Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388 Teaching by Example (Second Change)


This is the strength of a real fairy?

It was still that the strange fire was too powerful, and the two beauties were stunned for a while.

And the little guy laughed loudly: "You're welcome."

Because Ling Yun killed the two beast wolf kings, the other beast wolves had no leader and started to run away one after another.

Xia Morong said in fear, "How can you be so strong?"

The same goes for Lao Gao and Lao Gu who jumped down from the tree.

"The strange fire in your hand is not a pill's too powerful

Lao Bai who didn't know where he came from said, his face was solemn, and he possessed a powerful strange fire, so this person is no accident, and he will definitely make great achievements in the future.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, a mere real immortal killed two beast wolf kings, what a monster." Old Gu had an admiring look on his face.

Ouyang Qian said: "Big brother is awesome, thank you for saving us."

Ling Yun shook his head: "I didn't do anything, it's just that the Beast Wolf King has a weakness that you don't know about.|"

Lao Gao asked curiously, "What is it?"

The others pricked up their ears and listened, waiting for Ling Yun to answer.


Ling Yun held the little guy in his arms, smiled mysteriously, and didn't say it out loud, which made Lao Gao a little displeased.

Lao Gao murmured in his heart: "Hmph... brat, it's just luck, a mere real fairy dares to play handsome in front of me, what are you pretending to do! Fuck..."

Afterwards, Lao Bai fired a signal flare, and after a while, Zhang Daxian, Tian Wuji, and Daxiphoid immediately came back to meet up.

Zhang Daxian was not surprised at all when he saw that everyone was fine and there was the body of the Beast Wolf King on the ground. With Hades around, all this is normal.

Tian Wuji smiled and said: "You two beauties, I'm sorry, just now..."

Xia Morong's face was serious, and she said, "Needless to say, I understand!"

The little guy scratched his head, not knowing what they wanted to say, and began to ask Ling Yun for an answer.

Ling Yun said: " must know that something like human nature cannot be said, cannot be studied, and should not be tested."

"don't know…"

"Hahaha, you will understand later, you are still young."

Ling Yun was quite funny, he must have said these words to Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian, the words were heartbreaking.

The rest of the journey went relatively smoothly, and everyone gradually accepted Ling Yun, and no longer rejected it as before. Of course, Lao Gao was still very unhappy with Ling Yun and the little guy.

The little guy didn't cry hungry along the way, so Ling Yun only gave her Wangzai, and took a half-hour break before Zhang Daxian went to explore the way.

The others wanted to eat some game, so they divided their labor and went hunting together, while the two women stayed where they were to collect some dry wood.


In the distance, there was the sound of fierce fighting.

Ling Yun frowned, another monster came, this time it was a poisonous centipede, its body was not so long, it was fighting with Lao Bai, the latter couldn't break through the defense of the poisonous centipede, so he showed great difficulty.

Xia Morong said: "You stay here, I'll go and see what's going on, I'm not here, so don't run around."

She couldn't bear to leave the two with the lowest strength and one child, but there is no danger here, and the companions are in danger. Although they were abandoned just now, she couldn't abandon others.

"Sister Rongrong, you have to be careful." Ouyang Qian was very worried, her face looked pale and weak.

"Well, I'll be right back." Xia Morong nodded, and immediately flew away without a shadow.

Ling Yun was indifferent, sitting on the ground, and asked the little guy: "Qi Qian, can you hear the monster talking?"

"Well, they're annoying, talking all the time."

The little guy frowned slightly and said.

This made Ling Yun happy, at least it proved that the Supreme Divine Body had recovered much better, and he also smiled happily when he saw that the little guy could dance and dance.

"Papa, I want to eat fruit."

"What kind of fruit do you want to eat?"


"Why do you like peaches, but are apples bad?"

"Brother Monkey likes it, and I like it too."

The father and daughter were very warm. Ling Yun fed her a piece of peach, which filled the latter's mouth.

After more than ten minutes, Xia Morong and Lao Bai came back, both of them were injured to varying degrees.

Lao Bai said: "Thank you, otherwise my life would be gone."

"'re all companions, you're welcome." Xia Morong smiled palely.

The moment Ouyang Qian supported Xia Morong, her expression suddenly changed: "Sister"

"Don't make a fuss, I know my body."

"What do you mean?" Lao Bai frowned, and then he saw a wound on Xia Morong's left shoulder, the wound was black!

"You... why didn't you say it earlier, take the detoxification pill quickly." Lao Bai's face gradually became serious.

"No... No need... The poison has already attacked my heart, I can't live." Xia Morong said with a mouthful of blood.

Ouyang Qian was crying, at a loss, she knew medical skills, so Xia Morong's current situation, as the latter said, was too late.

The others came back one after another, and they were all taken aback when they heard that Xia Morong was not rescued.

"What's going on?" Tian Wuji's face was gloomy, and his mood was even more agitated than before.

"That poisonous centipede, it hurt Xia Morong."

"Strange... I haven't heard of poisonous centipedes in the Monster Beast Forest for the next three days. How did you meet them?" Lao Gu frowned.

"Yes... it came out of the ground suddenly. Looking at that body, I have cultivated it for at least 1 years." Lao Bai's face gradually became gloomy, and he looked a little unwilling and ferocious.

Lao Gu stroked the beard on his cheek and said: "Ten thousand years can be said, if no one disturbs it, it will not come out casually."

This matter was a bit weird, so everyone thought about it while trying to figure out a way for Xia Morong.

After Zhang Daxian came back and heard about it, he immediately drove up to Ling Yun and knelt down: "My lord, please save her, Xia Morong is from the Xia family for three days..."

The Xia Morong he was talking about was the niece of the Yaoyue Empress, in short, she had something to do with it, even if she didn't, she still had her life.

This action immediately stunned everyone, Tian Wuji twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, rubbed his eyes, did he see it wrong?
"Grandpa Zhang?"

"Shut up... don't talk." Zhang Daxian said in a deep voice, still kneeling on the ground, begging Ling Yun to save his life.

"Life and death are determined, wealth and honor are in the sky, what can I do as a true immortal?" Ling Yun shrugged, as if he didn't intend to care about this matter.

If he didn't join, Xia Morong's result would be the same, so it would be the same with him or without him.

Zhang Daxian kowtowed again: "My lord... Please show kindness and save her."

If it wasn't for the poison already attacking his mind, he would not be powerless as an alchemist, and it was too late to find out.

Xia Morong's complexion began to darken gradually... Ouyang Qian gradually lost feeling in her hands and feet, and Ouyang Qian couldn't cry.

All this made everyone look stupid... The strongest master in their hearts, Mr. Zhang, is kneeling down to a kid. Could it be that this kid has some secrets that they don't know about?
(Updated at noon tomorrow, be sure to make it up!)
(End of this chapter)

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