Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1376 Turn the tide

Chapter 1376 Turn the tide
Prevent the Baihua Palace from being destroyed, and the aftermath of this energy come here, otherwise the entire Baihua Palace will be bloody.

"What a terrifying power, is this the horror of fighting between the strong?"

Orchid Fairy watched this scene, this was the first time she had witnessed the battle of so many immortal emperors.

This kind of power gave her a great shock, and there was a feeling of palpitation in her heart.

The owner of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch did not give up, and stared at Beibei and the others resentfully, because he failed to sneak attack, Beibei slapped him.

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, now she stopped crying, the incident just now was over, so she was not afraid of Ling Yun knowing, because Beibei helped her resolve it.

She gave An Qing a mouthful, slowly climbed down into the latter's arms, hopped up in front of Beibei with her short legs, and the two children looked sloppy.

Then the two of them held hands and jumped up to the Goddess of Life, and the two children acted like a baby to the latter.

"Aunt Hua...he's you need our help?"

The two children rubbed against the goddess of life, hugging her beautiful legs.

The Goddess of Life's eyes lit up, how could she have forgotten that there is such a powerful force as Beibei here?

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and he said, "Aunt Hua, I'm amazing, I can do a lot, I'll help you beat him to death, you give me full marks."

She just wants to break up so that her dad won't be sad.

Hearing this, the corner of the Goddess of Life's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that the little guy had this idea.


She is a fine person, how could she agree, and then said foolishly: "Little boy, you are out early, so you should help them. Look, they are not that powerful demon opponent."

The little guy shook his head, thinking she was stupid...

Seeing the little guy shaking his head, the Goddess of Life became speechless, and said to Beibei: " go and kill him, and I'll give you extra points."

Beibei curled her lips, and said in a childish voice, "You give my sister full marks, and I'll go!"

Anyway, she's already qualified, so when she's stupid?nonexistent.

The Goddess of Life rolled her eyes and became anxious. She didn't know how to make a decision for a while, she was incapable of defeating the evil spirits.

It took more than a minute for the terrifying aftermath of energy to dissipate. The light curtain also disappeared, and the goddess of life seemed like a deflated balloon.

In the end, they saw Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, and others flying down one by one, and landed not far from the Baihua Palace Square. They all spit out a mouthful of blood, their faces were pale, and their breath was weak. They were obviously injured.

And the evil demon held a huge mace weapon, standing in midair like a Transformer, with a mean smile.

The terrifying power of magic power rolled towards the Baihua Palace to suppress it like a wave, and all the people in the Baihua Palace were pale and trembling.

Under the power of this magical power, everyone seemed to be facing the approach of death. They had no desire to fight, and all they had was endless fear in their hearts, and at the same time, there was a look of shock in their eyes.

Dozens of people above the Immortal Emperor attacked with all their strength, but were broken by the opponent's move.

Moreover, these dozens were all seriously injured, but the evil demon was unscathed, and the other party had only grown in size, so it was so terrifying, it was frightening to the extreme.

The lord of Chunyang Palace and the old eunuch looked extremely excited and very happy.

"Master Devil is mighty!"

At this time, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and then he shouted at the figure.

"Oh... you're very smart, hahaha... I like people who know the current affairs." The evil demon showed a victorious smile at the corner of his mouth.

An Qing walked over step by step, and she heard it all. If the Goddess of Life disagreed, before Ling Yun came back, she planned to be selfish and take away the three children, so that Yaolian would not be taken away.

As for the endgame here, leave it to the Goddess of Life.

"If you surrender to me, then catch that dragon and I will keep you prosperous for the rest of your life."

The evil demon pointed to little Irene in An Qing's hand. The latter was trembling. The evil demon was her natural enemy, and she was born with fear.

The lord of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch smiled, most of the people can't move at the moment, it's trivial to catch a child.

What he was most afraid of was Beibei, but the latter was acting like a baby to the goddess of life, and he didn't know it yet.

When he came to An Qing and little Irene with a sword in his hand...

call out…

The lord of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch only felt a sweetness in his throat, the sky sprinkled his blood, and with a plop, he couldn't get up again.

Assaulting little Irene head-on, treating An Qing as a display?The latter slashed down with his sword, directly killing him, and there was no scream.

"You are all going to die today!"

Seeing the death of his first loyalist, the voice of the evil demon exploded in everyone's eardrums like thunder.

The terrifying sound made them all spit out a mouthful of blood, and when they heard each other's words, their faces were ashen ashes.

The opponent defeated and wounded Feng Ruqing, the owner of Baihua Palace, and the others with one move, leaving a deep imprint of invincibility on everyone.

At this moment, they can't think of anyone else who can help, or they can only pray for a Pluto to save the situation.

Suddenly, the demon of the evil domain captured a giant shark gang with his bare hands, ate it raw in front of everyone, and grinded his teeth... He also needs to recover his strength.

This scene stunned everyone, the devil in the evil realm eats people! !
The Goddess of Life gritted her teeth, and said angrily, "Damn you, little one, I agree...I agree...You guys do it, kill him, full marks!"

The two children are waiting for this sentence!

"Go to hell!"

At this time, the demon of the evil domain directly blasted down the entire Baihua Palace square with the huge mace, like a death scythe, trying to wipe them all out.

At this moment, the hearts of all the people alive are in their throats, and there is a look of despair in their eyes.

Su Yu and the others all looked extremely ugly, watching the huge mace blast down, their eyes flickered, and [-]% of them were stunned.

As for the face of the goddess of life, she looked extremely calm.

she felt...


The two little guys are bursting with strength!
Beibei blasted out a magical fist, a golden light flashed, and a terrifying black energy ball appeared in Qianqian's palm. The latter's energy ball could destroy Baihua Palace.

The two horrific forces joined forces and pierced through the body of the evil demon in an instant. The latter trembled in fear.

"No, could you have such a strong power...impossible...ah..."

Following his scream, his body exploded directly, illuminating more than half of the sky, and everyone called for the savior.

The Goddess of Life breathed a sigh of relief, and the matter was perfectly resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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