Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1367 Rescue?

Chapter 1367 Rescue?

Ling Yun didn't have that much patience when he didn't get an answer for a long time.


He killed dozens of disciples of Feather Demon Hall with a backhand palm, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and he didn't blink his eyes.

"Can you tell me?"

Ling Yun pointed to the Great Elder of the Yumo Palace. The latter was sweating profusely, his lips were white, and his body was crumbling. He was so weak in front of the mighty Hades.

"Old man... this old man doesn't understand what Master Pluto said, don't ask me, don't ask me."

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, and it's dead if he says it or not. Back then, the Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace betrayed the demon lotus and the daughter of Hades.

At this time, Ling Yun stepped forward, staring at the Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace with stern eyes, and then a ray of light burst out from between his fingers, and the light blasted directly towards the Great Elder, and the latter's eyes were full of fear.

The light blasted out, and the terrifying coercion directly pervaded the audience. The faces of the people in the Feather Demon Palace changed drastically on the spot, and many people bowed down.

call out!
In the next second, even less than a second, as if in an instant, a terrible roar sounded.

And there was a bloody hole between the eyebrows of the Great Elder of the Feather Demon Hall, and he was already a corpse. The latter fell down slowly, stunned everyone.

In their eyes, the Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace who was so powerful died just like that, without the ability to fight back.

This is the strength of Pluto, everyone is an ant in front of him, no one can stop this most powerful killing god.

Following the killing of the Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace, all the other powerful guardians and disciples of the Feather Demon Palace present had dull expressions in their eyes, and they were completely shocked.

At this time, Ye Haitang from the Temple of the Feather Demon who had rushed over had an extremely ugly expression, and the elder Sun Wuji, the fourth heavenly lord who had just walked out, was also shocked inwardly, looking at Ling Yun with a look of fear in his eyes.

Changsun Wuji trembled, and tremblingly said: "Master Taishenjun, my subordinates welcome you."


Ling Yun chuckled!
In the past, the Nine Heavens and Twelve Realms, the God Realm unified the Nine Heavens, but who listened to him and treated them all as his decorations. Now Changsun Wuji admits that he is a subordinate?late…

"No, no, grandson Wuji, I can't stand your voice. Who still thinks that I should be buried with you people from the Feather Demon Palace?" Ling Yun shouted again in a cold voice, his eyes flickering with a frightening coldness. His power swept away, his whole body was chilled, and his scarlet eyes flashed across everyone.

Except for the Four Heavenly Gods and Ye Haitang from the Feather Demon Hall, everyone present felt a terrible coercion, as if countless stars were pressing on them, making them feel breathless.

For a moment, all the people present at the Feather Demon Palace looked at their palace master Ye Haitang.

Obviously what to do now depends entirely on the intention of the master Ye Haitang, and Ye Haitang is already sweating profusely and dare not look directly at Ling Yun.

Changsun Wuji squeezed out a smile, and said, "Hehehe, what are you talking about, we, Sichongtian, have always recognized that you belong to the God Realm, and I have always respected you as my God Lord."

A strange fluctuation appeared in the void, and Ling Yun frowned. It was an old man, his deep eyes were like a vast sea, his brows were as black as ink, and his stature was tall. .

He is the patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace, Old Man Ye, a remarkable ancient figure, a heavy prisoner held in Suolong Pagoda.

He wanted the holy water, but only a few elders in the entire Feather Demon Palace knew about it, so those disciples were speechless.

"Great Lord, do you really want to be an enemy of my Feather Demon Palace?" Old man Ye's eyes were full of intense anger, and a terrible anger permeated his body. His strength had already reached the eighteenth peak of the Immortal Emperor.

"Old Ancestor, this Great Lord killed our Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace, we must not let him go!" At this moment, a self-righteous guardian came to Old Man Ye, pointed at Ling Yun and shouted angrily.

He guessed that his brain is not easy to use, and if there are many people, he can not be afraid of Pluto, ha ha... ridiculous!
As soon as this remark came out, many people stayed away from the Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace. They didn't want to die, and going against Hades would simply be seeking their own death.

"It's you, Old Dog Ye!"

Ling Yun stared at the old man Ye and shouted indifferently, then spit out: "If I don't kill you in Suolong Pagoda, it seems that God Realm made a mistake. Only hell is the most suitable for you!"

"Damn boy, don't be arrogant, you dare to kill me, the Great Elder of the Feather Demon Palace and other elders, you will definitely not be able to get out of the Feather Demon Palace today!" A certain disciple yelled while looking at Ling Yun.

His words were directly slapped to death by Ye Haitang from the Feather Demon Palace.

Ye Haitang said: "This person is not from our Feather Demon Palace. Please don't mind what he said. Let's sit down and talk about it."

"Whoever took the holy water, we can't have a good talk today, let's die together under the Nine Springs and talk." Ling Yun looked at Ye Haitang from the Feather Demon Palace and snorted coldly.

"Old Ancestor, what... what should we do?" Ye Haitang's face showed a look of color.

"Great Lord, you have completely angered me. Originally, I didn't want to be your enemy, but you provoked me one after another, provoked the Feather Demon Palace, and killed me. If I don't kill you today, my Feather Demon Palace is majestic!" Where is it!"

Old man Ye stared at Ling Yun coldly.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the strength!"

Ling Yun said disdainfully in his eyes, as if he was listening to a huge joke.

Hearing this, the corner of Ye Haitang's mouth twitched, what happened to his ancestor, the one opposite is the ancient Pluto, shouldn't he kneel down and beg for mercy!Why is his ancestor crazy.

"Young man, do you really think that there is no one in my fourth heaven?"

At this moment, the sound of an evening drum and morning bell resounded throughout the four heavens.

Then there were ripples in the void, and then several waves of terrifying coercion moved towards the entire Feather Demon Hall.

Three old men in white robes appeared directly in the void, the one in the middle was older, with white hair and white beard, and looked more than seventy years old.

However, he seemed to be full of energy, with a sharp light in his eyes, and a power that intimidated the world from his whole body.

His strength has even reached the eighteenth level of the Immortal Emperor, but Ling Yun could see that the strength in their bodies was more than enough. He should be the strongest in the Four Heavens, and he must be the pillar of the entire Four Heavens.

Changsun Wuji's eyes widened, and he said pleasantly, "Grandpa..."

That's right!

This person is Changsun Wuji's grandfather, Changsun Ling!
The other two were the former masters of the Feather Demon Palace, Ye Haitang's grandfather and father.

It is because of its existence that the Feather Demon Palace can be passed on for so long. On the left and right sides of it are two old men who look like they are five or sixty years old.

(End of this chapter)

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