Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1355 Meteorite

Chapter 1355 Meteorite (Second Change)

After discussing for a while, Ling Yun said to the little guy: "Listen up, you three, there are two fighting not far away!"


The three little guys looked at Ling Yun together, looking cute and dumb, and blinked at the same time!
Provoking the goddess of life to pinch their cheeks, they are still very obedient and motionless!
"You need to subdue one, capture the other alive, and then take it into the Demon Town Tower under the Moon without anyone noticing."

This is a task for them today, it can be regarded as a question posed by the Goddess of Life and Ling Yun.

A total of three points, let's see how much they can get. It is said that the three little guys participated, but it is actually a test for the little guys and Beibei.

"Why do you have to subdue one and capture the other?" Beibei questioned!

"Don't worry, this is a test, you know, you still can't use your strength, relying on your little heads, how can you cheat your love, how can you cheat!" The goddess of life said truthfully!

And An Qing was worried about this, she kept tugging at Ling Yun, who shrugged her shoulders, the goddess of life refused to retreat, worried about what happened last time in the Swamp of Terror.

Can't use power, what about their safety?So An Qing's heart is one hundred unwilling!
The little guy's eyes are gloomy and he can't use his strength?Doesn't exist... All the seals are invalid for her, but Ling Yun only thinks that they are under his control!
Beibei nodded, she has a lot of ways, she can't help her, even if she doesn't have the power of the Supreme Demon Lotus, she can still use part of the power of Bai Yan and Xie Longyuan.

And that artifact dress, all of these are her capital!

Ling Yun unleashes his power, shocking all the monks in Wuhun Continent!
All of a sudden, they were all trembling with panic, like frightened little rabbits!
"Who is it? Such a powerful force, so terrifying."

"It's like a sleeping devil waking up, is he going to kill someone?"

"He's warning us, hurry up and go away."

Many monks watching Lihuo Zhandi and Nanming Immortal Emperor began to flee one after another, and Ling Yun's awe-inspiring range gradually narrowed around their two battle circles.

The forces that besieged Baihua Palace chose to retreat temporarily, but the encirclement was still there. Ling Yun didn't expect that they saved Baihua Palace!
Lihuo Zhandi and Nanming Immortal Emperor are still fighting, and it has no effect at all. Perhaps at their level of cultivation, Ling Yun's deterrent power has become insignificant.

They also didn't realize that at the place where they were fighting, by the side of a tree about tens of meters away, Ling Yun and his party were here!

The Goddess of Life smiled slightly, touched their smooth foreheads, looked at the two people in mid-air and said, "Did you see that, it's them, don't make any mistakes, as for the arrest, you have to judge for yourself, if you make a mistake Points are deducted."

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, is there any Wang Zai!"


"Mama, is there any!"

The unrepentant little guy acted like a baby to An Qing, who couldn't laugh or cry!
"Listen to your father, he is in charge."

"My daddy said, there is Wangzai."

Ling Yun: "..."

The Goddess of Life shook her head and said, "No, this is a test. If you work hard, we will leave!"

Afterwards, there were only three little guys left in a mess in the wind. Before that, An Qing was reluctant to let go, looking very entangled.

"Sister, start playing the game!" The little guy stared at Zhandi Lihuo and Immortal Nanming, pouted his mouth, and didn't know what to do for a while!

Beibei rubbed her forehead and muttered, "Do you want to touch porcelain? Let's make fun of it?"

This time the rules allow cheating, so Beibei is struggling!

She was talking about some methods with little Irene, and the little guy couldn't wait to get close, his eyes rolling in despair.


The little guy yelled from below, but unfortunately the voice was too low, the battle was too loud, and neither Lihuo Zhandi nor Nanming Immortal Emperor could hear it.


Some of the martial arts skills of the two fell around, shaking the earth!

The little guy muttered to himself: "What should I do, it's so annoying."

The two have been fighting, so she should beat them all down, but if she uses her strength, she will be considered cheating like yesterday.

It can only be passive... At that time, it will be justifiable. This little guy understands his inner thoughts quite well.


Thinking that it would be so smooth, the little guy couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. After a while, she stared at their battle and frowned slightly!

A strange situation suddenly appeared in the sky, and the clouds turned red, forming a rare fire cloud!
Ling Yun's eyes widened... His face was full of disbelief, strength?Where did it come from... He has already sealed the little guy, he is completely confused!
After feeling it, he didn't know whether he should think that they cheated. This power belongs to the little guy, but it was used from the demon lotus in the seal!

And God doesn't know it, the ghost doesn't know it, the goddess of life doesn't know it at all!

Zhandi Lihuo and Immortal Emperor Nanming didn't notice anything at all, and began to raise their eyes to look at Huoshaoyun. After a while, they were covered in cold sweat, and Lingyun's jaw almost fell off!

Isn't that his ultimate move Meteorite!
When the meteorite fell, the Suiyue City of Wuhun Continent was vulnerable, it was a disaster.

What is the little guy going to play!

An Qing just wanted to protect the little guy!But with Ling Yun and the Goddess of Life around, it's not a problem at all!

A moment later, a depressive atmosphere approached Time City!
A fiery red meteorite appeared in everyone's sight. They opened their mouths wide and trembled in fright.

"Damn it, who!" Zhandi Lihuo was so frightened that he quickly mobilized his strength and resisted with all his strength!

Because it fell to where they are!
The corners of Beibei and little Irene's mouths twitched, Qi Qi looked at the calm little guy, who looked at the meteorite with a yearning expression.

Goddess of Life said: "Are they all right?"

Ling Yun nodded, and responded, "As long as Li Huo and Nan Ming don't want to die, they'll be fine."

An Qing was still very worried: "Is there really nothing wrong?"

"Don't worry, they're wearing skirts, and I'm here."

Hearing Ling Yun's affirmative answer, An Qing felt a little relieved.

"My natal artifact, give me strength." Lihuo Zhandi's body burst into blue light, and then a huge shield appeared, which was his trump card.

And Immortal Emperor Nanming just forcibly increased his strength to resist the meteorite that locked them!

Out of worry, Zhandi Lihuo threw out a huge defensive array!

The terrifying power of the sky hits down, and the sky is full of brilliance!
"Ah... Hold on to me."

"What a powerful force."

After a few breaths, the defensive array was completely destroyed.

"Hey...if that's the case..." Zhandi Lihuo looked at Immortal Emperor Nanming next to him, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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