Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1373 Small emotions

Chapter 1373 Small Emotions (Second Change)
Xuedao, the ancestor of the Titan clan who surrendered first, knelt down and said, "I am willing to surrender."

"Wait! You are so boring. Our Tianmen is here. What are you talking about? Listen to me, we have so many people, and wiped out the Baihua Palace in one fell swoop." Code One shouted from the top of the palace, and he finally couldn't help it. .

And the little guy felt familiar no matter how he looked at that person, and then her eyes lit up, and she recognized it. It was the watchdog's previous appearance, a dummy made by her father.

"'s's's you."

Not only the little guy, but little Irene also recognized it, her eyesight is much better than Sissy's.

Everyone looked at Code One, but no one said anything.

Just when the little guy was about to reveal the origin of the code name, the impatient Goddess of Life slapped him to death.


Slapping the elder of Tianmen to death with one slap, everyone concluded that the goddess of life must be crazy, but that is Tianmen who is in the limelight recently.

It would be very difficult for those who killed Tianmen to get away...but they thought about it, and it was okay. Slapping an elder to death with a slap must be very strong, and they were worried about the ball.

Being looked at by the goddess of life with such eyes, their scalps were numb.

Ye Lang, the leader of the Giant Spirit Gang, said: "I obey your arrangement, that is, you will be the heaven of Wuhun Continent from now on, replacing the dead Da Situ."

The Goddess of Life was very satisfied with this man's answer, and nodded secretly to him. She knew very well that Ling Yun's motive was to rule the Wuhun Continent.

But she couldn't do what Ling Yun wished. It was too dangerous for the latter to rule the Wuhun Continent, and no one would agree to it, because of the bloody methods of Pluto in the past.

Lao Gao, the leader of Jusha Gang, and Zui Xin, the leader of a knife, also knelt down and shouted: "I will surrender, I will follow you to the death, and obey your arrangement."

The little guy pouted aggrievedly, why is it different from what his father said, didn't he say he came here to subdue them and rule the Wuhun Continent by himself.

and so!
she is angry...

The consequences of this are very serious, it is simply to destroy everything.

Before I knew it, the sky split open, and the way of heaven ran away...

The Goddess of Life frowned, she didn't seem to realize that this was the little guy venting her emotions.

The clouds surrounded a huge cloud eye, and everyone who knew the goods was shocked: "The Great God...God's punishment...God's light...Heavenly fire...What's the situation."

There is a destructive energy in that huge cloud eye, not only thunder and lightning, but also a deadly light, and a ball of strange fire, all done by the little guy.

"It can't be him, Pluto doesn't need to do that, he's not in Wuhun Continent." The goddess of life's aura changed, her body was covered with rays of light, like an angel.

An Qing's beautiful eyes widened. When she looked at the little guy for the first time, she was taken aback. No one could understand Sissi, but she is the little guy's mother, so it's impossible not to.

The little guy frowned tightly, she must have done it, she was stunned for a moment, Ling Yun was not around, she didn't know what to do.

If you interrupt forcibly, will it hurt her precious daughter? If you don't interrupt, it will definitely be a disaster. Tell the goddess of life that the consequences will be very serious, so just take out the demon lotus.

An Qing kept calling Ling Yun in her heart, hoping that Ling Yun would appear soon.

There was a roar in the void above the nine heavens, and a huge black hole was formed above the sky, and a terrible breath was released from the black hole.

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked.


Another terrifying big move came, but the Goddess of Life still didn't know who it was. If it was Ling Yun, it was unnecessary. If it was Bei Bei and the little guy, it was even more impossible. The power didn't come from their bodies.

So...she panicked too.

"Not good, it's summoning a powerful demon from outside the evil realm!"

As soon as the face of the goddess of life changed, she yelled at the crowd, telling them to get down quickly and start the protective array.

Hearing this, Feng Ruqing, the lord of Baihua Palace, immediately executed it, and she knew it was not a joke.

The Goddess of Life used her own radiance to strengthen the guardian array of Baihua Palace.

On the sky above the sky, a huge eye of the cloud stretched out, and a huge head emerged, that is the demon that came out of the evil domain.

One of seventeen!
It was originally healing on a certain star sea, but a black hole appeared, and the power inside made him curious, so the goddess of life mistakenly thought it was summoned.

It was the first time for them to see such a terrifying monster, and their faces turned pale with fright.

At this moment, the body of the strong demon from outside the evil realm rushed towards the Baihua Palace. His body exploded with energy, and all the terrifying attack energy swept towards the Baihua Palace.


In an instant, everyone felt their eardrums were shaken and deaf.

The terrifying energy turned into a huge mushroom cloud in the void, smashing the entire void into pieces.

Terrible energy swept across, destroying a large number of buildings in Baihua Palace, and everyone in Baihua Palace was stunned.

They didn't expect the evil demon to be so crazy. In order to rush in to destroy and kill people, he used his body to rush into the guardian array without hesitation.

The first impact split a trace in the guardian array, and the face of the goddess of life changed suddenly.

"Why are you standing there? Waiting to die?"

"Ah... oh... oh..."

"All those who are not dead, hurry up to resist, this monster has a very strong origin, and its strength has recovered by [-]%."

The goddess of life is not calm anymore, she is not as perverted as Ling Yun, whose power is inexhaustible, and she needs to recover.

Just now, it was a lot of waste to make a move on the code name, and it was too big.

If it is said that the demons of the evil realm and the others just sneaked in from the sealed place on the edge of the universe are [-]% powerful, then at this moment it is more than three times what it was then!

Three achievements can easily kill so many masters of Xuanzong, so what about this moment?The terrifying strength can be imagined.


An Qing hugged the little guy and the trembling little Irene tightly, not daring to tear her eyes away. That demon is not the little guy's strength, she knew it at a glance.

Boom! !
There was a bang in the sky, and the pure black god's punishment fell, and the evil demon in the evil domain turned pale with fright, and immediately dodged!

Originally, the little guy's target was the devil in the evil realm, but he hit the guardian array of Baihua Palace, which disintegrated in an instant, forming glass-like fragments and falling to the ground.

The Goddess of Life used part of her strength to support her, so she was also injured, and the corners of her mouth continued to bleed. Others fell down one after another, and no one was spared.

The pure black God's Punishment is the strongest, not ordinary, if there is no Goddess of Life blocking it, Wuhun Continent will be pierced.

The Goddess of Life glared at the demon in the evil realm and said, "You still dare to come out, wait for me to take your life, lest you harm innocent creatures."

(End of this chapter)

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