Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 143 Pluto is not dead

Chapter 143 Pluto is not dead
Shui Lao was in a daze, when suddenly the crystal next to him turned rapidly, emitting black dazzling light, and he looked at the huge detection crystal, his body trembling violently, after so many years, the crystal finally moved.

"Hurry up, everyone, let the notice go, and immediately hold the Underworld Conference, without delaying for a moment." Shui Lao said excitedly to a talisman.

"Grandpa Shui, what's the matter?" a little girl asked, it was the first time she saw this old man lose his composure.

"Haha, Hades is not dead, he has awakened, and our Lord of the Underworld is back!" Shui Lao kept walking, words could no longer describe his heart.

"It... just because of this crystal?" Because they also saw those black rays of light, none of them had seen such a thing happen before, and they were all in a daze.

They don't know the meaning of this crystal.

"That's right, only the king of the underworld can use such pure power of the underworld, and the master of the underworld can only be appointed if he possesses such power."

"Great, Grandpa Shui, is this true? Where is he?" Xiao Nizi asked Shui Lao with staring eyes.

"Don't be rude, you all have to call Lord Pluto," Shui Lao yelled loudly, but he didn't get angry at all.

This is when Ling Yun returned to Blue Star, he used Netherfire to exterminate a few ants in the rented house, and the ghost power contained in that fire has been conveyed for so many days, and finally spread to the underworld!Detected by this huge crystal!
Sissy was busy for several hours, and finally completed Ling Yun's task.

"Papa, I have finished drawing, look, this is Mama and Bapa, Grandma, Gan Mama, Aunt Long, Sister, Xu Shushu, Xiaocai, Little Huzi, Tiger..." The little guy drew everyone I went up, and kept counting and counting, and added a lot of animals during the period, to see what the characters missed!
"The painting is okay, a bit rough"

The little guy was not happy after hearing this, and pouted, she felt the best, why is her father so demanding?

"Are your eyes tired, come here, daddy will rub it for you"


The little guy quickly lay down in Ling Yun's arms, enjoying this kind of massage very much, and fell asleep in a daze after a while.

"Cousin, give me some advice." After watching the Korean drama, Lin Yueyan came over and asked Ling Yun.

"What idea?" Ling Yun shook his head, pretending not to know.

"College Freshman Orientation Party!" Lin Yueyan wanted to beat Ling Yun up. She had vaguely mentioned it before, but she didn't expect Ling Yun to take it seriously...

"I have a nice note"

"Great, cousin, tell me quickly, I knew you would do it!" Lin Yueyan was full of excitement and smiled, only to hear Ling Yun's next sentence...

"It's fine if you don't sign up"

"Hmph! I'm going to complain to my aunt!" Now Lin Yueyan was furious.

"Wait, I'm afraid of you"

"Oh, cousin, you are quite sensible!"

"It's not the time yet, I'll tell you when the time comes"

"With you here, it's fine"

Lin Yueyan happily took out her mobile phone to share with her girlfriends, Ling Yun smiled wryly again.

"dong dong dong"

After a few knocks on the door, Chen Li came in. She was very conscientious, and she reported to Ling Yun the situation in the past few days.

"Ling Yun, that Ye Fei said you introduced him to be a security guard?" Chen Li asked a little uncertainly.

"Probably." Ling Yun didn't call out, but he knew the situation.

"I gave him [-] a month, why would he do it?" Chen Li didn't want to accept it at first, the staff is full, so what if Ling Yun asked?In the end, she wanted to send him with a low salary, who knows...

"Well, he's not short of money, he should be experiencing life. In the future, you can ask him to do it for big and small things, and for your headaches." Ling Yun thinks that Ye Fei is useless, so why bother to do it himself?
"Well, okay, and the most important thing, you mentioned to me last time, I'm free now about opening a branch in Jiangnan City." Chen Li also showed Ling Yun a plan.

"Well, recruit our classmates first. I remember that our class has the most poor students in college. Contact them more."

"Don't tell me, I also have this plan, and I will arrange it in the near future"

"If customers are making trouble for no reason, don't care about their identities, just throw them out, get them blacklisted, and find Ye Fei if something happens." Ling Yun doesn't want this hotel to entertain any messy people!

"Will this offend them?" Chen Li didn't expect Ling Yun to be so domineering and not afraid of anything?Still in the dark?These powerful and powerful people are all benefactors. Don't offend them casually!

"Did someone named Zhang Jiaxing come to our hotel?"

"There is one. It came a few days ago. I heard it is Aunt Liu's only son."

"Go to Jiangnan City to investigate, let him go"

"it is good"

Chen Li heard that Liu Min's son is a gangster, but after a few days of observation, he doesn't look like him, he is willing to help others, hardworking, and a talented person.

In the evening, after having dinner at the hotel, Ling Yun and the others went back to the villa. Their nest was comfortable, and Sissy was very happy. She asked Ling Yun to help her take a bath early, because she could go play now.

"Papa, shall we go?" The little guy was a little impatient, it's past nine o'clock?I haven't heard Ling Yun talk about going to the underwater world yet! !

The little guy pouted, unhappy, when is it?Still watching TV?Then wait!

It was already eleven o'clock, and Ling Yun hadn't moved yet. Now the little guy felt cheated. She planned to ignore Ling Yun, go back to her room to sleep, and never talk to him again! !

Ling Yun went back to the room after watching the TV. The little guy covered his head with a pillow, his feet were raised up, and his face was full of unhappiness.

Ling Yun smiled, grabbed her little feet and scratched them.

"Ha, ha, I don't care about you, ha!" The little guy croaked when he was caught, and kept rolling on the bed.

"Okay, ready to go." Ling Yun didn't intend to tease her anymore, and then flicked her forehead.

The little guy's eyes are rolling and rolling, he doesn't understand, what time is it, who's aquarium is still open?

Ling Yun hugged Qianqian in his arms and said to her: "Come on, little baby hugs daddy and is about to set off"

The little guy hung his hands around Ling Yun's neck, and then she heard Ling Yun say: "Close your eyes"

The little guy was also obedient, and immediately closed his eyes without peeking. When the screen changed, Ling Yun and Qianqian were stepping on the surface of the South China Sea.

"Okay, Qianqian can open her eyes now." Ling Yun was afraid that Qianqian would be frightened, so he slowly gave her some divine power and stabilized it!
The little guy slowly opened her eyes when she heard the words, her mouth was opened wide by everything in front of her eyes, it was a strange environment, she trembled a little, she grasped Ling Yun tightly with both hands, there was a crescent moon in the distance, the moon was shining on On the sea water, sparkling, so beautiful!
(End of this chapter)

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