Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1366 Kill

Chapter 1366 Kill
And above the square outside the main hall of the Feather Demon Palace, several figures appeared here, they were the elders of the Feather Demon Palace and the others.

Following Ling Yun's violent shout just now, the entire Feather Demon Palace was shocked, and everyone trembled and then became angry.

A large number of disciples, deacons, elders, and guardians all appeared here, all looking at the gate.

At the same time, he wondered in his heart who it would be, who had the courage to come to the Feather Demon Palace to make a scene, did he not want to live?

"Let the master and ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace get out of here. After today, there will be no Feather Demon Palace."

Ling Yun's imposing manner was unparalleled, and he shouted domineeringly, his voice was like a heavy bell, resounding through the four heavens.

Hearing his voice but not seeing him, everyone was waiting for their elder's order, hearing Ling Yun's voice, they were already very angry.

The eyes of everyone in the Feather Demon Palace were filled with anger.

Dare to say such a thing here, this is completely provoking Feather Demon Palace.

"Bold thief, you dare to come to our Feather Demon Palace to be presumptuous. Are you looking for death? Let the old man catch you."

An elder of the Feather Demon Palace instantly flew out of the Feather Demon Palace.

"Look, everyone, it's the Fourth Elder. If he goes out, he will definitely be able to kill that arrogant thief."

"The four elders are mighty."

"Fourth elder, come on."

"Kill him and show off the power of my Feather Demon Palace."

The Fourth Elder stood in front of Ling Yun at this moment, and shouted sharply, his strength had already reached that of Immortal Emperor Seventeen.

"The boy is brave, but it's a pity that you are courting death."

It's ridiculous and sad that he can't recognize Ling Yun.

Ling Yun stared coldly, and directly cast out a strange fire in one hand, and ice in the other hand, the combination of the two was lore, the ice and the raging fire fused together, and a terrifying attack power erupted immediately.

This ultimate lore force directly blasted the elder of the Feather Demon Palace, instantly taking the latter's life, without any struggle, it was directly wiped out, leaving no residue.

The people in the Feather Demon Palace didn't know what happened at all, they only heard a loud noise.

"Hahaha, if the fourth elder takes action, he must be dead."

"Let me just say, this person dares to challenge our Feather Demon Palace, he is simply tired of his life."

"It is estimated that there will be no dead scum left."

Many disciples laughed and gave thumbs up to the outside of the gate.

A few elders noticed something was wrong, so they flew out to check it out, only to find that Ling Yun, who had scarlet eyes, was staring at them.

"Damn it, this is...he...he...quickly inform the Palace Master, Ming...poof..."

Before the elder could finish his sentence, he was pierced into the chest by Ling Yun's left hand.

The other elders were sweating profusely, Liushen Wuzhu looked at Ling Yun, and the latter smiled strangely!
"You are here to die first, let's go together."

After Ling Yun sneered, his figure flashed, and there were a few more corpses on the ground. Killing them was as simple as trampling a few ants to death.

"Good... what a powerful man!"

"He seems to be alone."

"Like who?"

There were a few gossiping monks in the distance, but Ling Yun overheard the conversation between them. With a snap of his fingers, the void exploded inexplicably, and they died innocently.

There was another commotion outside, and now the disciples of the Feather Demon Palace were completely panicked, the elders outside must be invincible, so they notified the hall master Ye Haitang.

"Dog, don't get out yet." Ling Yun stomped his feet, and the entire Four Heavens vibrated, as if he couldn't bear the force anymore.

"Quickly inform the hall master that he is still alive, and how many elders have died."

A certain elder shouted, his face was extremely pale, and his head was covered with sweat.

"It's the Great Elder, he's here, and he should be able to defeat that guy outside."

"Don't be afraid, go out with the old man to see who is sacred." The great elder came out wearing a white robe, staring at the crowd and said, there was no anger on his face, but there was something in his eyes. Very fierce.

With a bang, the gate of Feather Demon Palace was shattered by Ling Yun's fingertip wave.

"You are the master of the Feather Demon Palace, you don't look like it, it's too rubbish."

Ling Yun looked at the Great Elder of the Feather Demon Hall from a distance and shouted.

"Old man, Great Elder of the Feather Demon Hall, our hall master is not something you trash can see at will."

"Why do you still come to my Feather Demon Palace to provoke and kill the elders of my Feather Demon Palace? You really don't take us seriously, do you think our Feather Demon Palace is easy to bully?"

The Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace looked at Ling Yun and spit out suddenly, his expression was gloomy, and a strong anger radiated from his whole body.

Although he didn't know who Ling Yun was, he insisted on safeguarding the just position of the Feather Devil Palace, absolutely not allowing anyone to act recklessly here.

"The Feather Demon Palace? Hahaha, after today, there will be no Feather Demon Palace in the world."

Ling Yun sneered, his eyes were scarlet with a huge murderous intent.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, the guardians and elders of the Feather Demon Palace stared at Ling Yun one by one.

"Hahaha, you have such a big tone." The elder of Yumo Palace smiled instead of anger, staring at Ling Yun firmly.

Another protector said: "You are too arrogant, my Feather Demon Palace is not something you can destroy if you want, and you dare to step here today to provoke, then don't leave, leave it to me today."

"Do you think he looks familiar?"

"When you say it, it's a little bit like Pluto!!"

"Fuck... I look more and more like him."

There were still a few smart people in the crowd, who could tell Ling Yun's identity at a glance, but their hands and feet were weak, their mouths were wide open, and they couldn't speak.

Hearing these words, everyone was not calm and began to slowly move away from Ling Yun.

The Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace directly knelt down and slapped himself all the time. He just offended Hades and died...

The law protector's approach is even more terrifying. Just commit suicide. Saying that to Hades is more tormented than death. If you don't commit suicide, you will be killed. It is best for him to die with dignity.

"Feather Demon Palace, who among you told that woman about that and changed the holy water?"

Ling Yun shouted in a cold voice, exuding a supreme aura from his body, his whole body surged with strength, the sky began to tremble, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the weather changed as soon as it changed.

Holy water?

Hearing this, the Great Elder was startled, it turned out that they came here for that matter, they shouldn't be obsessed with ghosts at the beginning, now it's over, Pluto came to the door, it was a disaster.

"Pluto...Master Pluto...It's not...It's not us...You have made a mistake."

"There is an injustice and a debtor. If we don't say it, others will."

"Forgive me."

Several deacons who were greedy for life and fear of death directly began to shirk their responsibilities, Ling Yun was very upset.

"Let me ask again, who said, get out and die?"

Ling Yun's tone was full of death, everyone fell into endless fear, and the scene was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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