Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 144 Underwater World

Chapter 144 Underwater World
Sissy's little head couldn't figure it out, she was still in the room just now, where was this in the blink of an eye?
If it wasn't for Ling Yun holding her, she would have been scared to death. Ling Yun also comforted her who was trembling a little. After a while, the little guy began to get used to it.

Ling Yun touched her little head and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you want to see the underwater world?"

"Papa, I'm afraid, where is this place?" Hearing Ling Yun's words, the little guy didn't understand why!

"Shanghai, do you like it? This is not magic." Ling Yun explained to her.

"I like it, but Qianqian is afraid, papa, let's go back, shall we?"

"No, Sissy's world is huge, and there are many mysteries." Ling Yun must teach her this, and she will have to face it in the future.

"Papa, how did we get here? Is there water below?" Qianqian couldn't figure out why her father could stand on the water.

"Well, this is the mystery I want to talk about. Look over there..." Ling Yun pointed to the distance, and suddenly, a dragon formed of water appeared on the sea, dancing wildly there.

The little guy shivered immediately, seeing it for the first time, she was not afraid that it was a fake, so she grabbed Ling Yun tightly, but she was also curious, isn't this magic?
"Papa, isn't this magic?" The little guy blinked, his mind full of doubts.

"Magic is deceiving, but this mysterious power exists, you see, it swims over!!"

Sure enough, Qianqian saw that the water dragon was swimming over, but now she was not afraid anymore, and she reached out to touch it, and found that the dragon was full of water, she was so curious.

With a wave of Ling Yun's hand, the water dragon disintegrated into sea water, and a circular light shield began to appear around them, surrounding Ling Yun, and he sat cross-legged with Qianqian in his arms, and several light spheres around them rotated back and forth, just like daytime.

Slowly, Sissy covered her eyes with her hands, but she was curious to break away a little to look at them, and saw them slowly sinking into the sea, the sea water was separated by the light mask, the bottom was very beautiful, this is real The underwater world!There are several light balls clearly visible on the bottom of the sea, which is really beautiful.

"Wow, wow, Papa is so powerful, so beautiful, so many fish." Sissy immediately kissed Ling Yun.

"Isn't it much more beautiful than the one in the aquarium? This is the real underwater world, and it's not comparable to the aquarium." Ling Yun petted her head and said.

The little guy got out of Ling Yun's arms, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she was able to move around, so she just lay there watching the little fish, and she stretched out her hand to touch it even if she was brave enough.

"Looks good, wow, what kind of fish is this? Papa" the little guy asked, pointing to a huge monster in the distance.

Ling Yun saw that it was a white giant whale, so he explained to her. The little guy seemed to understand and nodded, with a smile on his face.

A big shark appeared behind and slammed into the mask. The little guy was not afraid, and even made faces at it. The angry shark slammed into it even more.

"Papa, isn't it stupid?" The little guy felt that the shark couldn't eat them, and he didn't give up on them, so she kept teasing the great white shark.

"They are simple-minded, they are not stupid, they want to do something when they are sure about it." Ling Yun also taught her patiently, explaining to her the rules of survival in this world, the law of the jungle preys on the strong.

Ling Yun took Qianqian to explore the sunken ship, looking for treasures, not to mention collecting a lot of treasures and antiques, the little guy counted the gold coins he just found like a whole little money fan.

On the other hand, in a shipwreck, Sissy found her favorite pearl, the Ye Ming Pearl. This Ye Ming Pearl was as big as a child's hand, and Sissy couldn't hold it. Ling Yun was speechless. Her daughter likes these broken stones?
Before he knew it, it was past two o'clock, and Ling Yun wasn't going to let her play anymore. He didn't care, the key was that Qianqian would wake up by herself tomorrow. She didn't have enough sleep, and her energy was not good. When she was about to go back...

"Papa, look, is that a dolphin?" The little guy pointed to the sea not far ahead and said.

The little guy has good eyesight, and under the dim light, he can still see a dolphin in the distance.

Ling Yun nodded, but it seemed to be dying, surrounded by blood, it must have been bitten, it seemed to be a big battle.

The little guy had never seen a dolphin before, and now he finally found one, so he said, "Papa, let's see if it's okay"

"Hey" Ling Yun sighed, his daughter is still too curious about these animals, is this a good thing?

"All right"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he moved to the side of the dolphin, and the little guy even reached out to stroke it, as if recalling the dolphin in the Ocean Mansion.

"It doesn't move, is it asleep?"

"Let me touch it." Ling Yun stretched out his precious hand, and a ray of holy light went down, and the dolphin jumped alive.

The dolphin is very spiritual, knowing that the people in front of it rescued it, it kept swimming around them, and even made a few moves, which made Sissy laugh out loud.

"Papa, let's take it home, shall we?" The little guy likes this dolphin so much that his eyes are starry.

Ling Yun "..."

"It can't be raised at home, the sea is its world"

"But..." The little guy curled his lips, she really wanted to keep it at home so that he could play with it every day.

"Let's play with it next time, the whole ocean is your paradise"

"Is it all Sissi's?" The little guy was extremely excited. He can play however he wants in the future?But will this be hers?

"Well, Dad gave you the whole ocean." Ling Yun patted her head and replied, it was just an ocean.


"This is a secret between you and your father, but you can't tell your mother, don't tell anyone, or your father won't bring you here in the future," Ling Yun said firmly.

"Can't you even say it?" The little guy was circling his fingers, feeling entangled in his heart.

"This is a secret, Sissy must be an honest child, otherwise Dad won't take you to play in the future"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Sissy immediately made up her mind, and quickly answered Ling Yun: "Sissy is a good girl, she will keep it a secret, I won't even tell Mama to buy ice cream for me." She said with a serious expression, so cute. no.

Ling Yun was amused: "Okay, we've had enough fun, it's time to go back to sleep, you can sleep in tomorrow."

"Are you leaving? Can't Papa take it away?" Qianqian still hoped that Ling Yun would say yes, but...

Ling Yun thought for a while and said: "Not now, you must be obedient and fulfill Dad's request well, I will consider it."

Sissy didn't feel disappointed when she heard it, she still looked at the dolphin with burning eyes, and hugged it back early in her heart.

After Sissy said goodbye to that dolphin, Ling Yun also left a mark on its body so that it would be easier to find it next time!

"Will Sissy close her eyes?"


The little guy watched Ling Yun carry her into the dark and deep hole, and when he came out again, it was his own bedroom. She just thought that this was the way to go to the sea just now, the little guy thought it was fun.

After returning to the villa, Sissy still refused to sleep. She was counting the things she found at the bottom of the sea, looking silly and laughing from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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