Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1409 Beibei Stolen

Chapter 1409 Beibei Stolen
Ling Yun nodded, he also had the same meaning.

"All of you leave here immediately, or you will all die."

Pluto's words?

Could it be…

For a while, everyone ran out like crazy, as if they hated their parents for missing a leg.

Elder Wang trembled, the monsters disappeared just now, and now the Colosseum is also gone!
Elder Liu knelt down, kowtowed to Ling Yun and said, "Lord Pluto, please be merciful, please don't destroy this place, here... here..."


A loud slap was made by Elder Wang, who glared at Elder Liu angrily.

Chen Guanshi didn't dare to talk too much, he had better leave the Colosseum slowly and forget it, the two elders were fine here, he didn't want to get involved in disputes.

"Old hit me? Are you courageous? Hit me..." Elder Liu stroked his cheek, which was covered with frost.

"What nonsense are you talking about, are you out of your mind?" Elder Wang frowned, his tone was to warn Elder Liu to be careful when speaking.

"I... I did make a mistake." Elder Liu lowered his head.

Ling Yun: "..."

And the little guy suddenly said: "I know what you are talking about, there is one... one..."

She frowned slightly, she just didn't know what to say!

Ling Yun rubbed the little guy's head and asked, "Do you feel like there is something moving?"

"Yeah, yum, I can still talk, but it's fierce, what is that papa?"

"The beast soul, the beast soul of a divine beast, should be the Vajra Ape."

"'s roaring, down there."

The secret was discovered, and the faces of the two elders became even uglier.

"We don't know anything."

"Whatever it is, it doesn't have to exist here."

It was just a beast soul, Ling Yun didn't take it to heart at all.

" can't destroy this place." Elder Liu glared at Ling Yun, and after just a moment, he faltered again.


Ling Yun frowned, and directly threw Elder Wang and Elder Liu out, and both of them spit out a mouthful of blood when they landed together.

"Strong... Pluto is too strong."

There were bursts of fear on their two faces, their strength was that of Immortal Emperor Seventeen, and they couldn't hold back half a move in front of Pluto.

Ling Yun jumped up, hugged the little guy in his arms, and moved his palms downward, and the terrifying force that erupted destroyed the Colosseum.

Everyone seemed to be shocked and dumbfounded, and they all opened their mouths.

From under the ruined Colosseum, a terrifying energy breath erupted, directly shaking Ling Yun back again and again.

Then the soul of a majestic King Kong beast appeared in the eyes of everyone, exuding a terrifying majesty of the beast.

Surrounded by a golden light.

Boom boom boom! ! !
At this moment, above the void, thunders sounded one after another, and a huge thunder tribulation descended.

The terrifying power of thunder calamity descended, causing Chen Guanshi and others to tremble in their hearts.

The power of this thunder calamity is very terrifying, as if it can destroy the world.

Ling Yun frowned and looked at the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a series of incomparably thick thunderbolts blasted down, directly landing on the body of this King Kong divine beast.

As a result, it did not cause any harm, and the power of thunder directly entered the body of the King Kong beast.

This vajra beast soul directly soared into the sky, and rushed into the terrible thunder calamity, frantically absorbing the thunder power of this thunder calamity.

This Heavenly Tribulation, which was enough to easily destroy the Immortal Emperor, was completely absorbed by the beast soul just released.

Elder Liu and the others watched this scene with shocked expressions.

"Is this guy so fierce?" Elder Wang stared at him without blinking, his eyes widened.

The little guy also stared straight at her eyes, and she was full of doubts: "Papa, what is it doing?"

"Use Thunder Tribulation to mutate the body and restore the body."

"So powerful?"

The little guy's eyes turn and turn!

Ling Yun said: "Cissy, you said we should catch it tightly at the Moon Town Demon Tower?"


Hearing this, the little guy clapped his hands excitedly, feeling that this Vajra Beast soul can melt into the Thunder Tribulation, it's awesome.

"Hahaha, I finally came back after so many years." The Vajra Beast laughed loudly, it came down from the minefield, and now it has a human body.

That Vajra Beast was covered in thunder... glaring at everyone.

With one move, many innocent people died.

The little guy frowned, this is not a good beast, so she immediately patted his little hands.

Isn't her move simple, the world changed, a terrifying hand flickered, and directly slapped the very fearful Vajra Beast into the ground.

The corner of Elder Wang's mouth twitched, he shook his head and said, "Why did I forget that there is a Pluto here? This guy is unlucky enough. He didn't run away at the first time, but showed off in front of Pluto. He deserves to be beaten."

The Vajra Beast lay trembling on the ground, the body of thunder and lightning just now seemed to have been injured, and it was miserable.

And a large cloud of black air appeared on the ground, forming a black hole in an instant!
The Vajra Beast trembled even more after seeing it, and dared not move.

Everyone also looked at the black hole, what the hell was it.

And Ling Yun's face turned dark, if he guessed right, then Beibei must be here.

The little guy immediately broke free from Ling Yun's embrace, his short legs flashed from the air to the black hole, and he said softly, "Sister... sister..."

The kid was covered in sweat, and he was welcoming Beibei in front of the black hole, and the black hole slowly drilled half of his head out to explore the way.

When she found out that it was Sissi, she rushed out immediately and laughed loudly, "Sister...hahaha, I finally found you."

It really is Beibei!
Ling Yun is speechless!
After Beibei hugged the little guy, she immediately found the Vajra Beast next to her, and she stared at him!
"Sister... Did he bully you?"

As he said that, he walked over and stared at it again, and the Vajra Beast was scared to death. He didn't think Beibei was easy to mess with, and his intuition was very accurate.

The little guy secretly said a few words to Beibei, who scratched his head with a smirk, then smiled and said to Vajra Beast, "Don't be afraid, do you want to find a place to rest?"

The Vajra Beast swallowed its saliva, thinking to itself that there is such a good thing?

"I won't lie to you, there are few people in that place, and the area is huge!" Beibei's eyes rolled round.

"If there is, then I definitely want to look for it. I just came out and need to rest." King Kong Beast nodded, like a well-behaved child at the moment.

He watched the two little guys change hands, and he didn't know what was going on. After they turned around, he was a little dumbfounded!

Is that a small pagoda?

What's the use? Just as he was wondering, a burst of golden light from the little pagoda absorbed him.

"Oh, I forgot to call his name." The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, she forgot to pretend to be aggressive, and could only complain speechlessly, missed it, missed it.

Everyone was dumbfounded, full of fear for that pagoda.

(End of this chapter)

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