Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1415

Chapter 1415

No one expected that someone would fight at the Shengshi Auction.

A terrifying force came down, both Wuji Jianzun and Jianglong Zunshi felt uncomfortable, and their bodies seemed to be pressed by a huge mountain for a while.

"You don't look at the place when you shoot." Grandma Qu's voice made everyone's hearts tremble.

Elder Feng jumped up and came to the two of them in an instant, with a look of anger on his face!

Boom! !
With one punch, the two loud people fell to the high platform, and then they stepped on them lightly in an instant.

Wuji Sword Master held back a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale. If Grandma Qu hadn't been in the way, how could he have been killed with a single punch.

Venerable Jianglong laughed loudly, and said angrily: "Let me go, you are finished, you don't know who I am?"

"Qianlong, go back to the room when you've had enough trouble. If you talk too much, get the hell out of here." Elder Feng kicked him off the high platform with a kick, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Watching Venerable Jianglong get up and walk away laughing, Wuji Sword Venerable can't let it go, the words of Hades are still in his ears.

"Don't go." Wuji Sword Master said.

"Aren't you fooled by being imprisoned in the Dragon Locking Pagoda?" Elder Feng stepped on the head of Wuji Sword Master, and the latter couldn't get away.

303 VIP room!
The little guy and Beibei were lying on the window sill again, peeking at the movement downstairs.

"What a tragedy, what a poor uncle."

"Yeah, yeah, it's too bad."

Maid Yin was right behind the two of them, and she smiled when she saw the temporary chaos of the Shengshi Auction.

Sword Master Wuji said: "Don't leave if you have the ability, let me go."

"If you continue to make trouble here, do you believe that the old man will be abolished?"

It's just a casual cultivator, will Elder Feng be afraid of Wuji Sword Master?The former is backed by the Shengshi Auction.

"Glorious Age Auction is deceiving people too much, relying on the strength of the crowd, right?"

"Hahaha...what can you do." Elder Feng took a sip!
Afterwards, everyone was blaming Wuji Sword Master, what a fuss about a good auction!

If the Shengshi Auction doesn't sell it, they will. Tianshan Snow Lotus can't wait to be auctioned, which makes them very anxious.

"Let Lao Tzu go, I will fight him to the death." Wuji Sword Master glared at Venerable Jianglong, his tone full of murderous intent.

These are not only the words of Pluto, but also his dignity. At this moment, Elder Feng stepped on the ground. He is a strong man of his generation and cannot tolerate such insults from others!
"Dog, after the auction is over, I will kill you." Venerable Jianglong glared at Master Wuji Sword coldly!


Elder Feng personally kicked Wuji Sword Master out of the Shengshi Auction and put it on the blacklist, and everyone applauded.

Wuji Sword Master was lying outside the gate, his face was pale, and he secretly said that it was over...

I don't know if Pluto will be angry!

Probably not, he still has a chance, and that is to wait for Master Jianglong to come out.

Fairy Leng returned to the second floor, trembling in Queen Yaoyue's private room, she didn't know how she came back, she was in a trance.

"What's the matter? Was he kicked out again? Have you met this time?" Queen Yaoyue asked.

With a sweep of consciousness, Fairy Leng was not injured again, so she was also very curious.

"It's him! Great Lord!"

After Fairy Leng finished speaking, she realized that she was covered in cold sweat.

"What? He's at the Prosperous Age Auction, in 303!!" Queen Yaoyue was surprised and delighted, and after a while she pouted, like a child.

"It's him, and the little princess is also there, so my subordinates won't miss it."

To be honest, Taishenjun is really handsome, but she is not a nympho, but Queen Yaoyue's face is a little more rosy.

"Since he's here, it's fine. Go over to see my cutie later, and ask the emperor casually how the next three days will be calculated."

The Queen of the Yaoyue is playing the piano lightly in her seductive...

The master of ceremonies said: "Okay, let's be quiet, and now we will start auctioning the most important item this time, Tianshan snow lotus!!"

"The main event is finally here, and it's all the fault of that guy, Wuji Sword Master, who wasted a lot of my time."

"Let me see, there are not so many spirit stones to play with you."

The master of ceremonies said: "Tianshan snow lotus, the age is more than 1000 million years, and the auction starts with [-] top-quality spirit stones."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and needles could be heard on the scene.

Twenty thousand years?
They heard right!

I received news before that Shengshi Auction will auction an item today. I only knew it was Tianshan snow lotus, but I didn't expect it to be so old!
"Thirty thousand!"

"Go home and buy a coffin. I'll pay you [-]."

As more and more people bid, the price skyrocketed.

Queen Yaoyue asked Fairy Leng to make a bid, showing off her presence, and her offer made everyone in the audience excited!

Tianshan Snow Lotus suddenly reached 10, and one hundred thousand top-quality spirit stones can buy three or four artifacts, but for the priceless Tianshan Snow Lotus, [-] yuan of top-quality spirit stones is too low.

Ling Yun walked slowly to the window sill and said, "15!"

This is the local tyrant, everyone stared at 303 intently, this VIP room shielded the consciousness, and there was a constant fog that made it difficult to see people's appearance.

Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched, she curled her lips and said, "It's really worth it!"

Fairy Leng said: "He is the biggest local tyrant!"

Top floor!

Grandma Qu smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Interesting, who is this private room 303? I'm going to go there myself and clean up the ghosts."

The little guy's little eyes have never left the Tianshan snow lotus on the high platform. The latter is so beautiful, shining with luster.

"Look... there are hidden weapons!"

A figure suddenly appeared, pointing at Elder Feng's back, and when the latter turned his head, he was about to snatch Tianshan Snow Lotus!
Think beautiful!
Elder Feng, who reacted, kicked the robber to death with one kick, blood staining the spot!
"Overestimate your own strength, but you still want to snatch Tianshan snow lotus, do you think I don't exist?"

Elder Feng shook his head and laughed, really any cat or dog dared to come, even if he missed, there was still a Grandma Qu on it!
Beibei's face turned dark, she just wanted to sneak down to take the Tianshan Snow Lotus, only to find out that this loophole is not a loophole!
"Handsome, what would happen if that person got Tianshan snow lotus just now?"

"Won't let him get it."

"If... I said if!"


The Tianshan Snow Lotus was smeared with severe poison, and anyone who touched it would have no bones left, this is no joke.

"Yeah, um, it's so expensive...why do we shoot it? Instead of grabbing it?"

"Bebe, you must know that things happen for a reason, it's wrong to rob, remember!"

"I don't grab..."

"Good boy!"

The little guy on the side said softly, "I'll get it, I won't grab it."

Ling Yun: "..."

Then the little guy covered his forehead in pain, and she was beaten by Ling Yun, which made the latter have a long memory!
The price of Tianshan snow lotus continued to rise, and there were still more than a dozen bidders!

(End of this chapter)

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