Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1350 Sealed Land

Chapter 1350 Sealed Land

The Goddess of Life beside him frowned, she obviously noticed Ling Yun's abnormality, but she was not suspicious, the little guy should belong to luck.

You know, even if it is her, it is impossible to see what material is inside.

The Goddess of Life came here to question what happened to Ling Yun just now, and the latter wandered into space and didn't listen at all!

"Pluto, when are you leaving?"


Ling Yun blinked, not understanding what the Goddess of Life was talking about!
"The little one got into trouble before!"

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot." Ling Yun replied calmly!
Hearing this, the corner of the Goddess of Life's mouth twitched, and she always cared nothing about the life and death of others. This is the legendary cold-blooded Pluto.

"You have also found Jinluansha, I advise you to hurry up, those demons will fly out much better." The goddess of life said anxiously!

"Understood, you go and observe them, but I don't allow anyone to hurt them. If I come back and see something that shouldn't happen, then everyone in the twelve domains will be buried with them."

Ling Yun stood up, stretched lazily, and said lightly, he was not joking with the goddess of life.

"You're crazy...well...I know how to do it. I'm here to protect them, and I'll take action when necessary." The goddess of life gritted her teeth, and there was nothing she could do about Ling Yun.

After she finished speaking, she stomped her feet several times and disappeared into the yard!
Ling Yun frowned, and then snapped his fingers!
A native suddenly appeared from the ground. Ling Yun stared at him for a long time, and finally set a ball of fire, a hand of lightning, and red power beads into the body of the native.
In the end, it directly turned into a human body...

The watchdog who witnessed all this was trembling with fright, unprecedented fear!
It saw that the native had grown up, and at the moment when Pluto put the red bead into the latter's body, the strength of the latter was simply unimaginable.


What kind of old monster is Pluto?

Watchdog is beyond description, terrible... terrible!
"Remember your identity, Hook Soul, I give you inexhaustible power, immortal life, your soul is immortal, you must always obey me!"

Like casting a spell, Ling Yun babbled in front of the new native!
This kind of spell is very advanced, and it has only one weakness, and that is the seal!
Only the seal can stop it, otherwise it will never die!

"Yes Master!"

Nodded with a hoarse voice, from the outside, he is a monster with human features, expressionless face, cold-blooded and selfless.

"Go to the Demon God Sea and find two people, one is Phoenix, the other is Emperor Mortal, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!"

"Yes, my king!"

When Hook Soul took the command, Ling Yun's body trembled, half kneeling on the ground, Tiandao trembled instantly, it felt unbearable.

As for Ling Yun, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. The forbidden technique he used just now consumed half of his strength, and he needs to recover for a while!
Afterwards, he rushed to the seal wall at the edge of the universe!
The little guy was very happy to get two pieces of materials, and then, under the reminder of little Irene, they were going to continue the task, looking for small stones!

Yan Sijun was repeatedly urged back by his father, he wanted to catch the father of the two little guys, that is, the pig that the Yan family thought had cheated Concubine Yan Xue!

So he has been following like a mangy dog!

Dongfang Honghong wanted to escort them until Ling Yun came to pick them up, or met someone they knew well, otherwise she would not be at ease.

The little guy and little Irene made a private agreement, one person will get half of the credit for finding Xiao Shitou, and one person will get half of the credit for getting Wangzai!
The first is to search from the beginning, that is, not far from the yard, and start to search slowly along the way!
And Beibei is outside the City of Time at this moment. She found the place where the small stone fell, but there was no small stone in the pit, but there were some blood stains and some sawdust!
She concluded that the little stone must have been taken away by someone, and time was running out. Seeing the messy footprints, she followed all the way back to the city!
"Aha, it's my sister..."

Little Irene with good eyesight immediately saw Bei Bei who came back from the city gate, and the three little guys were reunited!

"Sister...have you found it? If you find it, can you share it with me?" the little guy licked his mouth and asked, confident that Beibei could complete the task.

"not yet!"

Hearing this, Beibei instantly slumped her small shoulders, feeling a little helpless, if someone hadn't taken it, she would have been the first to find it, so thinking about it makes her angry.

"So long?"

The little guy pursed his lips and frowned slightly!
But Yan Sijun and Dongfang Honghong have doubts, what kind of stone are they looking for, so important?
"'s you!"

Beibei stared at Dongfang Honghong, who smiled slightly!
"She is Aunt Dongfang, Yan Mama's sister."

"Oh... Aunt Dongfang? Why are you here?" Beibei asked curiously!

In a moment!
The little guy came up with a good idea, that is to draw the little stone and let everyone see it. Anyone who has seen it will give 100 yuan of top-quality spirit stones as long as they find it!

I have to say that the three little guys are prodigal...

This method is very good, just do what you say, the three little guys are asking people all over the street with their portraits!
Ling Yun here!

Beside the wall at the edge of the universe, in front of the huge seal monument, there are more than a dozen immortal emperors working together to form a formation to trap demons.

This demon should have come out from here just now, these immortal emperors are Xuanzong disciples who have been guarding here for generations!
Xuanzong's disciples are talented, but their duty is to guard this place, and the twelve domains rarely appear.


Xuanzong's eldest disciple Ren Chen glanced at Ling Yun who suddenly appeared just now, he was extremely shocked in his heart, he didn't know why Ling Yun came here!
And at this moment, when he made a sound, many disciples also looked over!


"Lying trough..."

"Pluto... king!"

Although they don't go in and out of the twelve domains frequently, they have seen the face of Hades before, and Ling Yun at this moment is the real face!
Ren Chen frowned: "What are you doing here!"

He seriously suspected that Pluto came here with uneasy and kind intentions. If he wanted to forcibly break the seal on the edge wall of the universe, they would not be able to stop him!
"There are eleven immortal emperors, and each one is more than fifteen, but they can't do anything to a foreign demon that just sneaked over there. You are really capable."

Ling Yun's words were full of sarcasm!

But this is also a manifestation of his hatred of iron and steel!
Hearing this, they all lowered their heads in shame, and their strength to trap the demon increased a bit.

"It's not ordinary. It has a strong physical body and such high strength. It's normal that we can't beat it." Someone replied unwillingly!
"Hahaha, is Xuanzong so backward? Those swordsmanship that was so proud in the ancient times, where all the nations have come to? What about the formation of heaven and earth?"

Ling Yun sneered and said!
(End of this chapter)

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