Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1432 Breaking the Blood Curse

Chapter 1432 Breaking the Blood Curse

Back then, the leader of the Five Elements took the initiative to find the Eastern God, and exchanged his life for the freedom of Grandma Qu. It turned out that Grandma Qu was imprisoned in Suolong Pagoda!
Dong Shenzun had no choice but to capture the leader of the Five Elements alive to prevent the latter from going crazy, so he agreed.

"Wu Xing, you can't touch her." Ling Yun sighed, and then put down his finger pointing at the leader of Wu Xing.

The Master of the Five Elements looked back at Grandma Qu in the deep pit. The latter was aging very quickly. She was in her 60s and [-]s, and she was still dying.

"She just fell into a demon and sold her soul. She was not like this before. For her life, I would like to trade my freedom again."

"It's not just a demon, she's got a blood curse, she was a little white dragon, but she's already a bloodthirsty demon dragon, if people from the dragon clan know about it, she will definitely die." Ling Yun replied truthfully.

Since it is a foregone conclusion, why change it... Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, but he was suffering from persistence.

"Then I'll trade my life for her, blood for blood, let me trade freedom again!" A determined look flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Five Elements.

"Enough is enough, Wu Xing, you are not qualified anymore, Dong Shenzun didn't pursue it, it's because he didn't know what he was doing, and I'm not the former God Lord, your freedom was given to Suolong Pagoda."

Ling Yun frowned and said, his eyes began to look at the deep pit, which made the leader of the Five Elements look panicked.

he knows!
If you can't impress the Supreme God, then everything will be irreparable.

"God's punishment fell, and the ashes disappeared! I'm afraid there will be no accidents this time." Ling Yun smiled strangely, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the black clouds were overwhelming the city, and everyone seemed to be breathless.

"I...I...I still have a secret, if the Taishang is willing, I can tell you!"

"Let's hear it."

God Punishment, who was supposed to land, hesitated, but Ling Yun wanted to hear some secrets, maybe it was worth trading.

The leader of the Five Elements exhaled, then looked at Ling Yun seriously, and said, "About the top ten artifacts in ancient times, the Medicine King Cauldron!"

He also tried a tentative tone, and didn't say anything later, which was a trick.

Ling Yun's face suddenly became serious, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly!
The God's Punishment in the sky split into pieces, turned into lightning bolts, and began to attack the Diya Black Legion on the Golden Road.

This move was obvious, the leader of the Five Elements was ecstatic when he saw this, and secretly thought that there was hope, that's right!

"The Medicine King Cauldron is in the ancient ruins, the Haotian Sword Sect!"

"It's almost certain!"

This is the answer Ling Yun most wanted to hear, and it was the same as the guess in his heart.

"It's definitely in the ancient ruins of Haotian Jianzong." The leader of the Five Elements confirmed it again, with a firm look in his eyes.

"What do you want, tell me!"

"I beg Lord Pluto to show kindness and save Qu Wanyan."

"Why do I think you made a lot of money in this deal?" Ling Yun smiled wryly.

Grandma Qu's face is not there at the moment, and the breath of life seems to be absent. It is tantamount to giving her a life, and she needs to help her clear the imprint of the blood curse in her body.

For this request, Ling Yun felt that he was at a loss, but for the sake of the accuracy of Yao Wang Ding, he agreed.

"If it's still not enough, I'm willing to pay the price of my life. I'm not afraid of death." The leader of the Five Elements said.

"Five Elements, your original Five Elements Sect canon, as the leader, you are not allowed to be emotional, why are you doing this?"

"Without love, life is not perfect, but I only want perfection. The Five Elements Teaching is gone forever, and there will be no fairy palace in the world."

"I hope that life can be perfect as you think."

"I'm sorry for her. It's my fault. I beg Lord Pluto to break the blood curse in her body." The leader of the Five Elements knelt down in front of Ling Yun.

"The blood curse... is a forbidden law of the demons. She obeyed the order of the Shengshi Auction. There is only one answer. Juetian belongs to the demons, right?"

Ling Yun stared coldly at the leader of the five elements, who trembled when he heard the words.

As Ling Yun said!

After the fairy palace was destroyed by Pluto, the Five Elements Sect was scattered, and he was ordered to accept his master's dying words and inherit the position of leader!
And Grandma Qu is his senior sister...

The two clearly love each other, but they can't be together because of the Five Elements Religion, and Grandma Qu can't accept it.

Suddenly one day, she went on a killing spree, and there was a man standing behind her, that is the Juetian Great Emperor of Shengshi Auction!
The Five Elements Sect, which was already torn apart, was defeated, and the leader of the Five Elements Sect was left dead!
The blood curse in Grandma Qu's body is the masterpiece of Emperor Juetian, and she is also the one who willingly fell and became Emperor Juetian.

In that battle, the leader of the Five Elements knew everything, that is, Emperor Juetian turned into a demon clan, so powerful that it was unimaginable.


He couldn't tell this secret. Emperor Juetian threatened the leader of the Five Elements with the life of Grandma Qu. Although the latter was invincible, he could still escape.

The identity of Juetian Great Emperor, a demon clan, is well kept secret, so in the former Twelve Domains, the Shengshi Auction was very popular, and no matter how many people would give it enough face.

But later, due to the influence of the blood curse, Grandma Qu was locked in the Suolong Pagoda by the gods of the God Realm.

The leader of the Five Elements was infatuated and couldn't bear the torture of Grandma Qu inside, so he found the Eastern God, who then imprisoned the leader of the Five Elements and released Grandma Qu.

Ling Yun hooked his fingers towards the deep pit, and Grandma Qu's body rose slowly, exuding a burst of blood, and the blood curse in her body was raging.


A wave of fingertips passed by, and Grandma Qu's body made a sizzling sound, as if being shocked by an electric shock, and the air around her exploded.

The leader of the Five Elements was trembling with excitement, he had waited too long for this moment...

This is not a dream, it is real, the powerful blood curse of the Demon Race was broken by Pluto's finger, the Emperor Juetian knew he would vomit blood.

In fact!
In the headquarters of the Shengshi Auction, the great emperor Juetian, who was practicing in seclusion, spat out a mouthful of blood, with endless killing intent in his solemn face.

"Damn it, who broke the blood curse of this emperor? Could it be the senior of my demon clan?"

"It's so hateful. Didn't the Scarlet Blood team go to the middle of the Imperial Realm for three days? Why Xiaoqu's blood curse was broken, who can tell me why."

Emperor Juetian did not suspect that Pluto made the move...

the first!

The blood curse is a forbidden method that very few of their demons know, and Pluto is not a demon, so he will not know what the blood curse is.


The Scarlet Blood team he sent was not an enemy of Pluto, so even if the latter would break, it would not be so troublesome.

Grandma Qu returned to normal in just over three minutes, her face was rosy, and her face gradually returned to youthful beauty.

The leader of the Five Elements walked towards Grandma Qu step by step, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and kept calling Wanyan in a low voice?

(End of this chapter)

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