Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352
To be honest, he was shocked, this child actually has a dragon element, right between her eyebrows!


Dongfang Honghong was immediately sent flying by five or six dragon guards around the little guy, while Yan Sijun was stomped on the ground by Xuefeng's foot, unable to move!

"If you want this stone, there is no door. If it hurts me, her dragon yuan is the interest."

Xuefeng picked up the small stone in front of them, then gritted his teeth and crushed it!
Little Erin: "..."

Beibei: "..."

The little guy just clapped her hands. She knew it was a mission, and her father was watching. Now that this person destroyed the stone, it was tantamount to committing suicide.

Dongfang Honghong flew in from the outside in an instant, and she could see that she was beaten badly, but she was immediately caught by the dragon guards as soon as she came in!

Yan Sijun being stepped on, that is dignity!
"What did you say?" Xuefeng stomped on Yan Sijun's cheeks again. The latter was furious, but he had no strength to resist!

"Do you know who I am!" Yan Sijun gritted his teeth.

"who are you?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xuefeng's mouth!
"Yan Mansion, Years City!"

"I didn't listen, what kind of rubbish family." Xuefeng laughed, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

They are not in a hurry, everyone in the restaurant is scared away by him now, so you can take your time to get the dragon yuan from Little Irene!

They found that the three little guys didn't panic at all, Qiqi looked at them very calmly.

Beibei said in a milky voice, "You are so handsome, I will kill you."

It was the first time she said the word kill, and she used to say that she would be beaten!

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't use Yaolian's power, she would be done with this kind of thing in one shot.

"What uncle, who is it, let him come and hit me, hahaha." Xuefeng laughed, thinking that Beibei's words were too funny.

"Our Yan family will not let you go." Yan Sijun said!
"Yeah, I'm going to visit some shit Yan's house later."

The three little guys looked at each other, and then laughed loudly. Someone made this kind of request before, and then died.

no more power...

But the little guy has a blood dragon element between his eyebrows, and that thing has a deterrent effect on all dragons!
"Laugh, won't be able to laugh any longer." Xuefeng said with a gloomy face!

A figure slowly appeared in front of Xuefeng and the others, it was the goddess of life, she remembered Ling Yun's words!

"You hurt her, I don't care, get out of Time City now."

She did this to save their lives before Xuefeng and the others did anything, and let them go as far as Ling Yun was away.

The three little guys looked at the goddess of life in black robes with cute expressions on their faces. They thought it was Ling Yun, but they were greatly disappointed!
Yan Sijun was pleasantly surprised, his life was saved!

But Dongfang Honghong couldn't figure out what the black-robed man was going to do!

"Hahaha, did you hear what he said? Let's get lost..." Xuefeng laughed instead of anger, his eyes were filled with coldness.

"I don't know what to do, let's go, leave him alone." The Goddess of Life led the three little guys and was about to leave.

"A good man, a good man, me, and me." Yan Sijun said!
The Goddess of Life paused, kicked Yan Sijun casually, and was rescued!
Xuefeng's face gradually became gloomy, and he ordered immediately!
"Kill them."

Dongfang Honghong's complexion suddenly changed!
And the girl of life frowned, is this provoking her?

The little guy said happily: "Aha, I'm here!"

A burst of sword energy fell from upstairs, and An Qing came out wearing a veil!

"Snow in the world!"

This sword technique injured five or six of their dragon guards. They all gasped and wondered why Anqing was so strong. Beibei's eyes lit up. This sword technique is awesome.

"Who are you, you want to fight against us?" Xuefeng stared at An Qing floating down, feeling fearful in his heart, so he brought this little man out.

"Hmph, die..."

An Qing would not show mercy, and continued to stab the three dragon guards with her sword.

Beibei said: "Okay... Let's see if you still dare to bully the children."

"You are so brave to kill my daughter." An Qing was not joking when she got angry, she raised her sword and fell, and four of the six dragon guards died!
Dongfang Honghong's eyes widened!

Yan Sijun frowned when he heard An Qing's words, shouldn't the mother of the three of them be her sister, this woman came from there.

call out…

An Qing's sword attacked again, this time aimed at Xuefeng, who was sweating profusely.

"You wait for me."

Xuefeng's aura suddenly changed, his right hand turned into a dragon, a white claw blocked An Qing's swordplay, and then he was taken away by a dragon guard!
And the remaining dragon guard stayed behind, after discussing it, he stayed to stall for time, to give Xuefeng time to escape.

Letting Xuefeng run away, An Qing stomped her feet angrily, but the little guy grabbed her, and said in a milky voice, "Mama, Mama...don't be angry."

The Goddess of Life said: "He committed a capital crime, I will punish him, don't worry."

When things got to this point, the Goddess of Life had no choice but to take action, and Xuefeng couldn't stay, just for the sake of the overall situation and the entire Xuelong clan.

And the remaining dragon guard took the opportunity to blew himself up, he knew he couldn't survive, this method was very straightforward, and it was done once and for all.

The Goddess of Life frowned, and then led everyone out of the restaurant. The moment she came out, there was a loud bang from the restaurant, and debris fell from the sky.

Now that An Qing came, and the three of them knew each other, Dongfang Honghong handed them over to An Qing with confidence, because she was injured a little bit, so she went back to Yan's mansion temporarily, and she was with Yan Sijun.

And the Goddess of Life is going to kill Xuefeng, who has escaped from Time City!
out of town!

Xuefeng gritted his teeth with hatred, and said angrily: "People from the Yan family? You just wait for me."

"Prince, let's go back immediately and notify the elders of the clan to come and kill them, revenge." The dragon guard said with bloodshot eyes.


Xuefeng broke out in a cold sweat, he found a person behind him, and asked without turning his head.

And the dragon guard immediately drew his sword and pointed at the goddess of life angrily.

"I have already persuaded you not to cause trouble, and roll as far as you can."

"It's you!!"

Xuefeng suddenly turned around and was shocked!
"For your Xuelong clan, you have to die to apologize." The goddess of life slapped Xuefeng flying, and the latter flew more than ten meters away.

"I'll fight with you." The dragon guard frantically swung his sword a few times, but the goddess of life kept him useful, and didn't kill him.

"Ahem..." Xuefeng stood up with all his strength, and then used all his luck to use his agility to run away. If he didn't run, he would die!
"Give up struggling." The Goddess of Life arrived in a flash, and then slapped him down again. Xuefeng screamed again and again, like a chicken, powerless to fight back.

"Cough cough..."

"Killing you is like slaughtering pigs and dogs. Do you kill yourself or I will help you."

The Goddess of Life sucked the dragon guard's sword over and threw it in front of Xuefeng.

(End of this chapter)

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