Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1387 Besieged

Chapter 1387 Besieged (Part [-])

As he fell, he was the first to bear the brunt, rushing down among the wolves. For a moment, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The most powerful Zhang Daxian performed amazingly, and those beast wolves couldn't get close at all.


He was always alone, the number of beast wolves was too large, and the more the others fought, the more they lost their physical strength, especially Lao Gao, who was tenth level of the Immortal Emperor, was bitten by several tough beast wolves.

When Da Jiantu helped him kill those beast wolves, he immediately abandoned the team and jumped up the tree, just like Ling Yun, to be a spectator.

"Grandpa Zhang, what should we do now?"

"This is elixir, you let the injured person swallow it, we will kill them slowly, these bastards are getting tired of work." Zhang Daxian took out several bottles of elixir from the storage ring, showing no pain at all .

With the elixir, other people who can fight, such as Da Xingtu, Tian Wuji, Xia Morong, Lao Gu, and Lao Bai are revived with full blood.

There were worthless corpses of beast wolves all over the ground, piled up like a mountain, and then Zhang Daxian's inner pill fire burst out, burning it up in an instant, and the raging fire shot straight into the sky, attracting more beast wolves.

After all, the pills are limited, and the beast wolves swarmed like an endless stream. Zhang Daxian was obviously struggling, and before he could make the next move, the beast wolves rushed towards him.

Ouyang Qian, who was the weakest, was protected by Xia Morong, but it was more dangerous for the two of them to be surrounded together. Ouyang Qian got scratched on her arm.

It was the first time for the little guy to see such a terrifying wolf attack, even more ferocious than the army of the God Realm.

She said in a milky voice, "Papa, will that sister be eaten?"


Ling Yun answered her words very calmly.

Now the little guy quit. He thought Ouyang Qian was good to her and not a bad person, so he shook his head: "Papa, save her quickly."

"it is good…"

Ling Yun narrowed his eyes, and different ground thorns appeared around Ouyang Qian, sweeping across all directions like a whirlwind.

Xia Morong frowned, she was stunned just now, this weird thrust was simply a deadly weapon, luckily it wasn't aimed at them.

"Thank you..."

No matter who it is, they should say thank you for saving Ouyang Qian's life.

The little guy laughed loudly: "You're welcome."

This child took his seat again, which aroused Lao Gao's contempt. The latter's face was solemn, and there might be a senior expert near the secret passage.

A few minutes later, the beast wolf retreated a little, not daring to act rashly.


There was a roar full of kings in the distance, Zhang Daxian's face changed, and he immediately shouted: "You guys find a chance to escape, wait for the signal flare to contact, the beast wolf king is here."

Hearing that roaring sound, he knew that the strength of the beast wolf king had reached that of the Immortal Emperor.

As soon as the others saw that it was a beast wolf, they immediately took care of themselves and ran first, but it was still not easy to break through the encirclement of the beast wolf.

Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian were the first to be trapped by the beast wolf king. Tian Wuji wanted to turn around, but was persuaded by the big sword on the side.

"You're going to die when you go back. Didn't you see that there are two Beast Wolf Kings?"

Hearing this, Tian Wuji immediately fell in love...

One Beast Wolf King has already caused headaches for their group, let alone two of them now, Ouyang Qian and Xia Morong are in danger.

Zhang Daxian didn't know where he went. He finally turned around and found that no one had run away, and he missed two women. It was really careless.

There are two people on the tree, one is Lao Gao and the other is Lao Gu.

Da Jiantu and Tian Wuji broke through not far away, and the two beast wolf kings stared closely at the pale-faced Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian.

The little guy said: "Papa, I heard them talking, it all deserve to die."

"Why? Are they talking about could they be so fierce."

She expressed her incomprehension at this point, but Ling Yun laughed and said: "Sissy, monsters have animal nature, and it will not work to reason with them. Maybe they don't welcome us. In order to protect their relatives, we can only resist."

The little guy curled his mouth: "Then Papa, if you scare them away, then it's over."

Ha ha…

Her thinking was too simple, this group of beast wolves obeyed orders, they would not be afraid of death, but afraid of Ling Yun's threat?nonexistent.

Ouyang Qian said with a pale face: "Sister Rongrong... you go, after I die, I know I can't run, and only one can go."

Xia Morong frowned, and shouted: "What stupid words, how could I abandon you, isn't it just death, I admit it."

A flash of determination flashed in her eyes, and she protected Ouyang Qian behind her, facing the two powerful beast and wolf kings, she was extremely flustered.


A beast wolf king immediately pounced on Xia Morong, who slashed with his true energy, but unfortunately the beast wolf king was very agile and dodged it all at once.

And the other one is eyeing it!
When the two beast wolf kings attacked at the same time, Ling Yun couldn't stand it anymore, he was urged by the little guy all the time to go up to help and fight the monsters.

Ling Yun was a little speechless when he appeared on the stage, he jumped down, walked over step by step, and then used his true immortal strength to kick a beast wolf king to death with one kick!

The corners of the mouths of Lao Gu and Lao Gao on the tree twitched...

The two of them could see clearly that Ling Yun had such a little strength to kill the Beast Wolf King with one kick, it was fake!

As the beast wolf king fell to the ground and screamed, he died in an instant, without any breath of life, and was so shocked that other beast wolves did not dare to approach.

Tian Wuji and Da Jiantu looked back and were stunned. The death of the beast wolf king caused the other beast wolves to retreat temporarily, giving them a chance to escape.

"Let's go first, there is one more, it will go crazy, if it doesn't go, no one will be able to run away then?" Da Jiantu looked serious, and then he pulled Tian Wuji away quickly.


Tian Wuji wanted to say something else, but then fell silent, maybe the big xiphoid was right.

Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian were also shocked. Looking at Ling Yun, who was breezy and calm, they were extremely moved. They never thought that the one who saved them would be Ling Yun with very low strength.

Ouyang Qian said: "Brother, hurry up..."

The other wolf king stared at Ling Yun with angry eyes.

Seeing the Beast Wolf King rushing towards him, Xia Morong shouted: "Whoever wants you to save, hurry up."

Then she exploded with momentum and wanted to rush to Ling Yun's side.

But Ling Yun shook his head, facing the Beast Wolf King, a small cloud of strange fire floated from his finger.

The beast wolf king who rushed over had no time to think about it, and was completely reduced to ashes. Among them, there were also beast wolves with low strength around them, all of which fell under Ling Yun's strange fire.

Seeing this, the complexions of Lao Gao and Lao Gu changed, and a look of shock flashed in their eyes, the strange fire was too powerful.

Even Ouyang Qian and Xia Morong opened their mouths in shock, and looked at Ling Yun with eyes full of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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