Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1354 Scene 2

Chapter 1354 Scene Two (First Update)
Xueling Mountain!
In the palace on the top of the mountain, on the huge throne, after hearing the guard's words, the Snow Dragon King exuded a terrifying killing intent all over his body, and said in an old voice: "Whoever it is, kill him and avenge my son."

The guard who came back to report said: "Dragon King, what about the warning from that mysterious man?"

"Hmph, no matter what, I want to avenge my son. Needless to say, you follow me to the Wuhun Continent immediately, slaughter the people in the Yan Mansion for me, and find the mysterious person to avenge my son!"


Under the throne, those immortal emperors of the Dragon Clan nodded in unison, not letting their future kings die in peace.

Departing from the Xueling Mountain of the Dragon Clan, the entire Immortal Emperor team led by the Snow Dragon King will take about a day to reach the Wuhun Continent.

In the middle of the night in Suiyue City, the silent night was broken by a bang!
However, these explosions disappeared soon after, and there were two people fighting, Zhandi Lihuo and Immortal Emperor Nanming who came out of Suolong Tower. They had already been driven out by the city lord Gu Ming and the city guard of Suiyue City.

The destruction between the two destroyed many places in the city!
Fortunately, Lingyun Pavilion still has formations, otherwise they must be woken up, this is no joke, if Lingyun is annoyed, the consequences will be very serious!
Although they were expelled from the City of Time, there were still many broken voices coming back, and many curious and gossip houses went to watch the battle.

For example, Duoshuiliu, the Patriarch of the Yan Mansion and Yan Wuji and other brothers!
Zhandi Lihuo said: "Brother, you have to think carefully before you decide not to join? I will fight with you forever."

"Hmph, I think very clearly, it is impossible for me to join the lost fairy palace."

The Immortal Palace was a huge force in ancient times, but it finally went to perish, and the one who destroyed it was the terrifying Ling Yun!

This top power almost ruled the Twelve Domains, and its power shook all directions. Even Putuo Temple and Tianmen were its affiliates, and people at that time were afraid of it.

Both Immortal Emperor Nanming and Emperor Lihuo belonged to the Immortal Palace. After the Immortal Palace ceased to exist, they were taken into the Suolong Pagoda!

The reason they are fighting at this moment is actually to revive the Asgard, so they are the remnants of the era.

"If you don't join, then you are betraying our Asgard, and anyone who betrays Asgard will die." Emperor Li Huo's eyes were gloomy, full of chill.

Immortal Emperor Nanming said angrily: "It's impossible to join forces with you. It was right for Pluto to destroy the Immortal Palace. He is not a sinner, only the Immortal Palace is guilty."

"Shut up, the Twelve Realms belong to the Immortal Palace, you are not qualified to discuss it, if it weren't for the Pluto who killed a thousand knives, what would happen in the future? Why are we homeless, and why are we locked into Suolong by Nan Wutian?" tower!"

Zhandi Lihuo attributed everything to Ling Yun.

"Hey, I won't talk nonsense with you. In short, I don't want to be with you. Let the Immortal Palace let it sleep, and the resentful spirits inside can rest in peace."

The resentful spirits are their Taoist friends, those people who used to be in the fairy palace, after they were killed by Ling Yun, they were unwilling to die, and their souls were unwilling to disperse, thus forming the resentful spirits.

"Then you die for me and accept the arrangement of fate."

"What can you do to me!"

"This world is a world where the weak are prey to the strong. There are no rules. The world has gone crazy." Zhandi Lihuo squinted his eyes and stared at Immortal Emperor Nanming in front of him. The latter's attitude made him very unhappy.

"Since I don't have the ability to prevent the outbreak of war like Pluto, but I have the ability to stop you. If you want to make Asgard reappear in the Twelve Realms, you can ask me if my fist will agree."

Immortal Emperor Nanming wasn't evading either, his tone was tough with rupture!

"I'll kill you." Zhandi Lihuo was furious!

Boom! !
The two confronted each other again, with such a terrifying strength, the world was shattered and the situation changed.

And those who heard the conversation between them, without exception, were shocked expressions, the survivors of the fairy palace?horrible…

Nothing to say all night, early in the morning, the little guy doesn't have to go to school, today is Saturday, but An Qing is confused.

She opened her eyes in a daze, rubbed them, and then fell asleep habitually!

"Cissy, get up quickly, it's time for school soon?" An Qing poked at her pink face, and the latter frowned slightly, but didn't open her eyes.

Seeing the little guy like this, An Qing smiled helplessly: "I heard that Beibei has already drank a can of Wangzai and is looking at you at the dinner table."

"Well, Mama, hug me up quickly, I hate it, what time is it, don't wake me up." The little guy opened his eyes, and his mouth was pouted.

An Qing: "..."

"Okay, go to bed early and get up early every day, this is a good boy, boo!"

"But, Ma Ma, didn't Papa say you don't have to go to school last night?" The little guy scratched his head suspiciously, suspecting that he was dreaming at the moment.


An Qing hammered her head, and finally remembered that they really don't have to go to school today, but Ling Yun said that she would take them to play.


The little guy pouted!

An Qing hurriedly said: "Oh, now that you've woken up, get up, don't you want to drink Wangzai!"

"miss you!"

As soon as he heard Wangzai, the little guy immediately licked his mouth!

And her eyes are gloomy, and she plans to teach Beibei the black hole and Wanjian Guizong. As long as she learns the latter's black hole and sword skills, she can be rewarded by Wang Zai. At that time, she will also have a share, and the little calculations are all done!
When she went to the dinner table, she saw that Beibei was really looking at her Wangzai. She immediately ran up and drank it first!
"Waiting for you!"

Beibei looked at the anxious little guy and laughed aloud!
"Without you..." The little guy knew what Beibei wanted to do, so he quickly refused!
During breakfast!

Wan Qing from next door came, and she said with a smile on her face, "Kids, you don't have to go to school today, can big sister take you to play?"

The little guy shook his head, and said in a baby voice, "Thank you big sister, we're going to play with Papa."


Wan Qing showed a sad look, and Bei Bei comforted her: "Big sister, you can ask the kid next door."

"'s not that easy." Wan Qing couldn't laugh or cry!
Ling Yun and An Qing also explained that they won't be free today!
Since they can't be invited, Wan Qing can only return without success!

As soon as she walked away, the goddess of life stayed behind. After greeting the three little guys, she said, "Is there any arrangement for today?"

Ling Yun said: "Yes, it's the second round, but don't let them know!"

The three little guys really didn't understand what they said, and they ate their breakfast happily, while An Qing was very worried.

The Goddess of Life also had the same plan as Ling Yun's, that's why she came. That's the two people who fought last night!

The two asked to subdue Immortal Emperor Nanming, and Emperor Lihuo Zhan should be captured alive, Ling Yun suggested to press into the Moon Town Demon Tower! !
(End of this chapter)

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