Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1400 Satisfaction

Chapter 1400 Satisfaction
Zhang Daxian dragged Tian Wuji and the others to run for a long time before they arrived. When they came here, they only saw the tomb of Emperor Jinwu.

Ling Yun was teasing the little guy, who was eating fried rice and had a short rest.

And Xia Morong and the others next to him moved their fingers and were waking up.

But Tian Wuji and the others looked at Ling Yun in fear, half-dead in fright, not daring to take a half step closer.

Zhang Daxian said: "Master Pluto, there are many people coming around here, what should we do?"

"Oh... let them come." Ling Yun waved his hand, those people came here only after hearing about the movement here, there were dozens of them.

When they found the traces of fighting here, they could only wait and watch from a distance for a while, not daring to come up to check.

The terrifying deep pit next to the tomb of Emperor Jinwu was Ling Yun's last move, which lasted for the next three days. This kind of strength really frightened gossip people.

Xia Morong opened her eyes and saw a sweet smiling face, the little guy blinked at her.

"Auntie, did you get enough sleep?"

"Sissy... where is this?" Xia Morong exhaled, then sat up and looked around, her head still buzzing.

"This is... here..." The little guy scratched his head, because she didn't know either.

"Monster Forest, we're out." Xia Morong looked at the somewhat familiar environment and made a bold guess.

Zhang Daxian chuckled: "It is indeed the monster forest, the deepest part."

"Then... what is that pit? It's so big." Xia Morong was stunned.

"It's a relic, so don't ask about it." Zhang Daxian waved his hand, the pit was still smoking, and he almost peed in fear when he saw such a terrifying blow.

Ouyang Qian also woke up next, and only one or two of the others were injured, so the problem is not serious.

Ling Yun said: "The spiritual liquid pool is gone, but please mention your request to me, and see if I can help you."

Anyone who risked his life to come to the Monster Forest to search for the spiritual liquid pool must have something unspeakable.

Zhang Daxian was the first to speak, and he said with a trembling body: "My lord, you can save me. I have never been able to heal the wound from being tortured in the Suolong Pagoda. I have used all my strength to suppress the old wound."

"Your injury? It's not a big problem." Ling Yun threw a elixir directly, and the latter knelt down to thank Dade with his excited body.

"Thank you, Lord Pluto."

It didn't take long for Zhang Daxian to swallow the elixir, and the old injuries on his body began to repair immediately, which shocked his world view. The old injuries that could not be cured for a long time can be fixed with a single elixir, Pluto is too heaven-defying.

Lao Gu knelt down, first kowtowed, and then made a request, so that he was polite.

"Great God, I only have one request. I heard that the spiritual liquid pool can enhance one's physique. I think..."

Ling Yun looked Lao Gu up and down, then nodded.

"This elixir can help you. You have a rock body, that is, an earth spirit body. If you practice hard, you will be able to achieve great things in the future."

Lao Gu who got the elixir was very excited, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Lao Bai was the next to kneel down, and he said, "There is an old mother in the family, and there is no breakthrough in a hundred years. I don't know why."

"So you come to look for the spirit liquid pool, filial piety is commendable." Ling Yun nodded.

The little guy said in a milky voice: "I also have filial piety, right? Baba..."

"Hahaha, yes..." Ling Yun rubbed the little guy's head with a funny face, and then said to Lao Bai: "This is a set of exercises, the reason why your mother can't break through is because she practiced the wrong exercises, and the spirit liquid pool can't help her .”

Ling Yun was also looking at Lao Bai's filial piety, otherwise he wouldn't have given him a set of exercises, the latter was so grateful.

Everyone didn't understand how Ling Yun knew that there was something wrong with the exercises, not other reasons.

Only Ouyang Qian dared to ask this question, Ling Yun laughed, and then explained.

It turns out that along the way, Lao Bai mentioned his mother. Although it was intentional or unintentional, Ling Yun didn't seem to care, but he remembered it after hearing it.

Zhang Daxian sighed: "Pluto is really careful."

Da Jiantu stepped forward and cupped his hands at Ling Yun, and said with a smile: "Master Pluto, I went to the monster forest to find the spiritual liquid pool for myself. I heard that practicing in the spiritual liquid pool can last up to ten years a day. I don't know if it is true. ?”

" want strength?" Ling Yun nodded, and then asked uncertainly.


Da Jiantu nodded. He really needed strength. After witnessing the earth-shattering battle between Emperor Jinwu and Pluto, he wanted to understand even more that strength is the most important thing.

"I cannot give you strength."

Hearing this, the big xiphoid became somewhat overshadowed.

"However, I can show you a clear path, so that your cultivation base can make rapid progress."

Ling Yun's words made Da Jiantu excited again, hope is better than no hope.

Afterwards, Ling Yun began to break the eye of delusion, and helped Da Jiantu modify the circuit of the exercise. The current Da Jiantu immediately broke through the first level according to what Ling Yun said.

"Thank you Lord Pluto, I can't repay you." Da Jian kowtowed in gratitude.

In fact, they also thought about joining the Pluto's power, but since the Seven Great Domains now say that there is no Pluto's Temple of War, it is not considered a Pluto's power, so many people are unwilling to join.

In addition, joining is tantamount to making enemies with those ancient figures who hate Pluto, and the strength difference between the two is too great.

If they want to join the underworld, but they are not qualified enough, those people in the underworld will not agree.

Tian Wuji didn't dare to look directly at Ling Yun, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Ling Yun frowned, and said directly: "I'm a bit stingy, you better not open your mouth."

He said this because he didn't want to meet Tian Wuji's request, and made him so terrified before, the latter's face became like a pig's liver, and he was very annoyed.

Seeing Tian Wuji's deflated expression, the two girls secretly laughed.

Xia Morong blushed, lowered her head slightly and said, "I... I... the emperor gave me a pill before, and now I won't ask for it."

"I hope I can hug the little princess when I leave."

Ling Yun said: "I cannot promise you this."

Hearing this, Xia Morong felt a little disappointed, but the next sentence made her smile happily.

"It's not up to me to decide, you have to ask my daughter."

"Aha... I agree, hug."

The little guy immediately stretched out his two little hands. Xia Morong seemed to like this kid very much, he was so cute, and his chubby little face was very easy to pinch.

It made everyone laugh.

Ouyang Qian was the last one left. She came out just to try her luck, to prove whether she could find the spiritual liquid pool.

For her, meeting the ancient Pluto is the greatest luck in her life. Many people search for the strongest man in legends that they have never met in their entire lives.

But it was only one day, and now she was about to face parting, she suddenly felt so sad, so reluctant to part with her.

(End of this chapter)

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