Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1416 Malicious bidding

Chapter 1416 Malicious bidding
After Venerable Jianglong returned to his private room, he was full of anger, and his eyes were fixed on Ling Yun's private room!
And he swallowed the elixir, and now his injuries have almost recovered!
"22 million!"

Malicious bidding?

Ling Yun frowned, he seemed to be stared at by Venerable Jianglong.


Ling Yun tried a word, and found that Master Jianglong had quoted a higher price before he finished speaking, so he was sure.

Queen Yaoyue smiled, but shook her head helplessly, this man was targeted everywhere he went.

"30 million!"

Following the Yaoyue Queen's bidding, the whole audience was once again as quiet as if they had stopped breathing.

"33!" Ling Yun frowned, the price was too high, but he would not be cowardly.

Master Jianglong said: "35!"

A private room: "36!"

Queen Yaoyue: "37!"


Ling Yun gritted his teeth, staring coldly at Venerable Jianglong's private room!
"Hahaha, forty? Master of ceremonies... Elder Feng...I want to sue 303 for maliciously increasing the price. It is impossible for him to take out so many spirit stones."

He knew before that 303 cost more than 40 yuan, and now it is asking for [-] yuan. He concluded that the latter could not have so many spirit stones.

If you can't get it out, the person at the top of Shengshi Auction will be angry.


Elder Feng raised his eyes slightly, cast a glance at 303, then waved his hands, asking the crooked old man to confirm.

The crooked old man didn't dare to say more, nodded and walked quickly into Lingyun's 303 private room.

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "Are you sure you want to investigate me?"

Venerable Jianglong said coldly: "Why are you guilty? Later, if you find out that you don't have any spirit stones, or you don't have enough spirit stones, you will be miserable."

Elder Feng said: "Guest 303, don't get excited, it's just a routine inspection."

The air around Ling Yun became cold, and the nearby private rooms felt a cold breath.

"Very good, come in!"

At this moment, the crooked old man had already knocked on the door of private room 303.

"Little brother, is it convenient for me to check your storage ring?"

"You go out first." Ling Yun said to Maid Yin!

Maid Yin nodded, looked into the eyes of the crooked old man, and then bowed and exited the private room.

And the next movement, directly frightened the crooked old man to sit on the ground!

Ling Yun pointed his fingertips at the crooked old man, and there was a force ready to be released from his fingertips, which can only be described as terrifying.

"You sure want to see it."

This tone is full of the color of death!

"No, no, are Lord Pluto, you are too small to be blind, offended." The crooked old man trembled with his whole body.

He wanted to slap himself a few times, but Pluto was right in front of him, and he couldn't recognize him. He really blinded himself.

If it wasn't for this terrifying power, he didn't react at all, no wonder he looked familiar to those two children, weren't they the two little princesses from the God Realm.

"Don't talk too much, understand."

"Yes, yes, yes... I will keep my mouth shut, and I will never mention you a word."


The crooked old man stood up tremblingly, and walked towards the door of the room step by step. He wished he could hurry up, but his feet were weak!

Everyone waited for so long, and finally the rickety old man came back to the high platform. Looking at his face, it was very ugly.

"Are you sure? Does he have a spirit stone?" Elder Feng asked.

The crooked old man swallowed a sedative elixir in 303, otherwise it would be impossible for him to remain so calm, but his complexion was a little pale.

"He did not…"

"What?" Elder Feng's eyes widened, there was no spirit stone! ! !

"No, no, no... he's fine." The old man was startled by Elder Feng, did he not finish his sentence?

"The auction continues!" Elder Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. If you have spirit stones, you can talk. If you don't have spirit stones, then don't blame them for being heartless at the Shengshi Auction.

Venerable Jianglong was also dumbfounded... He didn't expect that there were so many spirit stones in Room 303, which was beyond his expectation.


A domineering voice came from the aisle, and everyone stared at the figures together, and then they saw clearly under the light.

"The world will meet!"

"Why are they here?"

"A bunch of crazy people."

"They are the ones who will do the next three days. There are four of them here. The Shengshi Auction has given them too much face. They can still let them in at this time."

"Empress Yaoyue doesn't know, does she know that they are here?" Someone said.

For a while, everyone was talking about these presidents of the Tianxiahui.

"Several distinguished guests, please sit down."

Elder Feng laughed, the landlords are here, they are all local tyrants, Tianxiahui is famously rich.

Queen Yaoyue frowned tightly, her eyes fixed on the four presidents of the Tianxiahui, her eyes couldn't hide the murderous intent.

Fairy Leng said: "Calm down, Your Majesty, there is an old woman staring up above, and there is a Hades on the opposite side. If you are going to attack the world at this moment, you will definitely not be able to take advantage of it."

This statement is justified!

Hearing this, Queen Yaoyue calmed down a lot, holding back her anger in her heart.

Before knowing the attitude of Pluto, it is better not to provoke this god of death, and the auction of Tianshan snow lotus has reached its climax, and if it is interrupted halfway, it will cause public anger.

The master of ceremonies said: "The bid for room 303 was 40 just now, and the auction continues now. The Tianshan snow lotus is more than 1000 million years old."

President Snake seemed shocked, 40?Tianshan snow lotus!

President Long said: "I add ten thousand."

It's not like they didn't gain anything after destroying it for the next three days. At least the spoils were 900 million spirit stones.

These spirit stones are enough for them to auction off the next item, how can they let go of Tianshan Snow Lotus.

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth kept laughing, the world will?They are doing evil in his name and imposing crimes on him. None of these people will live today.


He couldn't believe Ling Yun's icy tone, the dignified Pluto couldn't take pictures of what he wanted.

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, don't shout, I poured you a glass of water, they can't let you take a picture of it."

This child is not only sensible, but also obediently respects Ling Yun.

Maid Yin on one side seemed to be cute by her.

As Beibei said, the auction downstairs has already reached 60. Tianshan snow lotus is so popular, Ling Yun said hello!
And Venerable Jianglong, who has been bidding maliciously, is going to die. If he insists on going against him, he will shout out as soon as he opens his mouth to show his presence?
Ling Yun opened three black holes one after another, and directly patted Venerable Dragon Dragon into it with one hand. What he said was still valid, and Master Wuji held the head to see him.

Venerable Jianglong was stupefied, he just felt that his body was hit by a force, which hurt him to death. In the blink of an eye, it seemed to be a hand, and the surroundings were a little dark. He really didn't know the rest.

And on the other side of the black hole is outside the gate of the Shengshi Auction, the Promise Sword Master is waiting for Venerable Dragon Subduing! ! !

Venerable Jianglong was injured by Ling Yun, facing Wuji Sword Venerable at this moment, he lacks confidence, but he can run away if he can't win.

(End of this chapter)

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