Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1407

Chapter 1407
When the six-armed white ape was released from the cage, it rushed out of the cage almost instantly, and its tall body stood on the ring even more mighty and majestic.

Six arms that were as thick as the thighs of an adult man kept beating on his chest, venting its rage at this moment!

"Roar! Roar!"

The six-armed white ape knocked on its chest, making a dull sound, and opened its big mouth to reveal its sharp fangs. It kept roaring towards the surroundings of the ring, showing its dominance.

The entire Colosseum was silent in the roar of the six-armed white ape, which made people feel extremely excited.

The little milk dog stood there obediently, looking at the idiot who started yelling before the competition with disgust, it was too embarrassing for a monster.

And the little guy said: "Little Huzi, you should behave well, my daddy is watching."

The little milk dog nodded, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, it was inconceivable that it was bullying a weak monster, but then again, it bullied many of them.

Zhang Zijie's malicious eyes swept towards Ling Yun who was on the edge of the ring. He really didn't think that such a young man would be better than him, isn't he just a little more handsome?

His daughter is so crazy...

A little dog just wants to beat his six-armed white ape! !

As time passed little by little, the gong of the competition finally sounded!
The six arms of the six-armed white ape hang down on the ground, and its upper body leans forward slightly, looking fiercely at the lamb waiting to be slaughtered which has no resistance.

In the entire Colosseum, enthusiastic cheers erupted. They had no chance to foresee what a tragic battle would happen in the arena next!

However, the little milk dog still stood there safely, and even lay down on the ground, not even moving its paws an inch.


The six-armed white ape rushed towards the little milk dog!
The six arms made deep dents on the ring, sprinting with all their strength, like a beast coming out of the gate!
Just when everyone thought that the legend of Little Milk Dog would end here!
The little guy's eyes widened, he wanted to know how the little milk dog would deal with it, maybe it would give her a different surprise.

The little milk dog suddenly opened its mouth, facing the ferocious six-armed white ape...

"Wang Wang."

The six-armed white ape, which was sprinting with all its strength, seemed to be electrified all over under the low-pitched voice of the little milk dog. A series of convulsions suddenly occurred in the running body, and the six legs moved forward. The arm that was striding forward abruptly planed towards the ground behind him!
Ka Ka Ka!
With a series of crisp sounds, the six-armed white ape's hand was firmly on the floor of the ring, restraining its full-strength sprint!

With the speed of dragging, its palm has already lifted a large part of the floor of the arena!

Only then did its body stop half a meter away from the little milk dog!

"Hoo! Ow!!"

A shrill scream suddenly came from the mouth of the six-armed white ape!
Amidst the ear-piercing screams, the six-armed white ape seemed to have been greatly stimulated, turned its head, and ran wildly without looking back, the speed of escape was even faster than its sprint!
Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Zijie hurried to the edge of the ring, and shouted dissatisfiedly at the six-armed white ape: "What are you doing, go back quickly! You still..."

However, before Zhang Zijie finished speaking, he suddenly saw the six-armed white ape leaping towards it from the ring!
Zhang Zijie's heart was shocked!Before he had time to dodge, he was completely attacked by the six-armed white ape!

The size of the six-armed white ape was already the strongest among the monsters, and Zhang Zijie had been taking good care of it before.

This makes its strength and explosive power more terrifying than the spirit beasts in the wild. Under the sprinting impact of the six-armed white ape Quan, Zhang Zijie only felt his eyes go dark. The moment he was thrown down, he clearly heard a series of crisp bones. Crack!


The overly frightened six-armed white ape lay tremblingly on Zhang Zijie's body, but Zhang Zijie, who was pressed by it, was already pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

The impact of the six-armed white ape directly broke several ribs of his body, and the excruciating pain made him break out in cold sweat, he didn't dare to move an inch, he could only tremble and bleed.

The sudden accident caused everyone in the Colosseum to fall into silence. They widened their eyes and watched the scene just now reappear again!

The mighty and majestic six-armed white ape, like those monsters, was scared to death by the barking of the little milk dog...

This can't help but shock everyone.

The six-armed white ape is the strongest in the Colosseum, how could it become so unbearable?

Seeing that the six-armed white ape, who was still arrogant before, was frightened and pawed at Zhang Zijie's body, he ignored Zhang Zijie's continuous scolding and painful cries, as if he was completely frightened, and remained motionless.

Chen Guanshi's jaw also fell to the ground. At this moment, he realized how ridiculous it was that he was worried about the little guy's little milk dog just now.

No wonder Pluto didn't care about the situation just now, it turned out that the dog was so powerful.

The little guy excitedly walked to the edge of the ring, and the little milk dog had already moved over happily, the little tail behind the butt was wagging happily, trying to raise its head that was almost integrated with the body, with a look of begging for praise posture.

"Little Tiger, you've done a good job. Let's see if they dare to bully the weak." The little guy covered his mouth and sneered, his dingy eyes almost closed.

Ling Yun raised his eyes and looked at the already dumbfounded referee.

"The result can be announced."

The man came back to his senses after being reminded by Ling Yun, but the way he looked at the little milk dog had become a little horrified.

In the previous victory, he could say something to comfort himself, but now even the hegemony of the six-armed white ape was frightened by its sound. He really didn't know the origin of that little milk dog.

"The winner of this match... the little milk dog..." the man said loudly, with a trembling tone.

There was no sound in the entire Colosseum, and no one woke up from the shock.

The little guy brought the little milk dog to clean up the worldview of everyone here several times.

Zhang Zijie got up with difficulty, his face was covered with frost, gloomy and terrifying.

"You two are fine."

While talking to himself, he asked his men to go down and inform the family members to come. He took a fancy to the little milk dog, which must be a minor holy beast.

If you encounter a holy beast in the next three days, you can't let it go.

Chen Guanshi ignored Zhang Zijie, and instead praised the little guy and the little milk dog beside him.

"As expected of a little princess, a puppy is so mighty, so small that it throws itself to the ground. This is the Yuling Bone Flute, and it is also the number one prize today."

(End of this chapter)

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