Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1440 Buddha Fate Pavilion

Chapter 1440 Buddha Fate Pavilion

"What instructions does my father have?" Diya asked.

" know, this king has been out for a long time!" Xie Wang Zhenyan leaned his back against the tree trunk and replied lazily, playing with a leaf in his hand.

"I found out the news about the ghost bead for you. The Pisces Monarch knows everything." A smile appeared on the corner of Di Ya's mouth.

"But... he died! He died on Ghost Island."

The first time the evil king's true eyes came out was to look for the Pisces Lord, but he heard that the Pisces Lord sent troops to Ghost Island, and no one survived!

"Sometimes what you hear may not be true."


Xie Wang Zhenyan frowned!
"This emperor suggests that you go to Ghost Island in person, and you will definitely gain something." Di Ya's eyes flickered.

Xie Wang Zhenyan nodded, and then immediately went to Ghost Island, ready to find out.

Last three days!
After the little guy enjoyed enough of the joy of being on the throne, he followed Queen Yaoyue to visit her huge and luxurious palace.

The entire palace was surrounded by formations, and Ling Yun was quite satisfied. Visually, these formations were very strong, and it would be absolutely safe to stay inside if they did not suffer serious injuries.

After visiting the part, Queen Yaoyue even cooks in person, entertaining Ling Yun and the others so well that the little guy is reluctant to leave Queen Yaoyue's embrace.

There are more restraints in the palace, the little guy doesn't like it, he wants to go out and have a look, go to the imperial city, once she acts like a baby, Queen Yaoyue of course agrees.

Queen Yaoyue changed into plain clothes, and then led the two of them out happily, while Ling Yun followed helplessly.

"Aunt Yao, here... let's go here and have a look."

The little guy was walking on the street and pointed to the Foyuan Pavilion not far away!

"Sell some Buddhist mantras, what's so good about Buddhist products."

"No, no... just go in and have a look."

Unable to bear the little guy's persistence, Queen Yaoyue could only take them in.

As soon as I entered, I heard the sound of wooden fish beating!

"Amitabha, several benefactors please come in quickly."

A master in the store suddenly raised his eyes with a smile and looked outside the store.


He looked excited, as if he had found a lost relative!
"Little princess... Lord Emperor..."

This person is Monk Shura!

Ling Yun was also surprised when he saw him. Isn't Monk Shura in the Awakening Temple in the God Realm? Why did he stay in the Imperial Realm for three days and even opened a Buddha Fate Pavilion.

"Aha, it's's you...I remember you!" The little guy ran up immediately, and had some impression of Monk Shura, but he didn't know his name, so he could only blink his eyes.

"Hahaha, it's the little monk... the little monk has met the emperor, the two lovely little princesses, and the queen's benefactor." Monk Shura clasped his hands together and walked all the way!

Queen Yaoyue was also very surprised that this shop was actually opened by an acquaintance.

Beibei said: "So it's the big bald uncle, now it's fun."

She had already run in, and stood beside the huge wooden fish, then picked up the wooden stick, and pounded on it.

The little guy followed, first looking around, and then listening to the sound of Beibei beating the wooden fish, which made her feel empty.

Ling Yun said, "Sura, why are you here?"

Monk Shura smiled wryly, and then said Amitabha: "After the Great War in the God Realm, unknown forces attacked my little Awakening Temple. The little monk and a few juniors were defeated and were forced to leave."


Monk Shura, Master Xuankong, and Master Xuanzhen are all very powerful, so why are they invincible?

Seeing the doubts on Ling Yun's face, Monk Shura said: "We monks don't want to kill too much, so let them, it's just a temple of enlightenment, it's the same wherever we go."

Having said that, Ling Yun always felt that this was not the case, so Monk Shura quickly changed the subject again!

"Your Majesty, you should think about the beings in the God Realm. You shouldn't relinquish the position of God Lord willfully. Now the whereabouts of the seven God Venerables are even more unknown. The God Realm has been regarded as a possession by Di Ya."

"where are they?"

Ling Yun was still a little worried about the seven old men in the God Realm.

"Where does the little monk know?"

For a moment, Monk Shura was embarrassed. He just said that the whereabouts of the deities are unknown. The Supreme God must be distracted.

Queen Yaoyue said: "If you want to know, I can help you find someone to search for. I guess that something must have happened to them, otherwise they wouldn't have shown up for so long and left the God Realm alone."

"Let them go first, I don't have time now." Ling Yun really didn't have time, he was going to the ancient ruins of Haotian Sword Sect to find the Medicine King Cauldron.

Monk Shura shook his head, clasped his hands together, and called Amitabha, indicating that he was helpless.

A group of people moved to the tea table on the side and started chatting.

At this moment.

A customer came outside the store, he was an old man, tall and thin.

"Monk, monk..."

As soon as he arrived, he started to shout at Monk Shura, who shook his head and didn't stand up to greet him, but just opened his mouth lightly, letting the old man look at him casually.

The old man smiled and was not polite, and then he really looked at it in the store.

Beibei became a shopping guide with a smile on her face, especially the little guy, and said in a childlike voice that she is the big boss, and if the old man is optimistic about something, just tell her.

The old man rolled his eyes, boss?What a ghost he believes!

"Kid, don't brag, what's the use of this Buddha seal?"

yo yo...

This is to test her!

The little guy scratched his head, and immediately opened his eyes to destroy delusion, and he knew the answer immediately.


"There are two brushes." The old man was a little surprised.

"Sure, I'm the boss." The little guy put his hands on his hips and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees.

"This old man has taken a fancy to it, how many spirit stones do you say?"

The old man ordered a string of Buddhist beads on the counter. The Buddhist beads gave him a very different feeling, and they must have a lot of origins.

Beibei said: "Grandpa, are you sure you want this?"

"Sure, what's the problem?" The old man had some doubts in his heart.

"Aha, you've made a lot of money, let me tell you, it's a treasure." The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, she wasn't lying, this string of beads has an extraordinary history!

It is the magic weapon of Master Xuanzhen!
Since I can no longer eat vegetarian food, I can only sell it!
The old man's eyes lit up immediately, and he took a peek at Monk Shura, only to find that the latter hadn't looked over, and then his eyes flashed brightly!
"Hey... What are you earning? It's all rubbish. I just like it, otherwise I wouldn't want it." The old man looked at it with disdain.

Beibei said: "Oh...that's it, this string of Buddhist beads can subdue demons and eliminate demons, one can kill a demon king."

Is it that awesome?The corner of the old man's mouth twitched!
Demon King?

Brag it!

The Demon King is the most powerful one in the Demon Clan. He certainly does not believe that a Buddhist bead can have such power.

(End of this chapter)

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