Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424
President Shu frowned, and after looking around, he always felt that Queen Yaoyue's words didn't seem like a joke.

President Long said: "Hmph, don't scare the old man, tell you, today with you, I can't kill the old man."

President Dog also nodded, agreeing with President Long.

The master of ceremonies said, "Grandma Qu, I wonder if we should continue to auction Tianshan snow lotus now?"

Grandma Qu looked at the crooked old man's body, gritted her teeth and said, "Shoot...Keep shooting!!"

This is the only good way to delay time.

Wuji Sword Master stood up, threw the head in his hand to the high platform, as if to stand up, and then yelled, he didn't know what he was excited about.

Maybe he was happy that Pluto spared his life.

"I'll give you 200 million, you can figure it out." President Shu was the first to speak, his tone seemed to be well-placed, and the aura alone made people timid.

The Tianshan snow lotus appeared on the high platform again, and everyone couldn't take their eyes off it.

The little guy pouted, pointed to Tianshan Snow Lotus and said, "Papa, do we have enough money to buy it?"

"It's not enough, it's not enough to sell you all." Ling Yun pinched the little guy's nose, and the latter frowned slightly.

sold them?

not enough?
How much does it cost.

"How could it not be enough? Doesn't Shuai Shuai have a coffin book?" Beibei said in a childish voice, disbelief written all over her face.

Ling Yun: "..."

Queen Yaoyue covered her mouth and smiled secretly, looking at Pluto's dark face, she wanted to laugh, these two children are so funny.

Seeing Ling Yunmu's dumbfounded face, the little guy immediately tilted his mouth angrily, and said in a milky voice, "Sure enough, hehe...I'll tell Mama to go."

Ling Yun simply ignored them, and shouted to the master of ceremonies on the high platform: "Tianshan snow lotus...hahaha...Although at the auction, the highest bidder wins, but at the moment everyone is!"

"So... let the Shengshi Auction make it lose money. The client will suffer a loss. If there is something wrong with the Tianshan snow lotus, please go to the Shengshi Auction."

Ling Yun's words shocked and excited everyone present!

"That's right, whoever has the strength, the Tianshan Snow Lotus will belong to him."

"This is a 100 yuan top-quality spirit stone. Don't say I'm unkind. I want to take down Tianshan Snow Lotus. You have no chance."

The people in the private rooms were ready to move, but Grandma Qu was stunned. Things were going in the wrong direction, and Pluto was too thoughtful.

Elder Feng whispered something in Grandma Qu's ear, and then the latter suddenly smiled.

"Congratulations, President Shu, this Tianshan snow lotus is yours."

"Hahaha, Shengshi Auction knows the goods! You know the goods, Mrs. Qu Yao, you made a wise choice."

Hearing this, President Shu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, looking defiant.

"You're welcome." Grandma Qu smiled.

Elder Feng has a gloomy expression on his face!
President Long frowned, and said to President Mouse: "Could this be a trap, I always feel something is wrong."

Ling Yun sneered again and again...

It's useless for Grandma Qu to make any plans!

Queen Yaoyue's eyes were full of coldness, and she muttered to Fairy Leng: "This thief woman is too cruel, she wants to reap the benefits of being a fisherman!"

"I'm afraid they won't be able to see through." Fairy Leng shrugged!

The Tianshan snow lotus temptation is ahead, and everyone must have lost their minds.

"That's mine. Let's join hands to kill the Tianxiahui, and we'll settle the matter after that."

"It's necessary. I've seen Tianxiahui's dislike for a long time. I really don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth."

"What's yours, come here if you have the ability."

"Fuck... who is afraid of whom?"

The people in the private rooms had already started to become chaotic, and there was a strong murderous aura around them.

As President Shu walked towards Tianshan Snow Lotus step by step, no one dared to take the lead.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. They are all old men, and everyone understands this truth!
Queen Yaoyue said: "It's really cowardly. Since you don't make a move, then I will try my hand."


The sound of the lady's piano sounded quietly, and the window sill of 303 immediately burst into a blue light with the sound of the piano.


President Mouse frowned, and smashed the cyan light with his backhand.

Now that someone has made a move, the masters in the other private rooms all threw their martial arts at President Shu, dazzling like fireworks.

Queen Yaoyue laughed and stroked the strings of the zither, and the fight began, with streaks of blue light, as if destroying the world.

The little guy was dumbfounded when he saw it, secretly thinking that this piano skill is so good?Can she move a few too.

Just do it!

She should really run over!

A burst of dizzy piano sounds almost tore everyone's eardrums apart!

"Sissy...don't move...don't..."

"Fun... fun."

The little guy went to play another string, the surrounding noise was loud, and many weak people vomited blood heavily.

Queen Yaoyue's eyes widened, how much strength is needed for this?
Others don't understand, but she knows very well that playing three strings in a row requires the power of the Immortal Emperor Eighteen, even if she herself can't do it.

A terrifying idea emerged in the mind of Queen Yaoyue...

"I'm so pissed off, there's no end to it, damn Yaoyue, you know how to use sound skills, shit!!!"

President Mouse immediately rushed into 303 aggressively!


What was waiting for him was Ling Yun's God's Hand, a black hand grabbed him in an instant, pinched President Mouse tightly, and the latter screamed in pain.


what happened?
Noise and screams... What exactly did 303 go through, and who is that scream!

Ling Yun sneered and said, "A grasshopper, what are you jumping around for? Come and die in a hurry."

The terrifying sound made the trembling President Mouse's heart twitch violently, this...

The man in front of him, the man holding his body with one hand, isn't he the god they all believe in!

"Ahem... Long live Lord Pluto!"

Although Pluto wanted to kill him, he was really heartfelt to Pluto. The latter was a belief, and having no belief was the same as having no soul.

What kind of person is a person without a soul.

"I can't bear this sentence, why don't I remember having you as a good subordinate."

Ling Yun sneered and said, the voice was almost fatal, full of murderous intent, even Queen Yaoyue was frightened, everything was too fast.

"No, no, Your Highness Pluto, you heard from your subordinates that this is not the case, our mission is to revive you, everything is for your own good, wake up, the Twelve Domains are originally yours." , while still struggling.

this voice...

Depend on!
Ling Yun was very angry, and his body was filled with huge killings, like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

This is magic, and people who hear this voice will inspire magic!
Maid Yin has already collapsed and covered her head... She was defeated by President Mouse's magic voice! !

Her mind was blood red...

(End of this chapter)

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