Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1399 The Shocking Secret

Chapter 1399 The Shocking Secret
It has to be said that the strength of the Golden Crow Emperor after unsealing is really terrifying, but what he met was Ling Yun, and death is doomed.

"Ahem... This emperor is so painful that he lost consciousness for 1 minute. It's too shameful. In ancient times, this emperor was not beaten so badly."

Emperor Jinwu slowly climbed out of the deep pit, speaking weakly.

Everyone covered their heads, secretly thinking that it was too scary, is the Golden Crow Emperor immortal? He could survive such a powerful move from the little princess.

"Papa, he's here again." The little guy poked his head out and glanced at the Golden Crow Emperor, and he was a little surprised.

After the Golden Crow climbed to the ground, he slept on the ground, laughing loudly.

"This emperor has discovered a shocking secret. I want to tell the world that you are a god...the only god who cannot be suppressed, and she is also..."

At this moment, the Golden Crow stood up slowly and walked towards Ling Yun and his father and daughter.

"It's so unfair, no wonder you can use such a powerful force, Jiuyuan Mingze, if you hide deep enough, you must die if you are a god."

"Have you heard what this emperor said? He is a god... She is also a god. She has divine power. You didn't see it just now? Kill them together."

The Great Golden Crow almost roared, but Xia Morong and the others couldn't hear what the Great Golden Crow said, only saw his mouth moving.

"I didn't want to kill you at first, but you kept trying to kill yourself and finally found out the secret, so don't blame me." Ling Yun smiled lightly.

"What's the matter, why can't they hear the emperor?" The Golden Crow covered his head, his face dripping with sweat.

"Ha ha…"

"Could it be...Could it be...that supernatural power, it's impossible, how could you have that kind of supernatural power."

"You guessed it right, I dominate all the sounds here, this is silence!"

"Hahaha... It really is silent, what an ancient Jiuyuan Mingze, what is the truth before the ancient destruction? Tell me!!"

"Destroy it. You are not the only one who can kill gods. This emperor can too. I will kill you."

The Golden Crow looked like he was going crazy, his flaming body rushed towards Ling Yun, he was going to explode himself, it was too scary to allow a god to appear in the world.

Several mountains were hit by his body and collapsed one after another, they ceased to exist, rocks flew in all directions, and the terrifying force pierced through the clouds, approaching Ling Yun.

The destructive aura of the Golden Crow Great Emperor permeated the sky, the sky and the earth were filled with brilliance, lightning intertwined, densely packed like spider webs, it was extremely frightening, and the void that flew through collapsed.

"Although you have lost your godhead and power, you are still so strong, so go at ease." Ling Yun smiled coldly.

If the Golden Crow had listened to him and left obediently at the beginning, he would not have died.

Isn't it good to live!
Come out from the sealed place, for what?There was a determination to die in the eyes of the Golden Crow.

"One move determines life and death, tell this emperor why you are a god!"

"Why? Who knows, let it tell you." Ling Yun's eyes shot out a cold killing intent, and his whole body exuded a chill.

Ling Yun was also making a move, and thousands of inscriptions appeared in the sky above his head, and then they gathered together, blooming with divine light, and transformed into a heavenly pool.

Suddenly, a powerful divine power emanated from the vast universe, affecting the nine heavens and ten places, and traversing the four seas and the eight wildernesses.

The void trembled, the starry sky exploded, the originally messy space became dilapidated again, the sky cracked, and the color of the universe changed.

"This Emperor refuses to accept... Immortal Flame!"

Emperor Jinwu didn't want to accept his fate, but he knew that even the power of self-destruction could not shake a god. Ling Yun's power at this moment was full of divine power, and this was what he wanted to see the result.

The question in that mind is that the ancient Jiuyuan Mingze is a god! !

The current only god, everyone is an ant in the eyes of god.

It's nothing else, just because they couldn't prove the Tao, their strength was suppressed by the Heavenly Dao to the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, who was too powerful.

Boom! !
The sound of shouting like thunder resounded through the world!
The moves of the two collided, and an earth-shattering event happened. The world was pierced, and the divine power was [-] miles away.

The cracks in the sky were densely packed, the scene was extremely terrifying, it was extremely dark, even the light was sucked in by the cracks, and the sky and the earth were suddenly dark.

"So strong, is this world about to be overthrown?" Zhang Daxian trembled, watching his blood surge, while several companions around him were stunned.

The same goes for Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian, thanks to the mythical beast Raging Tiger being by their side, otherwise they would all be involved in this force.

The most regrettable thing about the Golden Crow Emperor was that he was instantly killed by Ling Yun before his self-destructive power could be unleashed.

A meteor-like body rushed straight to the ground, cracking the space, and the ground surface was completely penetrated for the next three days, and everyone was terrified for the next three days.

Ling Yun hugged the little guy and came to the place where the Golden Crow Emperor remained. The latter was beaten into the forest of monsters, and his appearance was horrible. His last consciousness was to see the peaceful Ling Yun.

"I want your ancient memory and the blood of the divine beast." Ling Yun sucked away the memory of the Golden Crow Emperor with his bare hands, and melted his blood into a drop.

The Golden Crow's essence and blood cannot be wasted. Giving Beibei can be reborn from the ashes, but he wants to give it to little Irene, who is the most suitable.

At the same time, the divine weapon Flame Knife of the Golden Crow seemed to sense the sorrow in the world, and it roared like the scorching sun.

Not for anything else, just to accompany the Golden Crow, the soul of the sword with love and righteousness.

Ling Yun rolled up thousands of layers of soil with his own hands, piled up the body of Emperor Jinwu, and made a tomb. A tombstone the size of a tree recorded the name of this ancient demon god, Emperor Jinwu!

And the knife was stuck on the grave!
On the tombstone it says!

A generation of cattle, the tomb of the ancient Jinwu Emperor, the last signature of the cattle slaughterer!

Ling Yun absorbed the ancient memory of Emperor Jinwu, his eyes widened, he knew two secrets.

An Qing is a goddess!
The daughter of Yinfeng, the most powerful god in ancient times! !

Ling Yun sighed, he just pretended he didn't know anything, the boat would go straight when it reached the bridge, if An Qing regained her ancient memory, then it's up to her to go or stay with her.

The ancient Golden Crow Emperor had only so many memories about Ling Yun, and the others were not important, so Ling Yun sealed it.

"Papa, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Ling Yun in a daze, the little guy couldn't help asking.

"Children don't ask so many questions, this is an annoyance for adults."

"Oh... don't ask how you know, besides, Papa is already that old, so how can she still have troubles?"

Ling Yun: "..."

The space of this spiritual liquid pool has been completely shattered, and there is no spiritual liquid pool in the world, so wasteful.

(Otherwise, there will be no manuscripts for Chinese New Year...)
(End of this chapter)

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