Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1433 Awakening the Bloodline

Chapter 1433 Awakening the Bloodline

Grandma Qu opened her clear eyes slightly, and saw a familiar face at first sight!


She was in a state of amnesia before, she couldn't remember anything, all of this was caused by Ling Yun's help!

The memory that stayed in her mind was only at the beginning when she knew that the Master of the Five Elements had inherited the Five Elements Sect, and what happened later was almost like a dream occasionally.

"Wanyan...don't call me junior brother..."

The leader of the Five Elements laughed through his tears, and he could see the appearance of this extremely caring person, full of happiness.

Grandma Qu smiled, stretched out her hands, and greeted the leader of the Five Elements, just forget about it if you are unhappy.

A thousand words are in this hug!
"Aha, you are so shy."

The little guy was watching the two hugging and kissing. She was smiling and covering her eyes to peek.

There are three white cranes behind her, they have been tamed by the little guy, they don't eat meat, they eat grass instead!

The three elders from the Immortal Palace almost dropped their jaws. They knew the temper of the three holy beasts, the white cranes, and they were bought off like this. It was so irritating.

At this time, the little guy and Beibei came running, and they all wanted to drag Ling Yun.

The martial arts in the sky are flying everywhere, so they are also afraid of getting hurt, and they only feel that hiding under Ling Yun's feet is the safest.

Maid Yin came over with a smile. She had avenged her revenge, and she was very grateful to Ling Yun and Bei Bei.

"Little princess, this is your divine sword and gourd. Thank you so much. I can't repay you for this kindness."

"You are welcome."

Beibei smiled happily, feeling that helping others is a kind of happiness.

"Your revenge is just a little bit of revenge, and part of the Red Blood team died, and let Red Blood get away with it." Ling Yun said.

"How can I say that my enemy is not the Scarlet Blood Team?" Maid Yin suddenly widened her eyes, with a puzzled expression on her face, she could hear something in Ling Yun's words.

"Your name is Yin?"

At this time, the leader of the Five Elements brought the somewhat shy Grandma Qu over.

The little guy and Beibei stared wide-eyed, who is this beautiful young lady?They didn't recognize each other.

Maid Yin still had an incredulous look on her face when she saw Grandma Qu. She didn't understand what happened here just now. Didn't Grandma Qu die?Even if you don't die, you are still dying. At this moment...

The person in front of her could not be Grandma Qu's sister, she really doubted it.

" surname is Yin!"

"The Yin family of the last three days, you don't know the secret, the blood of the ancient Yin family is powerful, it is the blood of the Asura God of War." The leader of the Five Elements said!

"Why haven't I heard of it, and why haven't I?" Maid Yin frowned, wondering whether she should believe the words of the leader of the Five Elements.

The bloodline of the Asura God of War was too powerful to dominate one side in ancient times, so it attracted jealousy and was almost driven out.

The remaining clansmen with impure blood fled for the last three days, and changed their family names. That is the current Yin family!

Knowing that her family has such a powerful bloodline, Maid Yin suddenly lost her mind, and everything can be explained.

The reason why their family was wiped out by the Scarlet Blood Team was that Emperor Jue Tian wanted to plunder the power of the bloodline, Ling Yun seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The leader of the Five Elements said: "The Great Emperor Juetian has plundered the other three bloodlines in the former Twelve Realms, leaving only the power of the dragon!"

He boldly guessed that the reason Chixue had to go was the next step, Emperor Juetian was going to seek the power of the dragon!
"It turns out that my enemy is him, hateful!" Maid Yin clenched her fists tightly, she hated herself for not having the strength to challenge Jue Tian Great Emperor.

"Papa, Sister Yin is so pitiful. She has no father or mother since she was a child, so you can help her." The little guy was also quite angry when he heard that, and his little mouth pouted.

Facing the little guy's coquettishness, Ling Yun could not stop smiling wryly!
"Okay, have the most sense of justice." Ling Yun rubbed the little guy's head rather amusedly, and the latter smiled gratifiedly.

Beibei coughed twice, and said with a smile on her face: "Listen up, everyone, I, Shuai Shushu, want to eliminate harm for the people, and I'm going to act like a bully... ah bah... no, I'm going to show off my skills, what kind of fight... what kind of day... nothing. "

Ling Yun: "..."

When did he say that Beibei is too good at cheating people? The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched fiercely. Why does this kid like cheating him?


Plus the little guy is acting like a baby, what Ling Yun can do, he can only listen to them.

"The power of your bloodline is too low, and there is almost no inheritance up to now!!" Ling Yun Powang knew everything in front of his eyes.

"It's normal!" Grandma Qu said, she returned to her original nature, and her words were very gentle.

"That's fine, Miss Yin, I'll be kind."

The power of the bloodline is weak, as long as it is there, it is not a problem for Ling Yun.

The little guy shook his head, and said in a milky voice, "No...Papa is wrong, it's to help others."

"Hahaha... well, it's for helping others." Ling Yun laughed heartily.


Under the eyes of everyone, Ling Yun pressed Maid Yin's head, and the latter had no power to resist, as if she had been frightened stupid.

Accompanied by great pain, his face was dripping with sweat.

The little guy covered his eyes and shook his head, the goosebumps on his arms were about to rise, and he was shivering hard!

Beibei didn't feel anything, just watched eagerly, without blinking.

Queen Yaoyue swallowed her saliva, she knew that this was the blood of Shura God of War resuscitating Maid Yin's body, and wondered to herself what kind of trickery this was.

Grandma Qu trembled. After she woke up, she felt that Ling Yun was very familiar. She had seen it there before, but now that she remembered it, she was the King of Pluto!
The leader of the Five Elements was also shocked by Ling Yun's move, his mouth was opened wide, his expression was the same as that of Fairy Leng.

At this moment Ling Yun let go of his hand, but Maid Yin's pain didn't decrease at all, and the blood radiating from her body almost went straight to the sky, which was very spectacular.

The strange scene caused everyone to stop fighting. They all looked towards this side, and their faces became serious.

And the president of the sheep who just came over looked excited, isn't this the god they believe in!

"Hold on." The Master of the Five Elements shouted for her from the side!

Ling Yun said: "Get over it, everything is worth it, I can only help you here."

The little guy curled his lips, what do you mean can only help here, the holy light has not been released!
Queen Yaoyue is also cheering for Maid Yin, Ling Yun is right, if you get over it, the power of your bloodline will awaken, and it will become very powerful at that time.

Three minutes later, Maid Yin had been completely reborn, her whole body was full of the power of awakened blood, and she could crush the air when she walked.

"Wow... It's become so exciting." The little guy showed two rows of teeth, and slapped his little palm in excitement.

"I...this did this happen?" Maid Yin's whole demeanor changed, and her eyes were sharp again. She was shocked beyond description when she looked at the lines on her arms!
(End of this chapter)

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