Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1439 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 1439 Reaction of the Parties
The little guy even put on the crown that the Yaoyue Queen placed next to the seat. Although the size is not suitable, it still looks good.

Seeing this, Beibei patted her little hands for joy, and said in a milky voice: "Hahaha, my sister will be the queen from now on."

Empress Yaoyue smiled and said, "Sissi, being an empress is exhausting."

"I'm not afraid! Aunt Yao, let me take your seat in the future, and you will take care of yourself at home. I will make money... earn a lot of money to support you." The appearance of an old man.

"Well, when you are able to find a real lady's piano in the future, I will pass on the throne to you." The Yaoyue Queen smiled enchantingly, she loved the little guy very much, and even pinched the latter's tender cheeks.

There has always been a legend in her family that only those who are worthy of owning a lady's piano can become domain masters. At that time, she was recognized by the fake lady's piano, so her name was justified!
lady violin?
Isn't it in her hands? The little guy was very excited all of a sudden, standing on the throne and dancing, the Queen Yaoyue didn't know what she was going to do, and the whole person jumped on the throne.

"Sissy, be quiet." Ling Yun had to remind her aloud, really worried that she would speak out.

It's not very good to take out the real lady's piano at this moment, the whole imperial domain will give Empress Yaoyue a headache first, because Diya is watching her like a tiger!

What's more, the little guy is not enough to take charge of the entire imperial domain. Even if Queen Yaoyue passes on the throne to her, everyone is still quite unconvinced.

The most important thing is to establish her prestige, otherwise, everyone will treat her as a paper tiger and ignore her casually. What's the point of having a queen.

"You have to work hard to find it in the future!" Queen Yaoyue smiled sweetly!
The little guy didn't say anything after hearing what Ling Yun said, his head nodded slightly.

The world will meet!
During the three days when the news came out, the members of the Tianxiahui were shocked when they heard the news that the three presidents of Snake, Mouse and Dog were killed, and that the president of Yanglong was seriously injured and detained.

They will be the new sects of the new seven great domains, and they are super overlords in the entire universe, not something like the Star Palace.

From its establishment until now, not many people dared to provoke their Tianxiahui, but now someone dared to provoke him like this.

To kill three of them and capture two of them alive is simply a provocation and an insult to the Chi Guoguo of the World Council.

For a moment, the whole world was furious, and everyone was outraged by this, and threatened to kill Queen Yaoyue.

Poor they don't know that it is Ling Yun, the belief in their hearts, the powerful Pluto personally ended them.

As the president, Jue Wuxin said to his subordinates: "You follow me, go to the Imperial Realm, save the old dragon and the old dog, and make a fuss for three days!"

"Follow the president's arrangement!"

There are so many masters in the Tianxiahui, besides the twelfth guild leader, there are also some casual cultivators who joined in, each of them is the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor, proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts, which cannot be underestimated.

but!The only female beauty among the twelve presidents, the Immortal Emperor, frowned slightly!
President Rabbit said: "I heard that Pluto appeared in three days, and the emperor's army was wiped out by him. I don't know if this is true."

If it is true, why did the five presidents stay in the middle for three days but were not saved?This is the doubt in her heart.

"Little Bunny's words are justified!" President Chicken frowned and said!

He also felt that this matter was not easy!
Jue Wuxin said coldly: "Regardless of whether it is true or not, when will our world be provoked like this? Whether Pluto is here or not, I will decide in three days."

He tried his best to reject the rumors and insisted on going to the school for three days! ! !
If Pluto is there, then he will forcibly awaken the latter's sleeping demon nature, kill the little princess, wake Pluto up, and rule the twelve domains!

If Pluto is not around, then that stinky girl, Yaoyue Queen, should know that the world will be an existence she will never be able to offend.

Afterwards, Jue Wuxin, who was full of murderous aura, led the five presidents of tiger, monkey, pig, horse, and cow, and more than 100 immortal emperor casual cultivators set off immediately.

The remaining two presidents, rabbit and chicken, stayed at the headquarters!

It never occurred to him that this trip would never return, and the other presidents would be killed! !

And the Great Emperor Juetian who was at the headquarters of the Shengshi Auction was equally angry, with cold killing intent gleaming in his eyes!
All of his Red Blood team were dead, not a single one was left, and the three-day deployment was ruined. Qu Wanyan was deemed a traitor!

The rickety old man, Elder Feng and several subordinates who were in the middle three days at that time were all killed in battle, and none of them survived!

"Pluto, you forced me. You have always forced me. We, the demons, are at odds with you. Wash your neck and let me wait."

The great emperor Juetian was full of murderous aura, and his muscles rolled all over his face, which made the world look pale, but he still had reason and didn't immediately look for trouble with Pluto.

Holy area!

Diya stood by a tree and looked up at the starry sky. He heard part of what his subordinates said, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

He sensed it before the golden avenue was cut off, knowing that the Black Legion never came back and did not rescue them again.

"This chasing battle has just begun, Taishang, do you think you will win the game between us!"

There was an evil smile on the corner of Di Ya's mouth, and a coldness flickered in his eyes.

He had just finished laughing when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!
Xie Wang Zhenyan said directly: "Di Ya, you still don't want to mess with him, you don't understand what he represents."

"The True Eye of the Evil King? What are you doing here!" Di Ya frowned slightly, gritted his teeth and continued: "He and I are destined to be old enemies. In this world, if there is him without me, if there is me without him, you don't understand."

"It's because you don't understand, he is not in the same era as you, and you will never know his horror." Xie Wang Zhenyan reminded.

"Oh... not necessarily, he is nothing more than that!"

Di Ya shook his head. As the mastermind behind the last war in the God Realm, he had already experienced it, and he didn't think that Taishen Jun was so strong, and he was sure to win a battle against him head-on.

"It's too late to stop now, or your father Di Longyuan won't be able to save you!" Xie Wang Zhenyan said in a heavy tone, with a serious expression on his face.

"I don't need him to save me. I can strategize and win thousands of miles. I am better than him. This emperor already has the domain of the gods, and the remaining six domains will be mine. Pluto is my stumbling block. I don't feel at ease if he doesn't die."

"He is... yes... hey... forget it... In short, this king has said everything that should be said. Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, take care of yourself."

Xie Wang Zhenyan sighed, he knew that Diya would not stop, even if he told the latter the true identity of the ancient Pluto, it would only make Diya fear, but it was useless, stimulating the latter's contention Be competitive.

(End of this chapter)

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