consciousness and demon lotus. This time even the little guy didn't avoid it, so he could only rely on common sense to find it.

"Yes! Leader, I promise to complete the task." Beibei saluted Ling Yun, who couldn't help but act so formally.

"Let's go now. If you can't find it before six o'clock in the afternoon, everything will be void."

As soon as Ling Yun's words fell, Beibei immediately rushed out of the gate, it's time to show real skills, the first one to go always has the greatest chance!

Little Irene was the most honest, looking at the direction Ling Yun was throwing the stone in, she said childishly, "Brother... wait for me to come back... my grandson will go too!"

The little guy laughed loudly, and after little Irene left, she stretched out her little hand and said with a smile: "They are so stupid."

"You are the smartest." Ling Yun rolled her eyes, and put a can of Wang Zai in her palm, and the latter sucked it up happily, with a happy expression on her face.

After a while, Wang Zai finished his drink, but her eyes were rolling bleakly!
She said in a milky voice, "Papa, I'll look for it right away, if I find it, there will be Wangzai."

Hearing this, Ling Yun sprayed the tea all over the floor, but this time she tricked her again, Ling Yun had to admit it, and told her not to cheat, she must be like Beibei and little Irene.

But he didn't know that the little guy could use Yaolian's...

The little guy nodded wildly, put on his hat and started to walk out slowly, still holding the map of Time City in his hand.

"Wangzai wait for me."

The child started to think of ghosts when he went out!
As soon as Ling Yun sat down, intending to close his eyes and rest his mind, the Goddess of Life came to visit!

She said angrily: "My respected Lord Pluto, you have done a good deed."

Gritting his teeth for the word good thing!
"It's not worth mentioning!" Ling Yun closed his eyes and rubbed his temples!

"Tell me, what is the purpose of killing so many people and destroying the City of Sin?" the Goddess of Life asked.

She knew it immediately, which really shocked Ling Yun. You must know that no one in Wuhun Continent knows about Sin City at this moment.

"Jinluansha! It's in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the breach of the seal needs it." Ling Yun replied truthfully!
It is said that the Goddess of Life is very angry, even if it is to destroy the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but there is no need to destroy the City of Sin, it is too cruel.

"I can't sanction you, but you should have a degree!"

"You can challenge me if you have the ability."

"I will. In the past, I always thought that I was the strongest in the twelve domains, but I couldn't beat you. In the same way, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. I advise you not to be so conceited."

"Thank you for your advice."

"You're welcome, I'm also thinking of the little one."

"You didn't come here for the dead, did you?" Ling Yun asked.

"The test has begun, starting with what you arranged just now."

"So fast?" Ling Yun frowned, unprepared.

"I can't delay any longer. You must know the current situation in Wuhun Continent. That elder from Tianmen is crazy, and he did it all."

The Goddess of Life gasped, and continued: "There won't be your shadow in here, right?"

She suspects that Ling Yun is behind the scenes!

Not to mention, a woman's intuition is strong, Ling Yun refused to admit it!

And the watchdog despises...

"Okay, let's start now."

"As agreed, points will be deducted for cheating, six points each time!"


Ling Yun can only say that it is too strict. The Goddess of Life said that this is necessary, and if there are deductions, there will be bonus points. This time Ling Yun agreed.

The little guy walked not far from home, his eyes were looking around, absent-minded!
A thought flashed through her mind, and then she laughed and sat in an unoccupied corner. According to the picture in her mind, she used the five elements technique to refine an identical small stone and drew symbols on it, typical cheating.

"Wang Zai, I'm coming."

The little guy took the little stone and ran back, bouncing back and forth. It took a total of five or six minutes!

"Come back so soon? Are you cowardly?" Ling Yun raised his legs, quite surprised that his daughter would come back so soon.

"Papa, I found a stone." The little guy took out a small stone and put it on the stone table, then lowered his head, not daring to look at Ling Yun, his little finger was still circling.

He didn't notice the goddess of life next to her, until the latter said, "Little one, don't you want to say hello?"

"'s you."

The little guy was absent-minded, and he didn't have the excitement when he saw the goddess of life for the first time.

"Find it so quickly?"

The goddess of life asked in a questioning tone, but the little guy seemed to regret it, and dared not admit it to the goddess of life!

Ling Yun knew at a glance that it was a fake, not his piece, and then said seriously: "Qi Qian, do you know what's wrong?"

The goddess of life was stunned, and then went to check the small stone, but she couldn't find out that it was fake.

The little guy lowered his head, his eyes were gray, and then he said with a playful smile: "Papa, I just want to talk about this stone..."


"Isn't this stone beautiful?"

"Also, it looks exactly the same as the one you threw away. Do you think it's strange?"

The little guy was talking in a childish voice!

And Ling Yun laughed, and immediately put on a serious face!

Faced with Ling Yun's questioning, his tone was slightly angry, the little guy was scared, and immediately admitted what she had done, and the goddess of life on the side was dumbfounded.

"I won't dare in the future." The little guy's aggrieved eyes stared straight at Ling Yun, who was also looking at her.

"There's still a future!"

" more..." The little guy wanted to cry, it was the first time he saw Ling Yun looking at her so seriously.

The Goddess of Life on one side glared at Ling Yun, then knelt down and touched the little guy's face: "Crying is a sign of the weak, little one, a good boy who knows his mistakes and can correct them."

"Opportunistic, you let Beibei and little Irene's efforts are in vain, they work so hard, why can't you use the method in the right way." Ling Yun said!

The little guy lowered his head, wiped his eyes this time, and twitched softly, the Goddess of Life on the side was very distressed!

"Pluto, she is still young, don't do this!"

"You can't ignore her fault just because she is young and cute." Ling Yun replied!
The Goddess of Life said: "It's a mistake, but you can't be too strict. Look at her, she is crying. She is so pitiful, so you can bear it?"


Seeing the goddess of life doting on the little guy, Ling Yun secretly laughed inwardly, there is only so much he can do to help the little guy.

Not long after he agreed to cheat and deduct points, the little guy started cheating, and found out that six points were deducted once, and he failed the pass directly. He didn't want to lose this gamble.

(I know, I owe two more)

(End of this chapter)

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