Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1351 Seal

Chapter 1351 Seal
They were dumbfounded when they heard this, this is a secret that their Xuanzong did not pass on, how could Pluto know this!

Ling Yun ignored their shock, and continued: "Xuanzong is so downcast, you are really disappointing."

They know swordsmanship, the first form of Wan Guo Lai Chao, that is, comprehend the first form, and no one has practiced the second form except the current suzerain master.

"Shut up, you don't have the right to talk about Xuanzong." Ren Chen said angrily!

Everyone sweated for him!


The Evil Beast turned its back on Ling Yun, struggled furiously, and then turned into a human form, a creature they had never seen before.

The fangs of a beast, the body of a man...

Those wings are still there!


They spoke some languages ​​they didn't understand, but Ling Yun heard a little bit, which he seemed to understand, it was Sanskrit or something.

"Brother, we are about to fail, why hasn't rescue arrived yet?" A certain disciple said with a pale face!
"Persevere, I'll try to kill him right away." Ren Chen broke away from the formation, and then used the sword technique that Ling Yun had just mentioned, and all nations come to court!
Boom! !
A sword shines like a star...

Ling Yun shook his head as he watched, Wan Guo came to court too badly, what kind of stuff did they all practice.

The devil is not someone who just sits and waits to be killed. When Ren Chen used Wan Guo to come to court, he planned to fight back.

Just one hit!
All ten Xuanzong disciples were sent flying, and Ren Chen rushed up immediately!

In less than three rounds, Ren Chen was also knocked down, and none of the eleven had the ability to kill the demon!
Ling Yun said: "This is how all nations come to court!"

The words fall.

Countless stars converged into a river of swords. Even though Ling Yun only had [-]% of his strength, this sword technique was enough to seriously injure or even kill the demon!

Everyone trembled...

This is their Xuanzong's swordsmanship, Wan Guo Lai Chao, what kind of rubbish are they practicing, it is a pirated version, the gap is so big!
The river of swords was flowing, surrounding the demon. The latter had a surprised expression. When he saw Ling Yun, he chose to capture the thief first and the king first.

It's ridiculous that that sword river is teaching him to be a man!
After a while, the demon couldn't break free, and Jianhe gradually consumed a lot of strength. In order to escape, he broke off a hand!

Finally he came out!
And he stood in front of Ling Yun with a big laugh, his eyes were gloomy, his body grew huge, and he turned back into that monster again, trying to tear Ling Yun's body apart.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled into a smile, and his body directly shuttled through the monster's body. In everyone's eyes, Ling Yun turned into light...


When Ling Yun came out in an instant, the corner of the demon's mouth was bleeding, and his eyes were full of ferociousness!

The demon has fallen, crashing into the sea of ​​stars!
Ling Yun poked his ear and said, "I am also someone you can challenge!"

Ren Chen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The scene just now shocked them too much. He deserves to be the strongest man in the Twelve Domains. His strength is terrifying.

Ren Chen looked at Ling Yun who was standing with his hands behind his back, and finally made up his mind and said, "Thank you..."

Everyone was also very grateful to Ling Yun for his righteous action. If it wasn't for him, they would have died, and they couldn't afford to protect them!

There was movement again at the entrance of the cave that was sealed by Xuanzong, and a demon tried to rush out!
Ren Chen turned pale with shock, and immediately notified Xuanzong Patriarch to send more disciples over, they couldn't bear it any longer.

"Do you dare to be crazy when I'm here?"

Ling Yun punched it in, screaming in pain, and then there was no movement at the sealed hole.

Ling Yun didn't pay attention to so much, but raised the golden sand in the palm of his hand, and blew it!
Jinluan sand slowly floated into the hole, and after a while, the hole made by the little guy healed up.

"Be careful in the future, and don't let others destroy the seal monument."

After Ling Yun left these words, he left, only feeling that his body was very tired, and he needed to sleep!
"Damn...won't you want to sleep?" Ling Yun broke out in a cold sweat, he didn't want to sleep, he would sleep for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years!

Time City!
With the unremitting efforts of the three little guys, there is still no news about Little Stone?
And a group of people in a certain restaurant suddenly became angry when they heard the comments around them.

All of them belong to the Dragon Clan, a branch of the Snow Dragon Clan.

The leader of the youth is the young master of their Xuelong tribe, Xuefeng!

Just now Xuefeng was escorted to Time City by the dragon guards arranged by his father, when he was attacked by a small stone outside the city, he didn't even believe it.

His right arm was pierced!

Immediately, he was very angry, this was an assassination! !
He is the future king of the Snow Dragon Clan, his supreme status!

"Go and catch him, I want to see who is so brave and dares to attack me, my arm is not hurting for nothing." Xuefeng half-closed his eyes, and gradually some murderous intent emerged.


Immediately, three dragon guards left the restaurant and were walking quickly in the direction of the little guy.

After Xuefeng swept his consciousness, he found that it was actually three children who were looking for the stone in his hand!
Could this sign be a sect?Or what special meaning.

When the three dragon guards came to them, they were also slightly surprised, and then a certain person said: "You are looking for this little stone?"

"Yeah, yum!"

The little guy's eyes lit up, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Dongfang Honghong frowned, looked up and down the three dragon guards, and asked.

"Have you seen it? Where is it?"

"We picked it up on the road." A certain guard said!
The other person exuded a trace of killing intent, Prince Xuefeng ordered them to die.

"Be careful."

Realizing that a certain guard was abnormal, Yan Sijun slapped him, but the guards were too strong physically, and his own strength.

"court death."

The dragon guard was angry: "Why hit me?"

Yan Sijun: "..."

His hands hurt so much!
" belong to the Dragon Clan?" A thick-browed guard stared at little Irene, who scratched her head, then nodded heavily!
"It's incredible, your cultivation is so high."

The three of them were shocked that little Irene was so young, and her strength was that of the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor!


Yan Sijun's eyes widened. Is their father a dragon?
And Dongfang Honghong was also shocked, assuming that Pluto belonged to the Dragon Clan.

Things changed, so the three dragon guards brought them to Xuefeng.


Xuefeng stared at little Irene, full of doubts in his heart!

"Are you from the Dragon Clan there?"

"Endless Sea!"

"Hahaha, the Hailong clan, I didn't expect them to hide so deeply." Xuefeng smiled strangely, staring at little Irene's eyebrows!

"Uncle, give me the stone!"

Beibei saw it all, in front of Xuefeng was the stone that Lingyun threw.


Dare to lift stones?

If you say turn your face, turn your face...

Xuefeng's terrifying aura spread wide, staring at little Irene and shouting: "Little girl, your dragon yuan is mine."

(End of this chapter)

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