Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1408 Liberation

Chapter 1408 Liberation
The little guy's eyes are almost shining...

His eyes widened, and he excitedly held the Yuling Bone Flute.

"Aha, Papa, did you see...I got it."

"Hahaha..." Ling Yun smiled and didn't say anything, as long as his daughter was happy.

Zhang Zijie glared angrily, pointed at Guanshi Chen and said, "I knew that you were in the same group, and it's not fair to use the Yuling Bone Flute as a prize."

Chen Guanshi frowned, and slapped Zhang Zijie. Zhang Zijie was blown away and landed heavily on the ring, losing his front teeth.

At this time, the reinforcements called by Zhang Zijie also arrived, along with two elders from the Beast Controlling Sect, followed by gossip crowds who wanted to see the excitement.

Zhang Long, Zhang Zijie's third uncle, looked at Zhang Zijie, who was in an unknown situation, and said with a gloomy expression, "Guan Chen, are you going to provoke our Zhang family?"

Chen Guanshi snorted coldly, and simply turned his head away and didn't speak.

"I've heard about it a long time ago. Which monster won the first place just now? I want to see what it can do." Zhang Long said.

Chen Guanshi snorted: "Zhang Long, it's none of your business here, take away your unsightly things, and don't come to the Colosseum in the future, you just can't fucking afford to lose."

Hearing this, Zhang Long became a little startled. Chen Guanshi has always given Zhang family face to them, but he took some wrong medicine today! !

But this sentence dissatisfied the two Beastmaster Sect elders next to him. Both of them were higher-ranking and stronger than Steward Chen.

Elder Liu said: "What are you talking about, Xiao Chen, the Zhang family is a good friend of our Beast Master Sect."

Elder Wang said with a dark face: "When is it your turn to speak in the Colosseum?"

The corner of Chen Guanshi's mouth twitched...

Are these two elders blind? The majestic Pluto is right in front of you, so don't offend him.

Zhang Long stared at the little guy, frowned and said, "Hmph...Which family does this kid belong to? Don't you guys cheat for personal gain?"

Steward Chen felt nervous... He secretly glanced at Ling Yun, who was picking up the little guy, and said something to her.

Hearing Ling Yun's whisper, the little guy pointed at the surrounding monsters and said, "Little Huzi, liberate them... let them go back to the monster forest."


The two elders immediately knelt down and shouted for mercy, because the two of them had already seen Ling Yun's true face.

"My lord, spare my life, spare my life!"

Zhang Long frowned, the huge contrast stunned him.

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, the little milk dog completely transformed, and a majestic beast appeared in front of everyone.

Not only the audience and those elders were dumbfounded, but all the monsters were lying on the ground, not daring to move.


This roar filled with the aura of divine beasts frightened many people into unconsciousness, and some little monsters were foaming at the mouth.

"Taishenjun..." Zhang Long's eyes widened and his body trembled. He may not know Taishenjun, but who doesn't know his mount!

He finally understood why Elder Liu and Elder Wang of the Royal Beast Sect both knelt down and called out for your lord!

Ha ha…

Pluto himself…

The little guy muttered and patted the tall mythical beast, Flaming Tiger, and said in a childlike voice, " scared them all."

He obviously wanted to liberate this group of enslaved monsters, but he was frightened by the breath of the beast Raging Tiger, and the little guy turned dark immediately.

The mythical beast, Flame Tiger, felt aggrieved and gave the little guy a headbutt. The latter murmured that he was dissatisfied.

"Sissy, unleash the power of the king of beasts, and all the monsters in the next three days will listen."

Hearing this, the little guy immediately smiled!

"Um...uh, orcs will never be slaves."

As soon as the words fell, all the monsters in the Colosseum knelt down, and the beasts were excited. They sensed that a king was leading them.

The little guy was playing the imperial bone flute. Surprisingly, her empty voice of the spirit of all things made all the monsters very calm.

"Not good...Is this a monster riot?" Elder Wang's expression turned ugly. If the monsters in the Colosseum resisted, they wouldn't be able to resist.

Elder Liu knelt down and begged Ling Yun: "Emperor... Pluto... please forgive us, don't let the monster go, or we will suffer."

Ling Yun snorted coldly, he was kind if he didn't kill, but he still has the face to beg him?The Beastmaster Sect knows exactly what Ling Yun is.

Although the little guy doesn't know how to play music, that flute sounds good. All the monsters are listening to her at the moment, and they are destroying the ring.

The owners of some monsters are too angry to speak out, they can only blame the Supreme God in their hearts, scolding the latter for meddling in their own business.

The beast Flame Tiger looked at the situation and found that it was no longer needed, so it turned back into that docile little milk dog, and the little guy stopped playing after he achieved his goal.

A person in the distance widened his eyes, and then smiled and said to himself: "After so many years, I finally found the news of the ancient Pluto. I must tell the Tianxiahui immediately, and the president will be very happy."

He then disappeared into the Colosseum in a cloud of smoke.

The Colosseum was in chaos, and many people began to resist, but they were no match for so many monsters, and the little guy opened the Thunder Gate.

The Thunder Gate passed the on-site command of the little guy, and the group of monsters slowly returned to the monster forest. Before leaving, they looked at the little guy affectionately, as if they were reluctant to part with that, and wanted to thank them even more.

"Let's go... let's go...there is your world." The little guy waved his little hand and bid farewell, with a childish voice, cute and cute.

Elder Wang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red with anger, and he looked a bit hideous.

Elder Liu on the side was also very angry, but he still had reason, and said to Elder Wang, "Old Wang, you have to be calm. It's unwise to take action against Lord Pluto, it's tantamount to death."

"Hey... what should we do? If the higher-ups ask about the Colosseum, what should we say?"

"You can say what you want. No one would have thought that Pluto appeared here. The Colosseum will be closed for a period of time in the future, and it will be treated as a rest. There is no problem."

"That's right... that's how it should be." Chen Guanshi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Pluto is not angry.


There was someone who wanted to commit suicide, and that was the Zhang family. As soon as their people arrived, they put a knife on Ling Yun's neck.

This move shocked everyone.

Especially Zhang Long, it was too late for him to speak.

With just one look from Ling Yun, all the scum was wiped out, turned into dust.

Zhang Long knelt down, kowtowed to Ling Yun and pleaded guilty: "Master Pluto, please forgive me, it's none of our Zhang family's business, it's all their own decision, it's really none of my business."

"Hehe...humble person...I don't bother to kill you, let's go."

Ling Yun sneered.

"Papa, I don't like it here, they will definitely play with monsters again in the future." The little guy frowned slightly and looked around, this Colosseum is no good.

(End of this chapter)

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