Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1429 Unstoppable

Chapter 1429 Unstoppable

Not to mention one move, even half a move can't be blocked, Pluto is too strong.

Chi Xue's eyes were scarlet, and his appearance was very ferocious. The death of his subordinates was the most painful thing for him.

Grandma Qu said: "Chixue, let's retreat together, we can't beat him."

Chi Xue sighed, like a deflated ball: "Do you think you ran away? For now, we can only go together, otherwise we will all die, or we will rely on the Diya Army."

"If you don't make a move, then I will."

While Ling Yun sneered, he began to kill people. It is not too much to kill a hundred people in ten steps!

There was a lot of screams all around, and Ling Yun said, whoever can block his move, these people will not die.

and so!
Everyone has hope again, a hope to live.

"I'll stop you!"

A god who called himself Storm roared, and shot towards Ling Yun quickly, a terrifying blow came towards him, his figure was like a thunderbolt.

God shot, destroying the world...

At this moment, an extremely thick blue thunder and lightning bombarded down in the void, and bombarded towards the Storm God.

Seeing the blue thunder and lightning descending, the Storm God's expression sank.

The punch lingering around his whole body slammed out fiercely, striking together with the thunder and lightning forcefully.


Under one blow, the Storm Lord retreated again and again, spurting out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and the fist he swung was pitch black, scorched by the power of lightning.

Ling Yun said: "Vulnerable, why are you God?"

The strength is too low, and Ling Yun in this state can't do anything about it. To be honest, he is very disappointed.

"Pfft... God's punishment... My strength is so low, it's hateful!"

Lord Baofeng fixed his eyes on Ling Yun, looking very unwilling, the gap between him and Pluto is so big! !
The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he vomited a mouthful of blood and fell down heavily.

God is dead?

So vulnerable, they have little hope of surviving.

Hehe, it's so ridiculous. At this moment, they just want one person to come out and block Pluto's move, so that they can survive. If they see Pluto in the future, they will leave from a distance.

Queen Yaoyue couldn't bear to see so many people died, at least some of them belonged to the imperial domain.

Quite a number of people in the family asked the Queen Yaoyue to take action. This is the imperial domain at this moment, and it is three days in the middle, so the Queen Yaoyue should be responsible.

Beibei looked at the majestic Ling Yun, she was full of yearning, she could not do anything at any time, just standing there, no one would dare to stare at her.

"Papa is amazing, I will do the same when I become a queen in the future."

The little guy's eyes were already starry.

Grandma Qu Longyou Qianshui said: "Now only one escapes, the Pluto is announcing...he wants to make the Seven Realms his enemy, and the Yaoyue Queen ignores everything and chooses to join forces with the Pluto, and let the old guy who lasted three days depose her in the future. "

Such a big hat was put on Queen Yaoyue, who stared angrily.

"I want to tell the seven domains that Pluto is crazy!"

"Hahaha, isn't it just death, who is afraid of whom!"

President Long smiled wryly: "He has always been awake, there is no so-called deep sleep, he is just him, the ridiculous thing is that our world will pay so much for nothing."

What the world will be looking for is Ling Yun's second personality, not the current Ling Yun.


Most of the people opened their mouths one after another and rushed over to stop Ling Yun. They firmly believed that unity is strength.

This Ling Yun danced a knife, and the terrifying knife energy blasted towards him.

Suddenly, a shocking explosion sounded, and terrifying energy oscillated.

The powerful combined attack of everyone still couldn't hurt Ling Yun, but their bodies were directly shaken back again and again.

Elder Feng shivered. It was the first time he had seen such a terrifying Pluto. It used to be a legend, but now his scalp felt numb.

Grandma Qu said: "Let's ask Diya's Black Legion for help, and we can delay it for a while. Let's buy time to escape."

Chi Xue said angrily: "That's the only way. I didn't expect Pluto to be so unreasonable. We obviously gave him enough face. It's really fucking shameless. If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later."

"Sooner or later, I will make you pay in blood!"

"Chixue, you go with me first, you must understand that you must not die here, what are you burdened with?" Grandma Qu said.


She roared, and retreated step by step with Chixue, surrounded by groups of Chixue teams.

Ling Yun frowned, and walked up step by step, he didn't intend to let Grandma Qu and Chi Xue go!

More than 30 Red Blood teams flew to challenge Ling Yun one by one, as if they were going to die.

They just wanted to hold Hades back at the price of their lives, to give Grandma Qu and Chi Xue enough time to enter the golden road of the Diya Black Legion and escape smoothly for three days.

"Never let Pluto do whatever he wants. If I die, please remember that I once fought Pluto for the sake of all living beings. I will die without complaint."

The entire void was torn apart by the green bull power transformed by the Tianmen Niu elder, dragging out a long space crack.

Qingniu appeared directly from the back of Tianmen Niu Elder...

That is the Wuhun Continent five-star Wuhun, so terrifying!
The terrifying power oppressed the entire trading city. Everyone's face was pale, their eyes were full of fear, and their bodies were trembling.

And seeing the elder Tianmen Niu displaying such terrifying power, Grandma Qu and Chi Xue felt slightly relaxed.

At least it can delay for a long time.

The little guy's eyes widened, he was very curious about this green bull!

"Is this a meat-eating cow? It grows so big!"

"The only way to grow big is to be beaten." Beibei said in a childish voice.

What you said was so reasonable, even Queen Yaoyue sighed.

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

Facing the Tianmen Niu's old age as a Baizhang Qingniu attacking towards him, Ling Yun's expression was very calm, and he uttered four words softly.

As he said, whoever can block his move, these people can survive.

And he can't help but...

In an instant!
Endless icy air emerged from the sky, and the aura in the entire void turned into icy air at this moment.

The void was instantly sealed by ice, including this hundred-foot-long green bull, which was frozen by the terrible ice air and turned into an ice cow, an ice sculpture.

The entire void has turned into a world of ice and snow, and this green bull has turned into an ice sculpture and suspended in the void.

This scene shocked everyone, their eyes were dull and shocked.

one move!
Another trick!
It's unbelievable that the dignified elder of Tianmen was frozen by Pluto's one move.

(End of this chapter)

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