Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1374

Chapter 1374 Horrible (Third)
According to the Goddess of Life, the demons in the evil domain like to eat dragons the most, followed by elves, and then humans, and they prefer to be close to monsters.

That's why little Irene was instinctively afraid of them. The latter kept trembling and looked ugly.


Everyone couldn't understand what the evil demon said, but Beibei and the little guy who had the voice of all things understood! !
"Isn't this fake English? Sanskrit..."

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched...

An Qing can understand a little...

The Goddess of Life frowned and asked, "Hey, what are you talking about?"

As soon as the words fell, she sent the evil demon flying away with a terrifying ray of light, but the latter's body was too hard to move, just like scratching an itch.

Beibei translated: "He said, just because of you, he wants to kill me, hahaha... You are all low-ranking races, and you can only become our dinner."

The translation has reached here... Beibei is angry, she understands this, she curls her lips and covers her ears not to listen.

An Qing listened to the same content, but she didn't understand some complicated ones.

The goddess of life was furious, and replied: "You fart, you are all humble, garbage race, neither fish nor fowl."


The evil demon roared, and everyone dared not breathe. They all lay down on the ground, not daring to move, praying in their hearts that nothing happened.

The evil demon laughed and said: "Tsk tsk are the ones who are humble, you are scared even when I yell, and you are not as good as garbage."

This time it was translated by An Qing...

And when he looked around, an excited smile appeared on the ugly face of the huge demon.

"Hahaha, alright, alright, there is a little dragon here, and... unbelievable... unbelievable... dragon yuan, three... what kind is the strongest one? It's so good, it's all mine."

The demon in the evil domain turned into a man in black robe. He couldn't see his face clearly. The head under the hat was a cloud of black air, which seemed invisible. His eyes were emitting a blue light.

He stared at the little guy and little Irene in An Qing's arms.

Beibei immediately protected Anqing and the others, her lips were pouted, and she looked at the demons in the evil realm with disdain.

The face of the Goddess of Life changed suddenly. She was careless, and then the dawn of hope appeared on the ground and illuminated the sky.

The evil demon's right hand suppressed it fiercely, and the terrifying power and the dawn of hope of the goddess of life touched together, forming a terrifying impact.

The Baihua Palace was completely in ruins for thousands of miles, and the battle between the Cold War Emperor and the prodigal son Jian Wuying was affected, but they fought fiercely and did not care about the Baihua Palace.

Su Yu's body trembled, and he muttered to himself: "This is magic power... so terrifying magic power."

The master of Baihua Palace, Feng Ruqing, covered her heart. She felt very oppressed, as if she was suffocated, not only her, but everyone else was equally uncomfortable, many of them vomited blood and died.

The Goddess of Life seems to be struggling a bit, and the main square of Baihua Palace under her protection is safe and sound.

The little guy is making trouble again, and he is still having a temper tantrum. The power of the sky still doesn't know how to take it back. He regards the goddess of life and the evil demon as enemies, and the blink of the cloud's eyes is a terrifying beam of light.

This light beam is an upgraded version of the divine light. It is so terrifying that the demons in the evil domain can only avoid it.

The Goddess of Life ran away in a panic, and the two played tricks in mid-air, and fought together from time to time.

God's punishment was ready to come again, Yunyan broke away once again, an unprecedented terrifying scene, the little guy was unhappy, and kept lying on his stomach without speaking.

She can only release this energy, but she doesn't know how to take it


In the battle between the Evil Realm Demon and the Goddess of Life, after the former's terrifying energy was dissipated, another figure of the Evil Realm Demon appeared, but at this moment his figure was already extremely illusory.


Two identical evil demons!

The Goddess of Life said in surprise: "It's actually a body clone technique, you're amazing."

"You have some knowledge."

The other one is not the real body, but a clone formed by condensing great supernatural powers. There is still a difference in strength from the main body, but it is hard to tell which one is the main body.

Now facing two such terrifying demons from the evil domain, the Goddess of Life lacks confidence, and it is already considered amazing that the Baihua Palace Square has not been completely destroyed by the energy between them.


The strongest divine punishment in the Twelve Domains fell, and the Goddess of Life was about to vomit blood, so how about playing with people like that...

Seeing such a terrifying force, everyone was so frightened that they all began to close their eyes in despair.

Su Yu said: "It can't be that the two little princesses are playing with people."

Remembering that he was played by them before... He became more and more sure.

The owner of Baihua Palace, Feng Ruqing, said: "What are you talking about, they are so cute, how could it be possible, look at how the eldest princess can protect her sisters."

It's hard for her to believe it!
Boom! !
The black god's punishment in Yunyan roared down in an instant, like a dragon that had lost its shackles, it went straight to the ground, and the void exploded.

When Beibei saw this, she knew that she was going to pretend... Bah... It was time to show her strength, and then she stomped on the ground fiercely!
An invisible force gushed out from the ground, straight into the sky, and then a hole opened in the ground, and a black force rushed out, just like a black hole gushing out.


This power is not divine punishment at all, Beibei's attack disintegrated in an instant, scaring her into a cold sweat.

The Goddess of Life also helps to resist...

If it can't be stopped, once this divine punishment falls, most of the Wuhun Continent will cease to exist. This is just her conservative estimate.

The evil demon's avatar could not escape the divine punishment, it was hit in an instant, and was wiped out, and his body was also discovered by the little guy, and he was beaten badly.

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched fiercely, and her magic weapon, the Jingu Sword, appeared in her palm.

"Look at me, go away, Waning Moon...Thunderbolt...What kind of cut...Xue Piao Renjian, Heavenly Sword Style, Sky Burial!"

Four consecutive terrifying sword qi criss-crossed, approaching the black god's punishment, the goddess of life trembled, two words in her heart, horror! !

The first waning moon was the terrifying sword technique of cutting the Bishui Continent. With one blow, the tendency of divine punishment was greatly weakened, and it was directly split in half!

Immediately after was the second method, Thunderbolt Half-Moon Slash, which was also very powerful. It directly forced back the black God's Punishment, and it was hard for God's Punishment to fall.

The third snow drifted into the world, and the sword flowers formed by it greatly weakened the blackness of God's punishment.

The last one is her strongest, right? Burying the Sky is also the Heavenly Sword Style, a sword breaks out from Yunyan, the black divine punishment is cut off from the source of power, and it is broken instantly.

Just when Beibei smiled and everyone was overjoyed.

Booming sounds came from the vortex above the sky, the cloud eyes disappeared, and those forces seemed to be uncontrollable and suppressed, forming a vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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