Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1356 Failure

Chapter 1356 Failure (third update)

Immortal Emperor Nanming didn't see the gloomy eyes of Zhandi Lihuo!
When the two of them were resisting the meteorite with all their strength, Immortal Emperor Nanming seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, his expression froze, and he looked very painful.

The two were also well-known figures in ancient times, but they met the little guy later!

It was at this time that Emperor Lihuo sacrificed his Lihuo, which was a strange fire, and the light alone was dazzling!
And the goal of this strange fire was not to deal with the meteorite, but to kill Immortal Emperor Nanming. The latter was unable to guard against it, and his heart was burned directly.


"You actually did something wrong." Immortal Emperor Nanming's face was full of disbelief, and his body immediately fell down.

Zhandi Lihuo laughed loudly: "As I said, you must die!"

Boom! !
He pushed the meteorite back with another force, and then the meteorite began to shatter into pieces and fall down one by one. It didn't have much impact!
The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched, and his short legs ran to the deep pit where Immortal Nanming fell, and watched in a daze, while Beibei and little Irene also ran over behind him.

And the dying Immortal Emperor Nanming has been vomiting blood since seeing the little guy!
He was full of doubts, how could this child be here, this is their battle circle, is it his illusion! !

With all kinds of doubts and unwillingness, he closed his eyes in despair, and the breath of life was gone!
With his death, the little guy's mission has failed by one point, and she still doesn't know it!

Seeing the death of Immortal Emperor Nanming, Zhandi Lihuo laughed, and the latter had already dealt with the meteorite, and he paid the price with his life. The shield, the natal artifact, was destroyed, and the so-called shield was destroyed.

Such a big move is not something he can bear. The power fluctuations of the meteorite swept the world. Although it was dealt with by Lihuo Zhandi, the coercion remained.

"Nanming, you should die before me, hahaha."

Li Huo Zhandi fell to the ground, and the sky was filled with dust.

All these people dare not approach, no one knows the situation here.

The three little guys were stunned for a moment...

Beibei said: "It's over, this time it's just a pass!"

The little guy was silent, not daring to admit that she did it, even Beibei just suspected her, her little head kept hanging down.

They didn't know, Ling Yun's face turned dark when he learned everything, and he didn't even smile at all!

If he doesn't get points this time, the little guy has no chance to come back, and the Supreme Demon Lotus is decided.

When the Goddess of Life and Ling Yun appeared here, the latter was full of disappointment!
"Little one, you are hopeless this time, zero points."

"Sissy, it's okay, there is still a chance." An Qing smiled slightly, she didn't know that this is the last chance, you know, the little guy was deducted three points before!

Ling Yun just sighed!

The little guy didn't feel anything, when he heard what An Qing said, he immediately smiled: "Ma Ma, Ma Ma... There is still a chance."

The Goddess of Life just smiled, with a smile of victory on her face!
Ling Yun said to her: "You won!"

"It's an accident. I didn't expect the sky to help me. This meteorite came so timely." The goddess of life couldn't help but be grateful. If it wasn't for this meteorite, she would have lost!

"Ha ha…"

Ling Yun, who knew all the truth, smiled wryly!

"Do I still need to test? Or should I just take out the demon lotus?"

Hearing this, the veins on Ling Yun's forehead popped up, but he didn't have any reason to dare to fight. If he loses, he loses...

"Yes... even so, she still has to accept the test, and Beibei's, Sissy's just lost, but Beibei's, you don't want to take it away!" Ling Yun was already very angry, and his fists were tightly clenched. !

"That's right, there is another little one, hehe... I don't think you will win, she only got one point in total, and there are six points left."

"It's only six points, let's wait and see." Ling Yun said coldly, his tone couldn't tell he was angry, but far away in the star sea of ​​the universe, a terrifying force was raging.

"I'll wait for you over there. I will arrange it properly. I hope you will be fair and don't lose." The corner of the Goddess of Life's mouth curled up into a smile, just a simple smile. Who won't smile?

Ling Yun nodded, and after watching the goddess of life leave, he knelt down to comfort the little guy: "Qi Qian, it's okay..."


"Sleep well tonight!"

After saying this, he trembled all over, because the Goddess of Life will take out the demon lotus from her body tonight!
The little guy frowned slightly, not understanding what her father meant.

An Qing seemed to understand, with red eyes, she turned her head and cried.

And Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, is that Aunt Hua a bad person? Why is it so weird today!"

"It's nothing, don't think about it too much, I'll take you to the next test later." Ling Yun still squeezed out a smile, so that Beibei could see it clearly, thinking in her heart that it was too fake, she had never seen this smile before Pass.

Beibei frowned slightly, staring at Ling Yun, she wanted to watch every expression of the latter, but how could she understand it!
The little guy just nodded, hmm, as if he didn't know the changes in Ling Yun's whole person!

An Qing didn't look back at them, but just said: "Ling Yun, why don't we leave here now and go back to the moon, a place she can't find."

"No, people can't keep their promises. You must know that if they can't take this step, what are they going to talk about?" Ling Yun immediately frowned, looking more and more determined.

An Qing was hesitant to speak!
Not long after they left, everything here immediately set off a frenzy of discussion in Wuhun Continent.

Ling Yun led the group of them to continue on their way, and after spending an hour, they finally saw Baihua Palace.

On this huge mountain peak, there is a luxurious palace, even the largest, most prosperous and oldest palace in the entire Wuhun Continent, that is Baihua Palace.

The Baihua Palace stretches for thousands of miles. The entire wall is made of special materials, like a prehistoric beast, giving people an invisible sense of oppression, and it has a sense of historical vicissitudes.

Looking towards the Baihua Palace in the void, the entire Baihua Palace looks like a huge monster with an astonishingly large area.

I'm afraid that ten years old cities can hardly be compared with it. The area of ​​this palace is completely equivalent to a county seat of Blue Star.

Outside the Baihua Palace, except for Ling Yun, everyone else felt an invisible sense of oppression, especially An Qing, who felt particularly oppressed.

This kind of depression comes from Baihua Palace itself...

The entire Baihua Palace gave them a kind of depression. On the top of the huge golden gate, there were three flamboyant and golden characters - Baihua Palace!

Just these three words are full of a very ancient atmosphere, this Baihua Palace has existed for countless years, as if with the birth of Wuhun Continent, this Baihua Palace has existed in it.

(As you wish, resume the third shift until the Spring Festival!)
(End of this chapter)

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