Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1430 Endless

Chapter 1430 Endless
not to mention!
In their eyes, Elder Tianmen Niu's move just now was very terrifying, very awesome, five-star martial soul, it gave them a feeling of death.


The reality is such a slap in the face, Pluto's move of freezing thousands of miles can't stop it, and even cost his life in vain, it's ridiculous and sad.

Not long after, the ice that sealed the green bull broke apart!
At this time, Elder Tianmen Niu appeared on the ground of the trading city and fell out of a big pit. The terrifying force was still sweeping around, making a dull sound.

This day, Elder Tianmen Niu withdrew the Wuhun Qingniu, spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, he coughed for a while, and looked at Ling Yun with frightened eyes!

This is the last look!
cough cough...

His body stood up without taking three breaths, that is, he glanced at Ling Yun, this time the breath of life disappeared, and he couldn't die anymore.

The rest of the Scarlet Blood team were slightly stunned, and then continued to attack Ling Yun, and many forces also joined in.

At the same time, five or six figures appeared in front of Ling Yun, each with an attitude of ignoring death, without fear of life and death.

"bring it on."

Ling Yun opened his mouth to speak, and then stomped his foot violently, terrifying power burst out from the sole of his foot, sweeping across the bodies of these members.

With a bang, all the internal organs, meridians, and bones of their bodies exploded, and their entire bodies collapsed, as if they were being abused.

These guys stared wide-eyed, looking like they were dying.

At this time, a certain Nascent Soul actually rushed out and used the self-explosive energy to hurt Ling Yun. The latter waved his hand, and a ball of flames completely wiped out his Nascent Soul.

It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye.

The audience was silent for a while, and everyone stared blankly at Ling Yun without speaking.

Maid Yin covered her mouth and wept after seeing so many deaths of the Scarlet Blood team. She was very happy. The hatred for many years was relieved at this moment, and she was indescribably light.

Looking back at Chi Xue, he was stunned for a moment, and then seeing his tragic death and his unrepentant expression, a burst of anger burst out of his body like a flood that burst a bank.

A monstrous power was released from his body, like a volcanic eruption, and everyone present who was oppressed was short of breath.

"Hateful Pluto, you really deserve to die, it's so unfair!"

Chi Xue stared at Ling Yun with red eyes, and waved his palms towards Ling Yun as soon as he moved, but Grandma Qu with a huge dragon body stopped him.

"Chixue, calm down, it's no different from going crazy like you are going to die."

Hearing this, the blood-red eyes gradually returned to normal, and the whole person was like a deflated ball, with no momentum left.

"Are you all scared? You are really rubbish. You were torn apart by me back then, and you are still as cowardly as a mouse now. What is the use of your life?" Ling Yun began to sneer at the rest of the people.

Not many came alive, after all, they ran a lot!

Those who were afraid of death hid and shivered, and some did not want to face the mighty Pluto, quietly waiting for the end of the war.

Grandma Qu and Chixue had already arrived at the Golden Avenue, and joined up with the Diya Black Legion, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Both of them concluded that Pluto couldn't possibly kill him, the Shengshi Auction won't save face, what about Di Ya?
With such a powerful Black Legion of Diya, they don't want to lose the courage to fight.


A gap in the void!
"We're late, maybe... the Tianshan snow lotus was photographed by someone else, it's all because of Lao Mu, who wasted so much of my time."

"It's not too late, we came just in time."

At this moment, several deafening shouts suddenly resounded, resounding through half of the trading city, and everyone's eyes were swept towards the void.

Above the void, three people came out from the opening of the void, one by one wearing white robes, with extraordinary momentum, they were obviously the remnants of the Immortal Palace.

The three of them are strong one by one, all of them are the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, and with long-term practice, their combined strength can rival a domain master.

Box box box! !

Behind them, there are three white cranes pulling a luxurious carriage, and these three white cranes are holy beasts.

Using three powerful Immortal Emperor's holy beasts to pull the carriage shows the background and strength of the big man sitting on the carriage.

If this is from other sects, I am afraid that the holy beast white crane will have to be treated as a treasure, and it is absolutely impossible to use it to pull a cart.

This also proves to the world that the person on the carriage is definitely a superpower!
Who is it?
Everyone couldn't see it, and they hadn't seen the three old men, so they just stared blankly for a while.

The little guy's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of those cute white cranes, talking about cute, cute in a baby voice.


If she and Beibei knew how many monsters these three white cranes ate each meal, they wouldn't think they were cute.

Queen Yaoyue frowned, and then said in surprise: "He is... the leader of the Five Elements!"

Hearing this, excited expressions appeared on everyone's faces! !
It is said that the leader of the Five Elements is an ancient figure. It is said that the leader of the Five Elements is willing to stay in Suolong Pagoda for a promise.

The Five Elements Sect he ruled in ancient times was the largest subsidiary force of the Immortal Palace.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a figure walked out slowly.

This figure was wearing a white long gown, with long hair, a fair face, and a pair of eyes with a rebellious and stern look. He glanced at everyone present with a look of contempt.

There was an extraordinary and mysterious aura exuding from his whole body, and he was exactly the leader of the Five Elements that Queen Yaoyue spoke of.

"It's so lively!" The leader of the Five Elements smiled lightly, smelling the strong smell of blood in the air, and seemed to enjoy it.

And the three Immortal Emperor Eighteen who followed him were Lao Mu, an old Taoist, and an old naughty boy!
"Are we saved?"

Someone was moved to cry...

Ling Yun slightly raised his head and looked at the leader of the Five Elements in the mid-air. To be honest, he really didn't know this person, and he was not a piece of garbage, so if he provoked him, he would kill him.

Ling Yun stopped killing, but Maid Yin still had hatred for Chixue in her heart, so she picked up Beibei's Jingu Sword and did not let the remaining members of the Chixue team go.

The rest of them were not vegetarians, and the formation successfully trapped her and Ling Yun.

This scene immediately attracted the Five Elements leader and the others, who were sweating profusely!
They just discovered that Pluto is here, so...

So they are going to die?

That familiar figure, the powerful figure that destroyed the ancient fairy palace, came to mind one by one.

"You're not done yet."

Ling Yun's dealing with these rubbish formations is just a matter of waving his hands.

In contrast, Maid Yin seemed to be struggling a lot. Fortunately, Ling Yun broke the formation, and the little guy shouted "Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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