Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425

There are fallen corpses all around, and those people are her clansmen, she hates... the hate in her heart! !

The powerful demonic nature was aroused, and she immediately showed killing intent, then rushed to the high platform, and directly fought with Grandma Qu.

"You are so brave, I didn't kill you, it was for his sake, now you are rushing to die." Grandma Qu stared at Maid Yin coldly, not paying attention to the latter at all.

"I want to avenge them!" Maid Yin's eyes were scarlet, as if she had lost her mind.

In this situation, Queen Yaoyue stared straight at her eyes!
She was really worried that Pluto would do the same, so unknowingly, she pulled the little guy and Beibei and started to stay away from Lingyun.

"Wake up, our king, the Twelve Realms are yours."

"Is it over?" Ling Yun's murderous aura grew more and more, as if he was approaching the breaking point.

Everyone gasped, such a terrifying murderous aura emanating from 303, who is the murderous aura compared to President Mouse?
"The old snake is dead? Why...why did you kill him!" President Mouse lost his struggle and began to resist.

"You are all going to die."

" always been awake, and the subordinate's magic sound failed unexpectedly, but the subordinate still has no complaints or regrets."


Ling Yun looked calm.

President Mouse was crushed to death, and he didn't scream any more before he died, maybe he was too disappointed in Pluto.

Suffocation in the private room...

Fairy Leng swallowed her saliva, she was too powerful, President Shu had no ability to fight back, and died so miserably.

The corpse of the not-human-looking President Mouse was lying on the floor, Ling Yun glanced at it, and then walked to the window sill.

With Maid Yin's starting, the battle on Gaotai started completely.

President Long said: "What are the mice doing in 303?"

"It doesn't matter, let's get the Tianshan snow lotus first." The dog leader said.


All the big figures gradually emerged, including Tianmen, Vulcan Sect, Star Palace, Juechen Poison Palace, Catmull Alliance, casual cultivators, and some great figures from ancient times all appeared on the high platform.

They all started to attack Tianshan Snow Lotus!

None of them are vegetarians, and they are all people who can shock the seven domains today.

For example, Elder Niu of Tianmen came with the mission of obtaining Tianshan snow lotus. If he couldn't get Tianshan snow lotus this time, he had to apologize with death.

"Go away!"

Elder Tianmen Niu let out a stern shout, and the strength of his body was released in all directions, and cracks appeared in the Shengshi Auction immediately.

Grandma Qu yelled, damn it!

The floor of the Shengshi Auction was blessed by layers of formations, but now that it is destroyed, one can imagine how powerful it is.

A Tianshan Niu elder gave her a headache, but when will the rescuers arrive?

Pluto is obviously about to make a move. In her opinion, the president of Shu who just entered 303 is probably dead now.

"None of you should try to escape today."

There is a thunder in the sky...

Grandma Qu breathed a sigh of relief, the rescuers came...

A hole was opened in the east of the Shengshi Auction, and golden light shone in.

Then I heard footsteps, Maid Yin trembled, this...

This team, they are the Scarlet Blood team from the Shengshi Auction, the chief culprit who once slaughtered her people.

"come yet."

Elder Feng was the happiest, with a look of excitement on his face. The Scarlet Blood team was the ace team of their Shengshi Auction, so strong that even he would shrink back.

The fighting around stopped immediately, some sneered, some were terrified, some were excited, and some were fighting.

Queen Yaoyue frowned, and said: "They are here, Pluto, why don't you go first, their formation will hold you back, and your current emperor..."

To put it bluntly, she was worried that Pluto would kill his relatives if he was awakened.

People who are possessed by demons really don't recognize their relatives!
"It's okay..."

Ling Yun shook his head lightly, with a smile on his lips.

"It's okay, my papa is very powerful, I will help him if he can't beat him." The little guy smiled openly, and began to have Lingyun's momentum, calm and calm.

The Red Blood team is led by a man named Red Blood!
All the members are wearing black armor with a touch of red, and they seem to be well-trained. They come with golden light, as if they are clearing the way.

"This place is really chaotic." With Chi Xue's icy tone, he shook his head and laughed, his eyes were radiant with coldness. Few people have such an aura.

President Long frowned, this was a hard stubble, he was sure.

Grandma Qu said: "Bring them all to justice!"

Chi Xue said: "Everyone obeys the order. Except for the 303 private room, everyone is regarded as an enemy and will be shot or killed."

These words were crazy, the elder Tianmen Niu immediately laughed.

"Damn it... The Yaoyue Queen is going to join forces with the Shengshi Auction, so are amazing." Someone from the Vulcan Sect was furious, feeling as if he had been calculated.

He wasn't the only one who was angry, almost everyone concluded that it was.

Ling Yun's face turned black, was he being plotted against?Chi Xue's words were clearly trying to incite hatred.

Shengshi Auction will use his hands to eradicate these people, and the infamy will be pushed on him in the future, so that they can kill people with a knife.

Queen Yaoyue signaled Ling Yun not to get excited, the matter was not too bad.

The little guy kept staring at Queen Yaoyue's Lady Qin, but said to Ling Yun: "Papa, don't be angry, don't get excited."

His appearance made Queen Yaoyue feel uneasy.

"Yeah, don't get excited, I heard that it's easy to have a cerebral hemorrhage." Beibei said.

Ling Yun: "..."

Even though it was so chaotic outside, the private room where Ling Yun was was still very peaceful, anyway, whoever came in would die.

With the arrival of the Scarlet Blood Team, many people from the Seven Great Domains also heard the news.

Among them are some lesser heavenly gods.


With Chixue's order, all the members of the Chixue team started killing one after another.

There was a smell of blood on the high platform, accompanied by the oppression of the air.

Maid Yin is an opponent at all. She just fought against Grandma Qu, but the latter didn't take it seriously. She wants to save her strength.

A certain red blood team kicked Maid Yin away with one kick. The latter spat out a mouthful of blood, her eyes became clearer, and she dragged her painful body back to the private room.

"Master Pluto, help me avenge, no matter how much it costs, I will promise you."

For this humble request, she almost exhausted all her strength.

Ling Yun said: "Why should I help you? This is your business. If you don't have the ability, then you will give up."

give up?

She hates the Prosperous Age Auction, hates the Scarlet Blood Team, Jue Tian...

It is impossible to give up this idea of ​​revenge. Every time she dreams, she hears the screams of her tribe, the painful and unwilling voices.


Maid Yin was still kneeling, but did not speak again.

The little guy couldn't bear to see it, but she didn't know what to do, and Bei Bei whispered something in Maid Yin's ear, and the latter stared her beautiful eyes wide.

(End of this chapter)

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