Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1375 Fighting the Devil

Chapter 1375 Fighting the Devil

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched... Isn't this the strength of Sissy... She looked at the unhappy little guy, and didn't know what to say, she just went over to pet the latter's little head.

The little guy shook his head, and said in a sad tone, "Sister... I'm looking for papa... woo woo..."

She was very sad, rubbed her eyes, and cried directly in An Qing's arms, her head was buzzing, the latter stopped laughing when she tried to tease her, and she didn't know what was going on with this child.

Endless black air swept wildly from the vortex above the sky, filling the entire void.

Let this place be completely enveloped by this black power, covering the sky and the sun.

Immediately afterwards, these black forces all shrank, and a power of demons that suppressed the heavens moved towards the entire Baihua Palace to suppress them.

The expressions of all the living people changed. They stared at the sky, speechless for a long time. This is to destroy the Wuhun Continent.

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, and she said in a milky voice, "Don't cry, don't cry, sister will help you."

The little guy choked up in a low voice with a slight frown, so An Qing helped her rub her forehead, it was useless, it was too late.

Beibei looked up at the sky and was startled. This is the super scary big move her handsome uncle used in Ghost Island, and she won't lose in the confrontation with her Aunt Hua.

The dark energy above the sky poured down like a liquid.

The evil demon was so angry that he couldn't escape, so he changed his body directly. This figure was more than ten feet tall, higher than the city wall of Baihua Palace, and his legs were comparable to two huge pillars.

The muscles of the whole body protrude like hills, and the body is covered with a layer of armor full of spikes.

The huge face is ferocious, with blood-red hair, and a pair of eyes full of fierce, violent, and bloodthirsty evil light.

He also held a huge mace-like weapon in his hand, exuding endless demon power from his whole body, like an invincible demon king!

The Goddess of Life trembled and said, "He is so scary."

All the monks in Baihua Palace looked at the huge figure in mid-air, their faces were very ugly, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

Beibei curled her lips, the secret path is not half as big as the evil ghosts in Guidao.

The little guy suddenly said: ""

As she spoke, she nodded at Beibei's eyebrows, and then pointed to the ground, the latter's eyes lit up instantly!
What the Goddess of Life was worried about would not happen, so she used all her strength to perform two terrifying tricks, that is, the statue of the goddess and the light of the corona.

The goddess statue emerged directly from the void, blocking most of the pouring black power, while the corona light was aimed at the evil demons.

The Goddess of Life who was distracted couldn't do anything to the demons in the evil domain, and the black power above the sky was gradually controlled by Beibei.


Looking at the sky slowly returning to nature, Beibei was sweating profusely and was exhausted. The power was so powerful that she almost couldn't command it.

The moment the power dissipated, the statue of the goddess also shattered instantly. The goddess of life spat out a mouthful of blood, and her body fell slowly, unable to hold on.

Everyone was saved, kowtowed to thank them, it's good to be alive.

It took a lot of effort for the evil demons to avoid the corona light of the goddess of life.

The Goddess of Life looked up at the sky and said: "Why are you so stunned, there is another enemy, and the evil demon is the danger."

The evil demon let out a disdainful roar: "You are such rubbish, come on, you group of ignorant ants."

He actually learned the language of the Twelve Domains. Although it was a bit unfamiliar, it was not difficult to understand.

The huge mace-like weapon in his hand waved in the void, tearing apart the void as he swung it, showing its terrifying strength.

"Let's all use our martial skills together, maybe we can fight against him, otherwise all of us will die here today, and you don't want to die either!"

Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, said solemnly, and the representatives of the major forces present all nodded solemnly.

The biggest catastrophe is over, they don't want to die at the hands of the evil demons.

There is also a matter of their lives and the future of the Zongmen's forces. Naturally, they can't be greedy for life and fear death. They can only join hands. They also know that it is impossible to escape.

All those who have reached the level of the Immortal Emperor have urged their skills to forcibly improve their own strength.

Then one by one rushed towards the figure of the evil demon, and they all showed their strongest martial arts power, directly blasting and killing the evil demon.

Dozens of people above the Immortal Emperor all took action, including Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, Su Yu, Zuixin, the leader of a knife, and all the elders of Baihua Palace.

Of course, some people did not make a move, such as the sober Master of the Pure Yang Palace, the old eunuch and the leader of the Giant Shark Gang, Lao Gao, and some monks did not make a move either.

Boom! ! !
With so many monks above the Immortal Emperor level, plus their use of forbidden techniques, their strength doubled even more.

All of them have the strength of the Immortal Emperor's tenth level or more, plus they shot with all their strength, displaying terrifying martial arts, saber techniques, and sword techniques one by one, all gathered together, as if the end of the world was coming.

Even the unwilling Goddess of Life wanted to show off her glow, but she was seriously injured, her body hurt when she moved, and her face was solemn and pale.

The entire void rumbled, as if it was about to be completely destroyed.

With such a terrible blow, even the monks at the eighteenth level of the Immortal Emperor's peak would have to fall.

A terrifying coercion descended on the entire Baihua Palace, and everyone was shivering and pale under the pressure of this force.

Some of the weaker ones even vomited blood directly, which shows how powerful the gathering of so many forces is.

Once it comes to the Baihua Palace, it may be completely destroyed in an instant.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, the evil demon has no fear, and its huge body erupts with a terrifying aura.

The huge mace-like weapon in his hand directly aimed at the group of people who attacked him, and the force of the martial arts displayed was ruthlessly blasted out.

Boom! ! !

The evil demon laughed loudly. With one strike, the sky was filled with terrifying energy, forming huge energy clouds one after another.

Everyone couldn't see the situation of these attacks, they could only see that the entire void within a radius of a hundred miles was torn apart.

The endless air was annihilated, like a world explosion, and it was extremely difficult to breathe.

The terrifying aftermath of energy rushed towards Baihua Palace, and at this moment, the Goddess of Life swung with all her strength.

The light curtain of the light of hope that appeared before enveloped the holy city again, blocking all the aftermath of this terrifying energy.

(End of this chapter)

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